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Posts posted by Sess1on

  1. Since the tournament didn't turn out as planned why don't we just offer up member-only pick-up games on Fridays, Saturdays and/or Sundays? When we played the first (and only) match I thought this would be a much better idea considering the amount of regulars on anyways. We can simply message people to find out whose available/interested in playing an 8v8 or 6v6 or whatever that night and find an admin interested in moderating/setting up the PUG. Once everyone joins up we can scramble until everyone is happy and there we go. No more having to work around people schedules or finding the best time for everyone. No, if you're on and want to play cool let's get a game going.


    Essientially what we're doing is offering up a smoother, more fun, and more intense match by removing all the crap that happens on the public server - no griefing, no noobs, and not having to worry about members joining up half-way through and drastically affecting team balance. Basically we get rid of everything that can usually ruin an entire match on the public server.


    We could even having weekly forum posts listing a specifc date and time in which members are interested in getting a game going and whoever is down/available should post in it. Maybe even have captains who make teams from those interested. Either way I'm hoping this can be a regular event as the Team A vs Team E match was incredibly fun and we have so many members now that this is very a very do-able thing. To get this started GC should create a members-only GC L4D2 specifically for members interseting in PUGs. That way we can easily send out notifactions to everyone in that group at one time that we're trying to get a game going.

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  2. If you make no attempt at any form of communication or learning how the core gameplay on the server works you will not get far. GC's L4D is a highly competive and extremely fun server (obviously, look at the amount of members we have and the amount of people that play on a regular basis). However, the unfortunate truth of L4D and our server is that ONE SINGLE PERSON can destroy an entire campaign. It's no fun babysitting someone who doesn't care enough to ask a simple question and then typically leaves after they die anyway.


    The reason our server is popular is because it's a competive environment. Ask any regular whose been around for over a month and they'll tell you how awful a game can get with noobs who make no attempt to learn. So if you're new but want to learn that's cool we'll all help you out but if you don't you're just making it a bad time for yourself and everyone in the server.


    the learning curve is not steep

    Yes it is. We have long-time regulars/members who still don't understand very basic aspects of the server's gameplay. They make the exact same mistakes at the exact same spots every time despite dozens of regulars constantly reminding them each and every game.

    • Like 1
  3. So let me get this straight. Because one butthurt member who rarely ever plays on the server got mad and demanded things to change simply because THEY didn't like it and now everyone just suddenly caves to their demands? This is an online gaming server for crying out loud not some classroom. Yes, of course there's rules but we are here to have fun and I'd say 98% of all regulars would agree with me that NOTHING was wrong with how the server was run and how the admins were doing their job. So why then all the changes? No talpa challenge, no Arnold soundboard, no admin fun. And for what? So one member could be happy?


    Let me just point out that for the year or so I've been apart of GC and played here the GC L4D2 server has NEVER BEEN SO DAMN POPULAR AS IT IS NOW. Seriously, most nights the server is COMPLETELY filled with members and it's a great time for everyone. If this was such a huge problem I don't think we'd have so many new members and regulars throwing money at the GC like they are right now.


    I don't know who decided to take the fun out of the server but I really think you need to re-evaluate that decision.

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  4. I agree, I can't stand people that just hog the spec slots. This has come up numerous times too and here are the main excuses:

    1. "But I want to wait until the rounds over!" Cool. Leave and come back when the rounds over. It's not like you're going to lose your spot; you're a member. Not everyone likes/has the time to wait around like you.
    2. "But I like watching!" That's cool, as long as you're the only one in spec. But if there's two of you it's not cool.
    3. "But I don't like my team and pretending to go AFK for five minutes then comeback and hopefully stack on the winning team!" This has been really popular recently. You guys aren't fooling anyone.
    4. "But I'll just be back in a minute!" Okay, then leave. You're a member and won't have any trouble rejoining unless people are holding spec slots.

    I'm not going to name drop but there are few members that FREQUENTLY hold BOTH spec slots subsequently rendering auto-kick feature for memebers useless. I don't know how many more times this has to pop up before somethings done about it.

  5. 15 dollars = 2 cheap lunches = 3 starbucks drinks = 1 drink at the bar = 12 pack of stellas




    I do not want to wait 30 mins to get in and play when my playing schedule is only 2 hours.

    I gotta agree. There's a reason people buy a membership. Our donations/memberships helps pay for the server. Non-members contribute nothing. If you're not a memeber then this is really a useless argument. Why are we even disucssing this?


    On a side note, I know some people like to wait until the round is over but IF THERES TWO OF YOU IN SPEC ONE NEEDS TO JOIN UP OR LEAVE. Not everyone follows your "end-of-the-round" idealogy and you're just hogging spec slots and essentially counter-acting the system Jackie added. Like SK said, some people only have a limited window to play and if it's 22/22 because two members are holding a slot that screws every other paying memeber who wants to play.

  6. On a side note, could you remove Swamp Fever from the rotation, nobody likes it, it has that cheap glitch where no one can spawn at the dock until the event is over. It doesn't happen every time but when it does, everyone gets a little mad.

    Besides admins usually change it if they're on and if enough players agree to change it, which happens most of the time.

    Yes, please. Nothing clears the server out faster than Swamp.

  7. Since the GC server has a bit of a learning curve I thought I'd throw together some helpful hints/tips/advice for those who are new. A lot of this stuff you would normally learn the hard way but for the sake of everyone please try and follow these guidelines when playing:


    As Survivors

    • SPAWN BLOCK!!! If there's anything you take from this post is to properly SPAWN BLOCK. If you're in a room with another person you're not doing it right. If you're standing next to someone getting picked up you're not doing it right. Far to often do I have a group of teammates grouped-up while the infected repeatedly hits them.
      • A GOOD RULE OF THUMB: When you're a surivor think of spawn blocking as if you were on infected team. "If I was infected and wanted to charge this huddled grouped of survivors where would I spawn? Hmm this empty closet would be a good place." Then proceed to block that spot.

      [*]If you're new and still learning the ropes STAY IN THE MIDDLE OR FRONT OF THE GROUP. The back of the pack is the hardest part of the group and should only be filled by competent players/regulars.

      [*]IF YOU'RE DEAD be ready to send points to those who need it and/or just send them to one of the few people left alive (perferably a main).

      [*]IF YOU'RE INCAPPED you need to immediately and repeatedly ask for points using the !np command. I can't stress this enough.

      [*]IF YOU DON'T LISTEN to your team you will most likely be left behind.

      [*]BE AWARE OF WHATS HAPPENING AROUND YOU! If you're looking in one direction for more than five seconds you're doing it wrong. I can't count how many times other players have been oblivoius to infected attacking a teammater right behind/next to them.

      [*]IF YOU HAVE A MEDKIT CONSTANTLY CHECK TEAMMATES HEALTH! Healing often is the best way to avoid group incaps and teammates shouldn't have to be asking for heals.

      [*]DON'T HEAL SOMEONE IN THE OPEN! If you're going to heal someone be very aware of the location. Try and do it underneath something or out of harms way.

      [*]If you notice the back is having a dfficult time GO BACK AND HELP THEM.

    As Infected

    • DON'T HOG A CLASS! Use it or lose it.
    • SPIT AND DIE! This isn't a rule but one of the most crucial things you can do as infected. By the time you “recharge” your spit three other people could have spit and at certain choke points that can make or break an entire round.
    • CHARGE BEFORE SPIT! At any choke point the charger/spitter combo is deadly but at times not everyone can spawn. So if you have a choice to be a charger or spitter be the charger because it can buy a short amount of time so others can spawn. Spitters can't stop them, chargers can.
    • IF YOU'RE A TANK AND DON'T WANT TO BE type !afk and then type !jointeam and it will pass it to someone else.
    • IF YOU'RE A TANK don't ever chase or focus on one survivor. Chances are when you're screwing around with the one person the rest of the team is picking up its incaps.

    General Tips

    • Left 4 Dead is a series where every single player is a crucial compenent to the team. If one messes up/doesn't listen is greatly affects everyone else.
    • REMEMBER it's not how many good players you have it's how many bad ones you have.
    • If you don't make an effort to learn you probably won't last long on the server.
    • LISTEN to other regulars/players.
    • The GC server is very compettive, don't take what others say personally.
    • Don't be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to other regulars/players.
    • COMMUNICATE! You don't need a microphone (although you really should) to talk with your team.

    These are a just a few off the top of my head so if any other regulars want to add just post them. I will update this as more useful things come to mind.

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