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Posts posted by Hailfire

  1. One of them things where no matter how you slice it there will be no clear victor.


    And besides, neither superhero in general "kills" the bad guy.


    But if you really want to know. Straight up brawl fight no toys or gadgets , if superman has his powers he would win easy.

    If Batman has time to prepare and is ready for the fight with his gadgets and whatnots, he would win.

  2. A vote is fine, and I would not have a problem with a delay on /home after taking damage (to prevent it from being the "O Crap" button). I like /home because the minecraft world is so massive, kind of like the hearthstone in world of warcraft, it would be nice to be able to go ahead and return to your "base of operations" type thing without having to run back over the exact same area you just ran to get back to exactly where you knew you were gonna end up.

    • Like 1
  3. Although I'd be fine with it if it was only available after 5 seconds of not taking damage, or when enemies aren't around, or something like that.


    I'd love to have /home back , Hate when i get halfway down my mineshaft just to have to turn around and run back because I forgot torches or something. I'd be fine with a few seconds of no damage, but would be tricky with no enemies around because they might just be in a hole in the ground somewhere no threat to you, but preventing you from teleporting just because they are there.


    I think the few seconds (3-5) of no damage before teleporting would be the best compromise for both who want it and who don't.


    While claims can be kind of annoying, it does help protect projects and areas from coming to any damage( intentional or not).

  4. if you click the start button and type %appdata% a folder called "roaming" should pop up. Inside the roaming folder you will find the .minecraft folder. That is the main directory for minecraft, so deleting that and reinstalling the new client(1.6.2) should allow you to re-enter your e-mail/login. That, of course, will not fix any issues you are having with registering your minecraft account. Double check your e-mail and see if you got a confirmation e-mail, you might not have confirmed or something simple. If that doesnt work, you will need to contact minecraft support inorder for them to active your account.

  5. Like Kit said we could kill it, then reset then end and do it all over again. I don't think thats gonna happen because I figure shortly after killing the dragon someone is going to start rebuilding an endermen farm.

  6. I hold no ill will toward chick, but the signs did read a bit like "Hey I'm moving my mall here so you gotta move let me know if you need help." Which is kinda shady, Anyone would be slightly upset if they were to walk into there place with an inventory full of stuff with signs like that waiting for them. But to be fair you get virtually no room to type on little signs so you have to keep it short and sweet. It was just a case of bad timing on both our part (we both scouted the same area at the same time) and lack of good wording. Its done, its over, let it go.

  7. I don't mind moving,it was a mining location anyway, and it is an infinite map. Just kinda strange to find signs in your new place saying "hey, move."


    Cat : I think we found it about the same time.




    I Will stil take the help moving if you happen to be on at the time though :)

  8. I actually don't mind moving. just moved and kinda started to get that place "setup".So im in the unpacking process not to hard to move again...And next time I wish you would have put some torches out or something to let people know "build at your own risk" kinda thing.

  9. An option would be to transfer builds/delete 95% of the chunks so people can wrap up what they want to finish and have a new map (save nothing) in 1.7 (since we all know it takes several months before 1.7 will be released). With 1.7 simply transfer builds to the creative world for people who want to save them.


    Also, if we do create a new map and transfer old projects over, are we going to place them around spawn or push them way back away?

    • Like 1
  10. I'm down for starting a new map in 1.6, cause it usually takes quite some time before new releases. As long as we can save peoples builds who want to and edit them in as needed. One of best parts for me in minecraft is starting from scratch, using what I learned from previous builds and enhance it from there.

    • Like 1
  11. Sorry that was me changing night to day... Only while I was getting started. I've started over too many times in Minecraft to lose everything again. No more time changes though, I just wanted some shelter before the creepers came out to play.

    It did not effect me one way or the other I was underground, infact I kinda miss the /vote daytime :)



    And this map has not been in my favor.

    Lost :

    eff 3, unbreaking 4, pickaxe = 2

    Eff 3 , unbreaking 4, fortune 2 = 1

    eff 3, unbreak 4, fortune 3 = 1

    and a lot of other good stuff :(


    Watch the lava... it seems to hunt you down...

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