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Posts posted by DihydrogenMonoxide

  1. The tank counter is definitely cool. Especially when you survive! But what if a team buys a witch farm? Wouldn't it be cool to know how many witches were bought? In a game tonight we bought 25+ witches. If we add a counter it should be the number of witches bought, not killed; since many times they don't startle every witch.

    • Like 1
  2. Paro - That can certainly be done! In fact, I'm 95% sure it's already implemented into the source code of the plugin. The HUD just has to be enabled in the CVARs. And it looks almost exactly like what jerkoff posted. I use this plugin on my server too.

    1. Spitter (2/5)

  3. Clown hords would be pretty fun. You could always just make them cost more. Rather than having a witch farm, have a Jimmy Gibbs Junior fan festival.

  4. So I went to join today, mainly so I could be on the server more often to make fun of jackies coding. And I thought, what can they do for me? So I've decided, Jackie I'll give you my hard earned $15 if you let me have my own hat, and set it so no one else can use it.

  5. Here's the console log, which happened over about 20 seconds. What happened was I joined and took a guys spot who had rushed ahead, and then I got banned.



    Player <Dihydrogen_Monoxide> <STEAM_1:1:31342059> connected from country United States

    Receiving uncompressed update from server

    Player M0untain D3w <STEAM_1:1:38367289> has left the game

    [GC] Untouchable achievement failed!

    fam : !points

    Lookback : hi Mono

    fam : !points

    [GC] <Dihydrogen_Monoxide> died! There are 9 Survivors left!

    [GC] Sadly, you died. You have 0 points

    <Dihydrogen_Monoxide> : hey baby!

    [GC] Tanks alive: 2/3

    Malo : !tp

    fam : !points

    (Survivor) DC : !vortekic

    (Survivor) DC : !votekick

    [GC] Tanks alive: 1/3

    fam : !points

    [VOTE] DC is starting a Kick Vote against <Dihydrogen_Monoxide>.

    Player violence Jack <STEAM_1:0:13907017> connected from country United States


    DC : stay with team


    EDIT: DC Kicked me.

    on the server was Look, got your 6, and locust.

  6. Hahaha!!! Could I get one that looks like the lead singer from paramore? If so, Jackie, seriously, code me in so I'm here everytime.


    Edit: Just added that mod to my server as well.

  7. So all of the character groups in the game look the same, right?


    Lately I've been noticing the what ever character I am appears to be much more attractive than the rest. Better hair, more toned abs (except coach), whiter teeth.... Just all around more beautiful. At first I thought it was my imagination, but now I've realized the truth.

    Your server has the hots for me.

    I know, it may be tough to swallow. A computer having feelings for a human? It's true. Some times the server and I stay up late into the night communicating. We can easily talk for hours. One time, I even got it to order pizza for me. Some may think I'm just in a relationship with it because it's so slow, old, outdated, and may die soon; and they think I'm with it so I can get all the parts. But I promise you I'm no Anna Nicole Smith. So to all you haters, non-believers, and truth seekers; I say raise your glasses, kiss our butts, and lets go f up some zombies.

    • Like 1
  8. Since we have so many rounds that go upwords of 20 and even 30 minuetes. This thread will be dedicated to rounds that have gone extremely quick. Here's a starting point.


    Dead Center - Finale


  9. I've seen it done before on my own server by someone setting their lerp to over a second. The client would think they weren't in sight allowing them to spawn, which is why it doesn't show up in the server logs. The plugin is here http://forums.allied...&highlight=lerp that tracks lerp and allows you to set a maximum. I don't know if anyone else does but I normally lower my lerp to 66ms.

  10. I know we've talked about decreasing the amount of revives per round, but it's nice being able to revive people if they're way in the back. It helps create an opertunity for less talented players to get a more enjoyable experience. On the other hand 3 respawns makes a lot more work for the infected.


    I'd like to get everyone else's thoughts on having a respawn system that stays at 3 max, but each respawn costs more than the previous. Like 30, 40, 50. And I'd like to hear from Jackie if this is possible.



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