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Posts posted by Masgnoh

  1. i thought this was already discussed somewhere? like it's possible on other servers to buy hordes of riot police, clowns, ceda agents, and jimmy gibs juniors.


    but a permanent hp increase hmmm.... maybe. right now commons are utter worthless. if anything they stop forward movement because they literally get in your path. more hp would make them be in your path even more so. but fire instantly kills commons, so they still wouldn't do much. if they had more hp, then being incapped while boomed would be seriously dangerous cuz pistols wouldn't be able to kill the commons that well.


    but a horde of jimmy gibs juniors......

  2. The game has really turned into a war of attrition, the survivors slowly keep getting worn down until they snuff it. like there's absolutely no coming back. things don't even ever get any better, 1 medic for 10 ppl is pretty nasty.


    I think 1 minute is just too long, 30 seconds, or maybe make the cooldown a linear function where cooldown is inversely proportional to total survivor hp. like if the collective survivor's hp is 1000 (10 ppl at 100 hp each), cool down of 1 minute. if all survivors are at 50 hp, then cooldown is 30 seconds. Just a constant 1 minute cooldown is... there were points when you just knew the game was over since there's no coming back. shorter medic cooldowns would allow for a come back.


    how about giving medic a pill cooldown as well? temporary fixes for when you can't heal everybody at once.


    infected were over powered. one team was superior to the other team, yet both sides never made it (save 1 time, but that was essentially rushing). how about nurfing the infected? such as either not allowing infected to change their class. or let infected choose their class before the spawn cooldown ticks in, but once they get that class, they have to stay with that class. infected are really adaptable to any situation because they can pick infected at any given moment, but if they have to stay with a class then more teamwork is encouraged plus they might have chosen an infected for a certain situation but the situation changes and that infected class is no longer viable.


    civs are really useless. they're fodder. even if you're holding a pipe/bile, it's very hard to judge a situation so that survivors don't get overwhelmed by commons vs. wasting the throwable. plus, there's 5 civs. and there's like 10 throwables a level, some undiscovered. there's not really much to throw. how about a cooldown for pipe bombs? or start with pipe bombs?


    i didn't really get to experience the other classes as i didn't become them, but boomers are essentially overpowered. when a survivor gets boomed, he gets overwhelmed by commons, other survivors have a hard time shooting the commons off him, and the boomed survivor himself can't shoot randomly because ff is on. When whole teams get boomed, they can't really shoot because of ff. getting boomed as a sniper sucked =( my pea shooter vs. 20 commons.


    I know the game encourages teamplay, but it also encourages leaving ppl behind, if a survivor gets incapped in a bad spot, everyone else can potentially get incapped. with so limited healing options, it's just more advantageous to leave the survivor behind especially if he's a civ.

  3. If you can't choose who's going to be main, how about the opposite, mains become civs?


    I know I'm throwing stuff (ideas) at the wall (jackie's brain) just seeing if any stick and jackie, you may not appreciate me throwing stuff at your head, but that's because I have no idea how to code plugins and what the constraints are, so sorry -_-;;



    You can't select who shows up as the mains on the scoreboard, but you can choose which of the survivors, if any, contributes to the actual score, using prodigysim's beautiful left 4 dead 2 direct.


    i don't quite understand this, so do you mean this 'direct' chooses which survivors at the end give points, or like with mains, points for traveling across the map? because if it's the latter, then that's pretty much perfect.


    if noobdude's going to participate, so am i. i sporadically check the forums tho, so if possible pm me when it's test time? I'm always on steam, dude i'm talking to you!

  4. Just a thought, how about...


    "first blood"

    killed first survivor / killed first infected.


    "double kill/triple kill/quad kill a.k.a. rampage"

    3-4 kills in 30 secs for survivors.

    maybe 2 kills for infected within 1 minute.


    I know that don't involve team work but it should make everyone more aware of the team surroundings, plus I've always wanted this.


    M-M-M-M-M-M-MONSTER KILL KILL Kill kill kil......


    we got a unreal player here

  5. I had this one very religious friend in college.... avid church goer, full faith who used to say all the time, "What the fudge?"


    I really hated it because of the hypocrisy. Whenever someone says "What the fudge?" everyone else actually thinks/hears "What the f***?" and that is the point. Even if you say that you don't intend it, it doesn't matter. You did everything besides the deed itself which is if anything, toying with the rules. Acronyms, common really? People aren't stupid. If somebody says wth, NOBODY thinks Water Thunder Fire. it's widespread and renown for its meaning which is to say... you may as well have wrote the whole thing out.

  6. with a more team based play, you'll have more experienced players frustrated at less skilled players. it'd be great if you could like implement new steam id's being set aside into a tutorial pit where they'd learn all the classes =O


    ok, i know that's not possible, but i don't like the idea of choosing. although i also don't like random since there are some classes that i just would not want to play. how about this for an idea: the civilians are mains and only they earn points at the end of the round. since the assualt team is trying to protect them. kinda like protecting the weakest links. I think it'd be especially good cuz then there would be absolutely no rushing by anyone. either everyone makes it or dies trying!


    random is also bad if you think about it. imagine a foreigner/noob getting the medic position and NEVER healing. Totally possible. I think it should be like... hard coded that an experienced player get the medic position and not some joe blow who bought l4d2 the night before and just finished dl'ing it


    and i'm not sure if it's been suggested, but why not make it expert campaign with beefed up infected? i've seen mods where charger runs like a bullet train and tanks glows different colors depending on what type of tank they are.

  7. I actually hear it so much now that I just kinda hear.... tank music now. like i don't recognize that i'm listening to pokemon. at first i cracked up every time but now i'm immune =(

  8. How about some infected combination points/achievements? Like charging into spit, spitting on a hunter, booming a smoked victim, jockeying a smoked, chain charging including off smokers/jockeys/other chargers and many other combinations that I know i've left out because there's many possibilities for team work as infected.


    Personally, I know it's greedy, but I try to horde as many points as possible. So unless it's an obvious choke point or teamwork is working really great, I just kinda do my own thang.


    i.e. parish map 2, that park area with the maze. EVEN if successful chain charges are going off, I just boom because I feel like I earn more points doing that. (that and i suck as charger) if there were incentive, extra points, to chain charge, I'd be far more inclined to try it out. Also, people wouldn't complain when they get their "kill stolen" especially if it's combination play and there's a combinatorial achievement that both parties get.


    As for survivor teamwork incentives.... ionno, there's already the incentive of actually killing the infected. how much more teamwork can you even force? whenever there's "lack of teamwork" its either bad players, or poor tactics.


    O. One good achievement that I can think of is very specific: Losing your untouchable and within 5 seconds killing an infected attacking another survivor. It's frustrating when survivors chill in the saferoom and there's spit and nobody's running out to save the jockeyed survivor since they want to maintain their untouchable. Or if it's not an achievement, make it a reprieve or something where they get their untouchable back.

  9. What was posted:


    I would prefer if session is the only person who is allowed to play the sound board.



    and session u didnt pay attn to what was posted. GJ buddy


    I love to have fun as you know, session, but I myself have been warned and crap like that due to having so much fun. In fact I was told to shut up. I'm being told this and that by different admins on what i can say on the server. But do i like the fact that I can't be myself on the server when certain ppl get on it because of how serious they are about the game? You aren't realizing that what kira posted wasn't the only thing that was taking the fun out of the game. Some ppl , including admins, do the same for me. They take the fun out of the game which is why some of us prefer not to play on the server when those ppl are on. i'm not tryin to point fingers or anything but im just saying don't blame kira all for this.

    I love getting slapped. or gettin drugged (not irl :P ). I always want to have a hat on or want to be dressed as a bus or a car which is BA. I want to laugh all the time but again those certain ppl who go on the server just take it away. I won't say those names but they know who they are and if they don't their full of themselves.

    why cant we all just have fun

    and im sure some of the admins have noticed that i dont play much anymore. those ppl are the reasons why. and as far as the ppl who ask me to play now u know.. there are ppl on that server that just ruin the game


    What I took away:


    I love getting slapped.


    I know that I've said some hurtful things and I'm sorry... so COME BACK TO ME!


    (video mildly related. did she cheat on a white guy?)


    whenever i encounter a player that i don't like, i just don't heal them until they go down.... petty, yes. but it makes me feel better. then i call it even and play like normal. there are certain players that i know there exists a mutual dislike, i just ignore them and play on, i mean it's hard to hate a guy who heals you over and over again.


    BRING THE SOUND BOARD BACK!! I miss randomly laughing whenever malo states, "I got tank money" i hear "You must be very proud of yourself." ESPECIALLY when i don't expect it.

  10. I'll give you my Aarkovi's firstborn for the exact bind code you used in the console


    I was gonna type it out.... but I really do NOT want any child with aarkovi's dna anywhere near me

  11. Snake eyes - I don't always use my mic, but when I do I'm raging.

    Baloosh - I don't always play hunter, but when I do I always make a GOOOOOOAAAAALLL!!! ( player ---- baloosh ---- player )

    Noobs - I don't always have a health kit, but when I do I'll heal myself.

  12. Ummmm What is Sam Hong? Yes yes, I wagered all 22,000 Big Ones on this one. I got it!


    =O Do you know me?




    Do I know you?




    actually on second thought i know why it was so easy to guess

  13. lolwut. Didn't know you were Leumash. And... is that really your name?


    Yes, yes it is. Or an anagram of it.


    O. M. G. Leuhax??? Now I know who to e-stalk on the forums �� ��


    You did seem like the stalker type....

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