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Posts posted by Tsunami

  1. The only ppl that got hurt was me...with my own prank. Actually it wasn't even a prank, I just found a way to make huge holes in the ground using TNT carts...and we had people watch. Once I set it off, I died.


    Aftet that, you guys killed me like 10 times... got really mad

  2. Fair enough, i won't ignore a claim for the sake of a prank again.


    Pranks are fun, but I think they should only be done with "trust" given to people we know won't do any real damage.


    Also building upon Boiler's quote, i am now removing these people from my trust:


















  3. ... hey Baloosh, looks like there's some new kids on the block. How about we aim our efforts at them...? :P


    grab your chickens my man, we're going pranking


    BACK OFF !!! No chickens in our house !!

  4. Wut. I dont belong to anyone xD anyone but kitty ! KITTY I LOVE YOU XD MARRY ME MY LOVE





    also I want to hear Kitty speak on this matter,


    Kitty's gonna marry me ! we're engaged

  5. yuri is very jealous of my skillz


    Crasx - my Skillz on the Keys are Hotter than yours - you just HotKey


    I get by. I was actually thinking of recording my game play so you all can feel shame when I pwn you


    back in 09


    Hot Admin == Tsunami


    Someone has a crush...


    Also she's taken, property of Gravity Kitty if i'm not mistaken. And if that doesn't work out everyone knows i'm next in line.


    I thought ownership of humans wasn't allowed in canada.


    Lol those are Canadian laws... nobody takes them seriously


    Wut. I dont belong to anyone xD anyone but kitty ! KITTY I LOVE YOU XD MARRY ME MY LOVE

  6. Tsunami, I understand your decision given the information available to you, but I also feel that the chat logs should lead you to conclude that although our behavior on the 4th round was probably unrespectable, our 5th round was justified.

    • I can hear/read everything both team say/write in the chat.
    • Staying in the saferoom for 10 minutes is considered as griefing. I told you repeatedly to leave the saferoom. Consider yourself lucky it was only a 24 hour ban.

    I think this ban was well deserved and i will not be taking it off unless a senior admin asks me to.



    Tsunami, as a person who has a bind to slap me, are on my friends list, and talk to me all the time, I was shocked. You could have PM'd me and said the ban is coming if your team does not move. I find what you did un-sensible . You also know I was quiet. My voice is too NYC to miss. Honestly, I did not want to stay in the saferoom, I wanted the round to end, but I stayed with my team and kept quiet. That should have been the clue I was really not part of this. I am loud and vocal. Now I wait for a banned to be removed so I can play tonight


    I shouldn't have to PM every single person on the opposite team, you are a member you should know the rules. Although I did say in chat that staying in the saferoom was a bannable offence.


    This isn't personal and neither was it targeted at you.

  7. So, the survivor team was doing terrible and they decided, as they couldn't make it (as they said), that next map they would camp the saferoom and "make it a survival map".

    They stayed there for a long time. I'd say about 5-10 minutes.

    They never asked for a scramble so I didn't think about it until I notice the scores (after they camped the saferoom).

    I told the whole team to leave but they kept saying it wasn't griefing and that they would probably survive longer if they stayed there.

    I kept reminding them that it was griefing and that i would ban them if they did it again the map after (wich i should've done the first time they did it).


    The next map, Turbo and Leonebluen were still talking about the fact that I said it was griefing.So i told them, again, that it deserved a ban.

    I left because i was tired of getting yelled at for this "ridiculous" reason. Also, I didn't want to do anything stupid.

    5 minutes after i left, the map changed and at least 5 people from the infected team were asking me to do something about the fact that the survivors were staying in the saferoom again.

    So I joined the game and checked the time of the round to see if anyone lied, but the round time was at 7 minutes and they were just leaving the saferoom and almost the entire infected team was messaging me to do something.

    Leonebluen was telling me that the infected team "allowed them" to do it by letting Nemesis run to the truck and start the event.

    The infected team protested. I banned the whole survivor team. Here we are.

  8. oh my yoshi is alive


    I thought my instructions were clear: open the coffin, stab him in the heart with a wooden stake





    oh my yoshi is alive


    I thought my instructions were clear: open the coffin, stab him in the heart with a wooden stake


    I think she fell in love with yooooooooooooooshiiiiiii



    You're just jellin'

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