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Posts posted by KorbenDallas

  1. Hello


    I was banned the other day. I thought the ban said 60 minutes, but I guess not since I still cannot get in. Anyways, from what I remember the ban said "insinuating language." Not sure what that meant, or what the reason was, but I let it go since I thought it was only 60 minutes and I had to go to sleep anyway. Soooo.... Can somebody please look into this and remove the ban? Thanks!

  2. I have to agree with this. It would be nice to see the AK unavailable in the first 2 maps or so, or just make it more expensive. Same goes for the AWP. I would totally get rid of the stupid fireworks, and you have to get rid of the explosive bullets. They always buy them at choke points and completely roll through with no problem.

  3. Hello

    So I have been banned for 15 mins for "griefing" along with like 5 other people. We were not griefing. We were at the Dead Flight finale leading by like 2000 points and everyone voted to skip. Since we were skipping we decided to have a little fun and jump off the wing to suicide since the map was about to change anyway. What's the deal?

  4. No. I know it doesnt seem fair, but resetting the ranks completely spits on all the time the people that have the top spots put in to get them


    That's what level is for, to have something to show for the time you spent playing. Rank should be dynamic. There are people on here that were playing on this server for years, so for me to surpass them in rank they would have to go into a coma or jail. I think we should reset ranks once a year and have something like "player of the year" type of thing.

  5. As of right now it is impossible to move up any significant amount in the ranks. I keep seeing the same people in the top10 everytime I check. It would be nice to actually have a fair shot at the first place. Now, I know that some of you want to keep your rank cuz you earned it, but that's what levels are for. We can keep the levels to show how far someone has progressed and we should reset the ranks so that we can all compete for the top spots. So my idea is to reset the ranks every so often, for example once a year or every 6 months or whatever. What do you think?

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