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Posts posted by Reomet

  1. Good topic.

    Around 2007-2008 I discovered OverClocked ReMix and my life of listening to music was never the same again. Since then, I've discovered some albums that've had a big impact on my life.

    1. Currents by Luke Wieting -- Currents is one of the most promising albums I've heard from an up-and-coming film composer. I was introduced to Luke Wieting by a friend and I even got him to sign my disc. This album covers a broad range of styles used in film scores and delivers emotions very well. This is my most listened to album in the history of me listening to music; I have no doubt.
    2. In a Landscape by John Cage -- The particular album I have is recorded by Stephan Drury. Cage is the father of ambient music and delivers some of the most relaxing and etheral piano pieces I've ever heard.
    3. Breach (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) by Mychael Danna -- Great score for a lackluster movie. Very dark in a calming way. Not a good album to end the day on, but decent thinking music. Very simple, lots of minor tonalities, heavy on the piano with some electronic and orchestral elements mixed in.
    4. Halo 3 ODST Soundtrack by Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori -- I've had both the score for Halo 3 and Halo 3 ODST pretty much since they came out. ODST is a good two disc set of percussive ensemble pieces with a good mix of orchestral elements and the signature electric guitar of the Halo series. ODST is a lot more personal in sound than the other Halo games and I love the way the saxophone is employed.
    5. Mass Effect (Original Game Soundtrack) by Jack Wall, Sam Hulick, Richard Jacques, and David Kates (M4 pt. 2 by Faunts for credits music) -- The only reason I ever started playing Mass Effect was because of the music. I purchased it before the game and was soon sold on the prospect of playing it. It's electronic vibes have been explored more fully in the sequels and it does a good job of establishing its own style that meshes musical elements of cyberpunk and science fiction.

    All the music except In a Landscape is fairly recent stuff (last decade). I also have three albums that I think if I continue at this rate they're also worthy of mentioning despite their very recent release.

    1. Identity Sequence by zircon -- zircon is the artist that started my interest in electronic music and by extension, soundtracks. Identity Sequence was released in December of 2012 and is his best produced album to date. It's a huge release from an artist whose already had a big impact on my lfie.
    2. Espers by 12 Followers/Meteo Xavier -- I did a podcast on this album so I ought to be pretty familiar with it. As a debut album, this is really solid stuff. Very good unique electronic elements and a great closing solo piano piece.
    3. We Are But Hunks of Wood by Little People -- This came out in fall of 2012 and is a fantastic laid back instrumental hip hop album. Unique instrumentation and entrancing vibes aren't what I was expecting in a hip hop album (although this can probably be considered more electronic than anything else).

    The only album above that actually features tracks with English lyrics is Identity Sequence. Excluding choir and the credits music for Mass Effect, the rest is all instrumental. It's mostly a mix of classical/neoclassical and electronic.

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  2. Is there anyone here who plays this game?


    Even if it's clunky at times, there's a good amount of teamwork involved to pull off successful assaults online. Most of the games I've played have been fairly balanced so far (I've only played "realism" though, I'm not a fan of having to shoot more than once to score a kill). I know it's old, but if anyone still has interest, let me know. Thoughts?

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