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Posts posted by SeargentFish

  1. Username: Wave Motion

    Steam ID: 76561198041778583

    Hello, and thank you for reading my post.


    Dear Gamer's Coalition,


    While I was playing on your Left 4 Dead 2 server, I was enjoying myself by playing music into the mic. At the time, there were many people swearing on the other team, or at least I suspect so because the admin kept muting them. This is only important to mention as it was a distraction to any warnings issued to me (if their were any). Anyway's I was playing music into the mic because I enjoyed it and soon after, a player (All I remember was the name had "Zombie" in it) tried to vote-kick me. I then stopped. At this point i decided to be a bad little boy (sorry) and continue playing the music. As this was the first complaint I had received in about two rounds, I ignored it. The player then typed a complaint or said one in chat (can't remember which) and MaestroPG then proceeded to banning me. I now understand that playing music is, by most people, considered mic-spamming. I will now stop playing music on your servers. I understand that playing music might seem like it is fun, but it ruins the playing experience of others and is highly inconsiderate. I wish to continue playing on your wonderful, gamer friendly servers and I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused to the players of the server or the admins.


    P.S. Not to be rude, but is there a link to the rules I could have, so I can avoid breaking anymore rules?

    P.P.S. As to noose size, make it a big one so I have room to breathe :)

    P.P.P.S. The banning guidelines are quite helpful, thank you for putting time into them!



    Wave Motion

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