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Posts posted by Koreanbear

  1. "White Ranger" STEAM_1:0:116237


    He was banned by Lucky Cat.


    A lot of things were quite obvious when Cat and I were watching him play on Inferno. I tried to record him on Inferno but my fps kept dropping down to 20. Once the map changed to Season I started to record.


    What happened: Cat and I were watching him constantly on Inferno and we notice that he kept looking at people through walls and just pre firing them. He ended the map with around 45kills~ or something like that. We move onto season and Cat and I continue to watch him. The round the eventually triggered the ban was when Cat died early on in the round and I was sitting around a corner. It was smoked out and I moved out to try and grab a grenade and he fired directly through the smoke and killed me. 


    P.S I didn't know that the demos aren't similar to source and i accidentally recorded myself. But near the very end of the demo is where he shot me through the smoke with an awp.


    Demo is in my POV:



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