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Posts posted by emceeFrisson

  1. I am going to release a dependency-free version of the rushing guard plugin that I wrote. It simply teleports (based on config) players who are too far from their team and fully configurable. If used on the server, it should greatly help with the rushing issues.


    Though this sounds good, it'd be highly exploitable.


    Maps are set up so that as the survivors make their way through, they come across T2 or T3 weaponry. If I wanted to save my team in a more efficient manner, a team that's struggling to escape the spawn, say, then I'd simply sprint ahead, grab a T2 or T3 weapon, and wait for the plugin to teleport me back to my team with my new weapon in hand. I wouldn't even have to hazard the spawning special infected on the way back. The same goes for grenades and explodables.


    If the plugin were to strip the player of his weaponry and medkit while teleporting them back, then it'd be a bit more balanced. Just a thought.

  2. If you've got a melee weapon you can also rotate to the smoker's tongue and hack at it to free yourself. You've got to be quick, though.


    There also still exists--I think--a manual console command which allows you to sever your own smoke. That is, smoke someone, sever it, smoke them again, etc. This would constitute a point-farming exploit, though. It might not work on GC's servers, but it works on a good number of the others out there.

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