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Posts posted by Rudolph

  1. When and how did you find out about GC? And which game did/do you play on? How long have you been gaming on GC overall?

    I first made my steam account in early 2015 and my first steam game was L4D2. One of my pals recommended this server to me cause she played on it (*cough* Ramen). I was a non-member for about six months before I bought a membership around November - December 2015 and actually started to play.

    Share about your very first day on GC or just your first month or so, how did it go? Whether good or bad, let’s hear it from you.


    My first month on GC was hectic. I played probably four single player campaign games then joined into versus where it was fast-paced and stressful at times. I played under the name Tinky(didn’t care about my name at the time). I remember one time when I joined incapped and Dixie was like “oh my, tinky is incapped” then she laughed cause she couldn’t take my name serious. Also remember getting yelled at by Maestro a lot, which has subsided since I regularly come on once in a while.

    Tell me about friends you have made while playing our servers and what roles did they have into making you have fun gaming in general.


    Didn’t know many people before I started playing so it was a very new environment for me. For that, I rarely played more than once or twice a week. I entered the server at times and one day, someone started talking to me on their mic and eventually added me on steam, along with another buddy. At the time, I was a noob hunter and I sucked at skeeting. I think I had the potential to become a better player, so my buddy had a server that we practiced hunting/skeeting/leveling chargers/ceiling pouncing on. Little did I know, I would become a player who can actually skeet boomers/hunters and hunter/ceiling pounce. So, big thanks to Shaf and Nieve for reaching out and making me a better player. Over time, I met more people on the server and eventually played long enough to see familiar faces on the server.

    What keeps you coming back to play GC?

    The people for sure. It’s always fun and competitive playing with people you know in the server.

    How has GC affected you as a person, whether big or small, share about it.


    If you make a fool out of yourself, life goes on. Remember this well.  :prplwacko: 

    What are some fond memories that you can recall on while playing games on GC servers? Any funny ones? Any sad ones?

    I’ll give ya guys a lot to remember.

    I remember deadstopping Elias on map 3 of Dead Air as my first deadstop in GC. His comment was “Alright, I’ll give you that.” ;).
    I also remember people would sit on the car on the final map of Dead Center and wait for hunters, me being one of them, before we couldn’t do it anymore. Same with the final map of Carni.
    I think there was this one time when Carlos argued with me about me switching to his team on the server. That was when I met, Carlos.
    I remember when I was a noob at tank and on map 2 of parish, the tank spawned and meng told me to break the glass. I had no idea what he meant but then he showed me after I died as a tank to break the glass whenever a tank spawns. Thanks meng.
    I remember learning how to use an awp after Shaf telling me how to use it. Days later, Elias told me to put the awp away.
    On map 3 of center, I did a ceiling pounce on someone and nieve was like “ayy lmao”
    I remember when Ramen was learning hunter(and still learning) and trying to pounce me off buildings. Nope, not today.
    I remember when ‘Flower’ was the new person in gc, and I told her that she would become a great player someday after playing a lil bit more. She can skeet boomers now o_O.

    The list can go on but then you’ll be in all day reading my post.

    What song reminds you of GC?

    Cause everyone wants to be the very best?  :hihi: 

    What is a goal you want to accomplish next year? And for those who play L4D2, what is something you want to work on getting better at in the game?

    My inital goal is teaching/encouraging new players (like soosage and ramen) to skeet better and hunt before I retire.

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  2. How about a 2nd showstopper. I don't know what the name of it will be but some people could suggest some ideas for it. Kill x amount of infected in midair as survivor.

    2nd Achievement name for showstopper: "Not Today". 

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  3. How much more do we need to nerf the hunter?

    I would change it back to somewhere between 12.5 and 7.1. Otherwise, hunters are starting to become useless in the game with points only being 7.1. So now there are less people playing them [maybe people wanted that to happen?] Now, people have begun constantly booming to tank recently, now being the fastest/easiest way to buy a tank. And if you thought hunter pounces were bad, boomers are just as annoying especially if half the infected are booming and blinding the team 24/7.

    To those who have never actually tried high pouncing, it's more difficult than it looks. Mainly because the hunter needs to pounce the person in the right place at the right time. You do have to take time to get used to using hunter. You can't just simply go up to a high pounce area and expect to get three high pounces on your first three tries. I may get six high pounces in one chapter, and the next I may only get one. 

    In my opinion, it does not fix stacked teams. Even with hunters nerfed, in a previous game, the survivors were still destroyed with tanks nearly in the same spot as they would of been if hunters weren't nerfed. Maybe in a few campaigns, nerfed hunters may be a slight advantage and get through the game a little better; however, dropping the pts to 7.1 just makes them unplayable and useless now. 

    I use hunter a lot, but I also always use other classes to get points for a tank, or just to help the team out. I have to admit that 12.5 pts was a little to high for hunter pounces, but 7.1 is just too low. If my opinion matters or not, maybe set them around 9 pts since 10 pts was still an issue for players. 

    Bill Loney  :spin2:

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