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Posts posted by Ak2786

  1. lol Chicago is definately not dirty and is most definately cleaner than any major northeast city (Philthydelphia/New York) and yomamma I dont know where in San fransisco you went but that is definately one of the cleanest cities in the US.


    Detriot/anywhere in Michigan should be the dirtiest/trashpile of the country

  2. I hope the person that mentioned 75 in Tampa was kidding..


    That's ridiculous that it's 95 in Michigan but 75 in Tampa, gah.  I enjoy A/C, but they turn it WAY up in my school so it's freezing!

    Nope I wasn't kidding. Since I live on a body of water (gulf) it doesn't really get too hot in summer and stays warm in winter and today its only 85 in Sarasota, FL.

  3. I got my chemistry book last semester used for $130 (new its $190) and probally opened it 4 times all semester and since they are using a new edition next year I can't even sell it back. Also my english book I bought for around $50, while the bookstore buys it back for $5.

    By the way what is COM?

  4. The best way I have found to get money fast is win the legends of the silver arrow series in mercedes benz events to get a CLK touring car then do deutsche touring car series on b-spec, sell the car you win and you will have 900,000 in like 15min

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