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Posts posted by cutelittlerabbit

  1. Most all the cfg's like the above are spinoffs from Casey's cfg or the like but here is my recommendation for you demoner


    // _Set netcode settings_

    // _adjusts hitboxes and netcode settings for optimal registration

    cl_cmdrate 101

    cl_updaterate 101

    cl_interp 0.01

    cl_interpolate 1

    cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1

    cl_lagcompensation 1

    cl_smooth 1

    rate 25000


    // _Set graphics settings_

    // _adjusts graphics settings to boost framerate_

    cl_ejectbrass 0 // only use brass on DOD not cs

    fps_max 101

    mp_decals 50 // i like some decals for eye candy


    // _Set processing settings_

    // _transfers load from GPU to CPU to boost performance_

    // r_3dnow 1 // if you run amd's

    r_mmx 1

    r_sse 1

    r_sse2 1


    // _Set audio settings_

    // _corrects audio synchronization_

    snd_mixahead 0.1 // in intervals of .1 to reduce stuttering


    // _Other settings_

    jpeg_quality 100

    sv_forcepreload 1

    cl_downloadfilter "nosounds" // stops custom sound packs


    ** my advice

    start with each section of the above and slowly add the other configs as you like the look/feel...as always the big performance gains will allways revolve around AA/Filtering/Bumpmapping/drawing water etc. Refer to m2's for the cvars most useful to change. and remember on the ones that are commented "lowers detal etc" there is more than 0/1 or 0/1/2 so play around. Also cmd rate and all those need to be tweaked off your connection..


    good luck pm if you or anyone else wants some help

  2. well its just weird... because im a huge doublejumper and it just doesnt seem smooth with jump on the d-pad.. i just cant seem to land the same wall jumps.. esp in combo with shield gun off a double jump against a wall ........ but i do find the movement keys to be superior...

    just hard to get used to i guess....



    as far as what i mean about the mouse.. is refering to the d-pad being weird.. and my only insight was to play like some of my friends do.... with jump binded to mouse 4.....

  3. anyone use nostromo pad's for their gaming ?

    i just got the n50 for x-mas .. but im finding it far inferior to the standard keyboard in the respect that i have to move jump to my mouse i think.....

  4. should set min speed requirement to 100 ping... dialup is fading fast.. and few people are playing these games on dialup... would fix that whole everyone slow down factor...




    and jessica alba .... i blame you for the yankees loosing.. stop wearing jeter out before the games....!!!! but im glad that free clinic was helping you..

  5. thanks , hacking makes game no fun...

    its like:

    wohoo im having a good day 32 kills 4 deaths.. o wait where did my weapons go.. im standing in middle of the map and i cant shoot.. ya this is cool!!!!





    and brillow.. you cant spot that hack as a player... but as far as instant fire in turrets by people.. thats doable.. though i dont remember name. it was last time i was on cuffo with ruffryder i belive.. bout 2 weeks ago or so... (shrug) just glad we got some anti cheat.. even though it costs us some speed .. just cant get away from hackers...


    and yes auto switch is team correction

  6. guys mobo2 is getting hacked all the time now....... you cant remain a pure server anymore.. you need to throw up the anti cheating etc... getting tired of joining the game and everyone on my team unable to fire weapons or perfect aim turret boys.. i mean ok people hack.. but these guys are just not hiding it :P


    btw i have no clue whos doing the command lag hacks ... all i know is wolverine and i and a few others sitting there one min fireing then unable to fire for 5 mins.. but we dodge all their shots 100% fine and can enter/leave vehicles etc...

  7. ive played with it.. artillery is good and bad.. i dont know if you realized by the shot explodes after about 3 seconds in the air on its own... so it really cant fire as far as you do the camera.. i tested fireing on dria from node 5 i think down to center vally far side.. i lined up camera perfect on node.. fired and shot exploded on its falling arc before it touched the node... but on better straights and slight drops ya this think is cool...


    paladin thing ill have to test vs another tank... recharge seems to be pretty slow doubt you could consistantly shield and fire... but on positive you can aim shield around and defend vs air while your driving away... and hopefully its fire is decently buff. i dunno numbers...


    airship... i dont like the animation... but ya buff firepower for airship... the secondary fire is pretty nice because you can lock on then duck under cover and it will still add rockets up then peek up before they fire automatically *at max* and they will hit their target.. so thats nice.. and 400 health .. i bet raptor still beats it air to air but air/ground just got a whole lot nicer


    mmm :)

  8. Here is the link to the thread that has it:




    I was worried about the validity of the link -- but later on in the thread, an Epic admin (Dr. Sin) vouches for its validity and that it has indeed been released.  I have about 2 minutes left in my download, so I will let you know if it works out ok.




    PS ECE = Editor's Choice Edition.  It is just new content for UT2k4.



    getting it now soon as its done and peep like it.. this needs to go on mobo and cuffo :P along with utcomp... :P lol

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