Hello, good day.
So, I downloaded L4D2 and started playing in one of your many servers (Left 4 dead 2, #2), and I got banned due to my rushing style gameplay. I did not read the rules of the server, and I apologize. (I didn't know that rushing was forbidden, it was my fault)
As soon as I got warned I turned back and started my fallback to the group of survivors, in that moment I got banned. Again, I apologize for what happened, and I firmly say and assure that it won't happpen again, as I will play teammate-like.
Thanks for your consideration.
My data:
Steam profile. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018754063/
steam id: STEAM_0:1:29244167
Time of ban: 1 pm (-3 GMT)
In-game name: Potato.
I'd be grateful.