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Posts posted by whudats

  1. I think the point is, Sony should of released more PS3's when they came out. Maybe they should of delayed the PS3 more because the supply is coming well short of the demand.

    Yes, this is the point. They could have delayed and sold more when they did launch, but another delay would have been even worse for Sony. They had already delayed how many times...?


    Additionally, Sony is losing either $240 or $300 per PS3 sold, depending on which one you buy. They are taking a serious hit, and can't even make it up on the software sales like the console companies usually do.


    I remember when the original Xbox came out, Microsoft was losing $80 per, but made up the difference in software...that and they have more cash than you can imagine...unlike Sony which is hurting...


    Yeah, the point is, Sony launched with 200,000 fewer than they promised. They are losing a bunch on each, and they aren't expected to be able to produce enough to meet demand for 6-9 months (at least). Sony might be just a little too far behind to catch up to Microsoft.


    I wonder how many, if any, buyers of 360s or Wiis bought them when they tried to get a PS3 and failed...?

  2. November was a tremendous month for gamers, and U.S. retail game sales were up 15 percent more than November 2005,.Gamers spent upwards of $804 million, according to recently released NPD sales figures. Game sales were led by Epic’s Gears of War (1 million), Final Fantasy XII (896,000), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (412,000), and Guitar Hero II (356,000).


    On the console side, the data reveals 197,000 PlayStation 3 consoles were sold, which is more than half of the promised 400,000 consoles Sony had plan to ship, which backs the news that Sony only shipped 200,000 consoles at launch. Nintendo more than doubled the PS3 numbers and sold 476,000 Wiis. However Microsoft came out on top selling through 511,000 Xbox 360 consoles. Portable sales over took even Microsoft’s console domination with Nintendo selling a whopping 918,000 Nintendo DS systems last month.


    Analysts are skeptical that Sony will come close to selling their forecasted 1 million units in 2006. In a report from Bloomberg, Evan Wilson, an analyst at Pacific Crest Securities stated, “There's no way that Sony will make its forecast for 1 million units in the U.S. this calendar year. They will face supply constraints at least through March.''


    Sony only shipped 200,000 at launch? I guess that's better than another delay...

  3. I have been running it for a while on my laptop for a while, and I haven't had any issues either. It sho is pretty! Other than the graphical improvements and built-in gadget thingy it isn't too much different for the average home user.


    It seems to be more reliable as far as networking and mapping drives and printers are concerned. It was easier to get it linked into my home wireless network than when I was running xp pro, and the connection seems to be more reliable.


    I haven't played any games on it yet, and who knows how great dx10 wil be. I'm actually more interested in Microsoft's claim of cross-platform playability and communication...

  4. Yeah...the skill level required to be a console gamer scares off many a PC gamer.

    I'm still trying to get good with the controller on console FPSs. So much different aiming with a stick!

  5. SJ - God speed on the move and your other travels. He's got a path for everybody, and He helps you find your way with a nudge or a poke every now and then.


    Good luck man. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family (they definitely qualify as family!)



  6. believe me, when I finally get my 360 to an hdtv, I will be playing GoW first and foremost so I can bask in it's true beauty :D

    Dude, it is awesome man. Such a great looking game. One of my favorite things is the bullet marks that the rounds make...so awesome...

  7. IMO, Rainbow Six:Vegas is the best shooter on the 360. If you have a 360 and Live, download the demo and give it a try. The demo doesn't really do it justice, and it's a slightly different type of game, but it is AWESOME.




    But GoW does rock. However, there just isn't enough to it to keep me coming back to it, which is too bad when you shell out $60 for a game... :smillie_smilling:

  8. I played the story until you first get to Vegas in the streets and rope out of the chopper, but since then I've just played on Live and it is a blast. It has a good pace, and if you can get in a good game, on a nice map, it can be tons o' fun. The tear gas is awesome, by the way, and really makes people mad!


    Unfortunately (boilersax) I had to / have to work this weekend, and then attend x-mas parties in the evenings, so I can't play until Monday most likely...


    I'm really diggin' this game though. Just about everyone's outfit online looks pretty unique, and the points/rank system isn't unbearably slow like in BF2. I tried using the voice to control my teammates in story, but I couldn't get it to be consistent enough to be effective. They kept "holding" when I would say "move." :blink:


    However, I can't give a higher recommendation on this game. If you like shooters, and have a 360, get this!



  9. Doesn't anyone else have this game?! It rocks. If you are wondering which shooter to get for your 360 this holiday, get this one, and NOT Gears of War.


    I just beat Gears of War and frankly, I'm not sure what all the hubbub is about. The single player is cool, but fairly repetitive and very short, and the multiplayer is a max of 4 on 4 with three game modes...? Am I missing something...?


    Yes, the graphics are amazing, and the gameplay/control scheme is great and well-balanced, but compared to what Rainbow Six: Vegas has to offer, I'm afraid it falls short. GoW is a great game and it shows what the 360 can do, but as far as replay value it just really isn't there compared to other games...


    And yes, the cover control system in R6:V is better. Easier to use, more intuitive, mo' bettah.


    Someone else in GC get this game!!



  10. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am now married and have returned from my honeymoon. We got married in Chicago and then honeymooned in Costa Rica. It was awesome!


    It's good to back playin' CS too! See ya soon...




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