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Posts posted by LongHair

  1. Hey everyone.... so married life has essentially banned me from extensive online video game play. I'm working on getting unbanned though. I'm slowly getting my significant other hooked on the Wii... the new starter drug of video games. SO perhaps i might be able to start fragging again. How is the old community doing anyway? any of the old DOH, DLM, Mmmm, or MwR guys still hanging round these parts? Whats teh game of choice nowadays? CS i'm thinking has got one foot 6 feet under. Left for Dead? MMORPG's?


    PEaCe and much love

    -LongHair <---which is actually starting to turn a bit gray

  2. Hey guys,


    sry I've been absent... was on the southside all weekend for a wedding... and got a few shows to go to this week. Just got in from a friend's debut at the House of Blues. Fun stuff. ZD, you're the first to ask for it so its yours. enjoy it man.


    Have fun guys :(


    PS: Chief I was kinda planning oncrashing with one of the ole SWG boys... I'm sure one might be able to squeeze you into a room somewhere... mayhbe finally i can ditch that now quasi famous THX quote.. "Good Morning LongHAir... my olived skinned lover" ...goodluck

  3. yeah guys... i'm really F'n bummed about it.... pardon the "f" but yeah.... life happens.


    Here's a synopsis of the story... the girl I'm subletting from is movin g back to CHicago that weekend. That means I gotta be out. Here's the kicker... I'm actually moving into her boyfriends (my buddy Andy's) spare room, which is where all her stuff has been stored....


    The Mission, as we have had no choice but to accept:

    TO pull off a simultaneous move in one day utilizing as few vehicles as possible. Two moving teams of friends armed with two cases of beers. shall remove all personal contents from each apartment.... payloads will will "criss-cross" (in mid-air mind you... probably on Ashland Avenue for you chi-town boys) and land at approximately at the same time where the other payload just departed.


    The Goal:

    To move two people at exactly the same time using half the alotted resources.... (gotta save some beer for the evening)


    Probablity of success: 100%... its gotta happen. but I"m sure there will be multiple obstacles to over come... like me no longer having a Drivers LIcens in my possesion. stupid chicago cops... they're just doing their job.. but darnit, they're really screwing with my timetable.




    My messages to my friends at Fragfest:


    Chief: I'll see you at F1 in Indy the week before... if you want you can bring my rig(or at least vid card) so you can partake in any BF2 action that might be going on.


    Maggy: Definitely. I'll call you this weekend. Not sure when I can make it up that way, but I'm thinking a camping trip up to Kettle Moraine sometime near the end of July or early august


    Drunk: I'm sure we'll figure out a way to re-write the Oscar Meyer Weiner song... $5g's is alot of cahs and I'm not ready to give up on it


    Fatty and the rest of the krew: My apologizes for bailing out. If someone wants my seat please feel free to give it to them. Or, as Lobo and THX have just said on TS... hang my picture there "In memorium" and make a rule... every third drink must be toasted to me not getting pwned in CS.


    As for teh cash I've already spent. If it were up to me, spend it on a few cases of beer for table C.... and anyone else for that matter. But if it must be used for teh benefit of all. Buy as many PIzza's as you can and share the wealth.


    I guess I'll frag ya guys next year :(



    aka: LongHair


    ps: hair ain't that long no more, jobby job made me cut it.

  4. Unfortunately, something has come up and there is no possible way for me to attend. :bang: ...which actually has me pretty upset.


    But if anyone wants my seat just let me know. I think i could part with it for... ummm lets say... three free knife kills.


    Have fun guys. Have a beer for me (those of you that can) and somebody goose Mag for me.


    nuthin but :hug: for ya all



  5. Just saw in an Associated Press article in the Northwest Herald (NOrthern Chicago Suburb paper) that the EU was contemplating giving a light water reactor to Iran as part of an agreement that would remove the Uranium enrichment process off of Iranian soil. Nothing concrete yet, just lots of rhetoric and talk. Looks like the first step of "Lets give them all the rope they want and see if they hang themselves"


    Iran's argument was that they have the right to develop such technologies as a soverign state... I kinda agree with that but realize that in certain technologies there must be a certain amount of international oversight.


    Liked the Post MrDuke. Very insightful and the analogy hits this right on the head... which is why i dread having a daughter.

  6. why do they need nuclear energy when they have rivers of oil?


    Valid question.


    Again, playing Devil's Advocate...


    1) Oil ain't that cheap or easy to refine. THis brings up a thought that I'd like to research if i didin't have to get up in 5 hours, but how much is it for a gallon/liter of gas in the mideast? Are their prices as bad as ours? anyway, Crude oil is a long way off from being usable as gas and what not. Perhaps Iran, while having the rivers of oil, doesn't have the means to process it to turn it into usable fuel.

    2) Oil isn't really a viable resource to provide electricity on a grand scale. at least if you want to keep breathing the air around you that is. (Imagine your average portable diesel generator and the smell it creates... now imagine one big enough to supply power to 6 city blocks.) Coal, and natural gas are really the main resources used to provide electrical power.


    SO... Do i want Iran to have the abilit yto enrich Uranium... HELL NO!!!


    But I can sympathize with wanting cheap reliable elecricity.


    meh... i don't even know if I'm making sense... bit tired. Lemme think more and type tomorrow.





    ***EDIT: Just saw in the Washington Post that its about 0.40 cents per gallon of gas in Iran right now... however the average income per capita in the country is ~ $2,000. doing the math 15 gallon tank cost $6 to fill up... say you fill that up once a week. ~$312.00 a year on gas. which is 15.6% of a persons annual income.


    Compared to the US: at $3.00 a gallon, and say that the average guy pulls in $30,000 a year. minus taxes... call it $25,000.00 with the same 15 gallon tank... $45 to fill up 52 weeks a year = ~9.4% of his annual income.


    So it looks like although Iran has rivers of oil... keeping a car runnign still costs more over there than here. ...by my logic, which i admit is often flawed.

  7. Personally I'd like to see the International Atomic Energy Agency play a larger part in this.


    while atomic weapons scare the ba-jebus outta me, nuclear power is something I am very much in favor of. Here's a third world country that wants to explore alternative forms of supplying energy for its people. I can respect that. granted the by product of said energy can be used as a weapon (if converted properly) that could incinerate 200,000 people pretty darn quickly... add to the fact... Iran hates the west.. hence the dilemma.


    So the question presents itself... can you reason with this man/country/government? To play devil's advocate... he is doing what he thinks is best for his people and for his country. But Iran has consistently claimed that it wants to enrich uranium for energy and not for weapons. I say lets test the truth in that. Offer up a deal in which a U.N. facility would enrich the Uranium and provide the fuel rods to power teh reactors


    Or.... have a third party nation supply the fuel for the reactors, enriched U-235 or pure U-238 in the case of the Canadians. The rate at which the fuel is consumed is pretty darn easy to track. have the IAEA audit the books and power output of the reactors at least monthly and you'll be able to see if any of teh material has gone missing.




    What do I think will happen?

    This has major conflict written all over it in my book... and if peace truly is in the common interest of all countries involved then ALL the world leaders involved need to get their heads outta their collective butts and work this out. Irans leader is a hardliner loon... I'll give everyone that. But the west needs to keep their rhetoric at such a tone as not to pre-maturely commit itself to military action.


    Give Iran all the rope they want and see if they hang themselves... if they don't then we could possibly have another "ally" so to speak in the gulf. If they are proven to be looking for weapons, then we have concrete proof and the world can stand as one against a common foe.


    Hoplessly optimistic? sure, but thats just me.

  8. My favorite was the SNL skit of teh Gore/Bush debate.


    Moderator: Gentlemen, please sum up your campaign in a single word


    Bush: "Strategery."


    Gore: (i can't remember what the line was but he kept going on and on for several sentences)


    I remember nearly crying over that one... "Strategery" as for Gore. well he just funny to begin with...

  9. :unsure:

    duno if i am going or not yet...but um...any girls going alone that may possibly want to share a room...lol.



    does m0m count as a girl?


    I'm definitely going but have to hold off on reserving a seat for a little while. other financial matters have to come first... ...which sucks. Lousy car and pot holes... friggin axle... sunuva....


    But I'll see ya guys there :)

  10. <light turns on above Long's Head>


    I think i just had an idea for the next smackdown



    We've seen what the A-teams can do. I propose you do the same thing but with the B team.


    Rule 1) If you played in the first smackdown(lastnight) you can't play in the next (EXCEPTION) Dj and Fatty play again as captains


    Rule 2) No one (other than the captains) can be ranked in the top 50 of their respective server.


    Rule 3) Those notplaying sit back and drink a beer waiting for the demo


    <catches beer off of M2's head before it hits the ground>


    Thanks Fatty, don't mind if I do :)

  11. What i heard on the radio was that the Governor's race(margin ~150) for Ohio is what was under question... not the presidential race(margin: +100k). I guess there was some SNAFU with some electronic ballot counters that had been "tampered" with and a good number of votes in a county that i can't remember didn't get counted. I thouhght i heard the number was greater than 500... so it is ipossible that the results of teh investigation may overturn that election.


    I could be wrong though... radio was kinda vague on the whole thing and I'll admit i was only half awake when it was on.

  12. <puts carrot sticks in Maggles nostrils> :boing:




    oh, and i will vouch for bat as well. As far as shots not looking like head shots. I believe that theres a weird kinda lag while spec-ing someone. Which is why awp shots never look like they are on target. While it may look like their cross hairs are no where near the target on your screen i'd be willing to bet they were on his.


    I base this on the fact that everyone i spec with an awp (Maggie, Quick, Venge, DJ, etc...) hits people with out having those cross hairs right where i think they should be. But when i snipe like they do (cross hairs a bit behind the target, atleast thats wht they look like to me) I miss and catch 5 m4 rounds to go 0-1 and feel great that i just blew $4600 on a weapon which will undoubtedly kill me 4 more times before it is lost.


    Anyway... doesn't Maggie's head look funny on the floor with two carrot sticks in his nostrils :P

  13. Those look like draeger tubes(air sampling tubes) I have about 200 of them in my lab at work. Don't think i have any for Sarin gas, though. But I do for a whole bunch of stuff just as bad and i actually wouldn't be surprised if i found some for Sarin in the back storage lab in the waste room... ANyway, judging at how old those things look they're probably not even any good any more. Most air sampling tubes like that only have a shelf life of about 6 months to 2 years depending on the media used and they were/are VERY abundant throughout the world. I think 3M makes them now as well as Draeger, a german based company i order alot of my supplies from.

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