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Posts posted by LongHair

  1. I agree, I think Obama would be a great candidate for president when our country is ready to accept a black president... who is muslim. Which going by what I've seen around the rural areas of IL (where I'm from) this is a long ways off. I look forward to seeing what this man does with his Senate seat. He most certainly is a very charasmatic speaker, seems intelligent, and very level headed.


    As for Keyes.... his loss is a gain for the nation in my book. a man with such a closed mind like his should not be in any seat of power. It just seems dangerous to me. He lost as big as he did for MANY reasons to list a few:


    #1 His EXTREME Conservative views did not fly well in the CHicago area, but down state was applauded. Unfortunately for Keyes, there are 4 times as many people in the Chicago area.


    #2 He's not even from Illinois... he moved here just in time to get on the ballot and had no connection with constituency(sp). I even heard at teh Republican National Convention he completely ignored the Illinois delegation. (He was invited to meet with the delegation, and turned them down... i know this turned many Republicans against him) The leader of the IL republican party is being 'ousted' so to speak for bringing him in. But to be fair, her story is that she planned to resign after this year anyway... but after the Keyes debacle... well, lets just say her departure is being welcomed by many.


    #3 I didn't see the debates between Obama and Keyes, but I was told that Keyes was just destroyed... and that he came off as a ranting lunatic <--- At first I thought taht was a lil harsh and biased until I heard some sound bytes and read a few newspapers on it. The man cannot be completely sane... I would love to see an MRI or a CAT scan of this guys head... it can't be normal.

  2. Wow.  People will believe anything in hope that their candidate of choice will win. 


    hehe, I doubt that anyone actually believes in this stuff... if they do, their also probably the ones that ALWAYS forward e-mail chain letters, don't step on cracks in the sidewalk, and never turn left on friday thte 13th after a full moon...


    Just some funny stuff that i saw on CNN :freak:

  3. I saw this on CNN this morning...


    in addition to the redskins they had a couple of other tell tale signs.


    1) Hemlines.... When shorter skirts are in fashion at election time, democrats seem to do better. Relevance... none, but if its true. Then GOD BLESS THE DEMOCRATS :hug: Advantage: KERRY <--- going by how much leg I'm seeing on TV nowadays


    2) Height: Historically in the last 60 years the taller of candidtates has always won with two exceptions: Carter vs Ford, and Bush vs. Gore. I'd give the advantage to Bush on this one just because he's used to going up against taller opponents. ADvantage: BUSH


    3) Redskins: well we already know about this one. Advantage KERRY. I hate to root for the packers being a Bears fan... but thanks you kwazy Cheese heads.



    So there you have it. Might as well not even show up to vote tomorrow. Kerry wins 2:1. :P of course I'm kidding and will be hurring home after work to get to my voting place. Although the presidential elecetion is already decided in IL, I gotta make sure that a few congressmen get to go back, and a certain ULTRA-Conservative Republican from New York doesn't take the IL senate seat. (Keyes)


    So don't forget to get off your butts and go vote :boing:

  4. WHile I agree that the movie is more than likely crap... as far as facts go( I still haven'r seen it). I have to say that it WILL play at least a small role in the election. Many people are like sheep and will believe whatever you tell thwm. I'm sure there are more than a few people that didn't see this in theatres, but now may rent it on video. Whether or not 'they' buy into it is purely speculative, but IMO I think a majority of the people that rent it will fall for teh misinterpretation and misrepresentation of teh facts, thus possibly swaying the way 'they' vote.


    Case in point. I believe that I am a resasonably intelligent person and I can spot propaganda when I see it. BUt I just watched 'Super Size Me' last night and I don't think I'm going to eat at McDonalds (or any fastfood place) nearly as much. That and I swore (again) that I'd exercise more. I succumb(succame?) to the movie.


    And while 'Farenhype 911' may debunk Mr. Moore's version of events, I don't believe its getting as much publicity (at least not in or near Chicago) than the F9/11.

  5. I downloaded last night and got in a few rounds this morning before work... rubber effect had me a bit confuzzled, but all in all I'm really looking forward to spending some time with this game.


    But I hear ya with the "not quite right" aspect. It almost felt like that old special forces op Utk2003 mod that was out a while back. Can't remember teh name of that one for the life of me though.


    Hopefully I'll be back to my old headshooting wall spammiong self tonight.


    Frag ya s00n

  6. Curious of opinions on the upcoming debate between Pres. Bush and Sen. Kerry. All i know is what I've heard on the radio, but it seems the rules for teh debate have taken out alot of what I would want to see in such an event. namely how the candidates handle themselves on their feet when being asked UNREHEARSED questions.


    For those that aren't informed. The candidates were given ALL questions in advance and the people "asking" (more like reading from a card) the questions are not being allowed to deviate from their original question. ( I heard the moderator was going to cut the microphone if the 'reader' changed teh question, but I can't substantiate that.)


    Kinda turns this into more of a joint press conference rather than a debate, but I'm still probably going to watch.


    Thoughts? Who do you think this format benefits more? Will the next two debates have a similar structure?

  7. Aye, I know of at least a dozen people here in Chicago that only use Cell phones... which makes it hard to get in touch with them when those batteries die.


    At least in this city, it seems that people move to different apartments so often that its too much of a hassle to have landlines connected and disconnected.


    I my self have kept the same apartment for two years and only have a landline to support my DSL. otherwise I'd drop it like a waterbaloon on a bald mans head three flights down. :blink:

  8. Hundreds of Republicans Injured in Rush to Discredit Kerry


    WASHINGTON, DCâ€â€George Washington Memorial Hospital is struggling to deal with an influx of Republicans with concussions, broken bones, and internal injuries suffered during the recent stampede to discredit Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, emergency-room personnel reported Monday.



    "Triage is in utter chaos," paramedic Gerald Polder said. "This guy in a suit came in with multiple contusions, a subdural hematoma, and a broken nose. I asked how badly it hurt to bend his knee, on a scale of 1 to 10, and he said, 'I'm hurt worse than Kerry was when he got his Purple Hearts.' That's not helpful."


    Polder said he has not seen so many right-wing injuries since the late '90s, when hundreds of Republicans were hurt climbing on and off the Newt Gingrich bandwagon.


    While squashed toes have been the most common injury, the more dramatic include the skull and spine fractures suffered by an elderly senator who was trampled in the mad dash to smear, bash, and cast aspersions on Kerry. Many of those bearing sound bites also have dislocated joints in those places where their fingers were pried from microphones.


    "I was in the crowd on the National Archive steps," conservative Washington Times columnist Paul Greenberg said, holding his head as he awaited treatment for deep shock and moral outrage. "When I realized everyone else there also wanted abstracts of Kerry's congressional voting records, I started to run. I guess we all had the same idea at the same time. It feels like I got rolled over by a 10-ton think tank."



    Above: Paramedics assist an injured Republican.

    "I was lucky, though," Greenberg said, wrapping himself in the flag. "Worst thing hurt was my pride."


    Washington has reported the largest number of casualties, but across the nation, reports are still coming in from politically "red" states made redder by the spilled blood of conservatives caught in the maelstrom of accusations and flailing bodies.


    "It's bad down here," Savannah (GA) General Hospital director Lloyd Sautner said. "We were still treating hurricane victims when all these politicians were hurt in the whirlwind of manufactured controversy. Anywhere there were reporters and TV cameras, Republicans were climbing all over each other in an effort to be heard."


    Los Angeles producer Margaret Oakes said the set of the TV show Roundtable was overrun with frantic conservatives.


    "I tried telling them to stop, that they were only hurting themselves, but they didn't seem to fear for their credibility one bit," Oakes said. "One woman tried to get to the front of the crowd, slipped, and fell face-first into a forest of microphone stands. When I asked her where she was hurt, she said, 'the cheek... of that man to misrepresent his voting record on lame marriage.'"


    Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT) called for an end to the zealotry that has already resulted in the hospitalization of 86 GOP members.


    "Let us not rush to judgment and inadvertently hurt our own image," Shays said Sunday. "This Republican-on-Republican violence must end."


    Shays added that his prayers are with Rush Limbaugh's family. The conservative radio personality died Tuesday when a busload of pro-Bush Vietnam veterans, in their rush to lambast Kerry on the air, ran a red light, swerved to avoid a carload of National Review reporters, and smashed through the wall of the Excellence In Broadcasting studio, killing Limbaugh and three sound technicians.



  9. ok... read through a few pages of the proposed bill (thanks and props to mk5 for finding this) but more importantly the amendments that Kerry (and 4 other senators) proposed. Senator Biden (D-DE) I believe was the one who actually proposed teh amendment to the Senate.



    SA 1796. Mr. BIDEN (for himself, Mr. KERRY, Mr. CHAFEE, Mr. CORZINE, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, and Mr. LAUTENBERG) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 1689, making emergency supplemental appropriations for Iraq and Afghanistan security and reconstruction for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004, and for other purposes; as follows:



        At the end of title III, add the following:


        SEC. __. (a) PROVISION OF FUNDS FOR SECURITY AND STABILIZATION OF IRAQ THROUGH PARTIAL SUSPENSION OF REDUCTIONS IN HIGHEST INCOME TAX RATE FOR INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYERS.--Section 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to tax imposed) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:




        ``(1) IN GENERAL.--In the case of any taxable year beginning in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010, the 35 percent rate of tax under subsections (a), (B), ©, and (d) shall be adjusted to the percentage determined by the Secretary to result in an increase in revenues into the Treasury for all taxable years beginning in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 equal to $87,000,000,000.


        ``(2) ADJUSTMENT OF TABLES.--The Secretary shall adjust the tables prescribed under subsection (f) to carry out this subsection.''.


        (B) EFFECTIVE DATE.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning in 2005.





    Now I am not a legal expert by any means but it looks to me that one possible reason for Kerry voting against this bill was that his amendment (in part quoted above) was tabled.


    AS best as I can tell, his amendment was basically to increase higher income taxes to make up teh 87 billion over the next 6 years.

  10. THe following is text from an e-mail I got. Not sure if it belongs here or in the religion/spirituality forum.... or if its just garbage all together. For instances, I'm highly skeptical of the supposed 'quote' from the Koran... I'm thinking that is either completely made up or has been mistranslated.


    I haven't cross checked any of the info with the bible verses cited, but I'd be willing to bet that alot of the info has been stretched so to speak. Perhaps when I get home this evening I'll have some time to look at a few.







        1. The garden of Eden was in Iraq.

        2. Mesopotamia, which is now Iraq, was the cradle of civilization!

        3. Noah built the ark in Iraq.

        4. The Tower of Babel was in Iraq.

        5. Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq!

        6. Isaac's wife Rebekah is from Nahor, which is in Iraq.

        7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq.

        8. Jonah preached in Nineveh - which is in Iraq.

        9. Assyria, which is in Iraq, conquered the ten tribes of Israel.

      10. Amos cried out in Iraq!

      11. Babylon, which is in Iraq, destroyed Jerusalem.

      12. Daniel was in the lion's den in Iraq!

      13. The three Hebrew children were in the fire in Iraq (Jesus had been

    in Iraq also as the fourth person in the fiery furnace!)

      14. Belshazzar, the King of Babylon saw the "writing on the wall" in


      15. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, carried the Jews captive into


      16. Ezekiel preached in Iraq.

      17. The wise men were from Iraq.

      18. Peter preached in Iraq.

      19. The "Empire of Man" described in Revelation is called Babylon,which

    was a city in Iraq!


    And you have probably seen this one. Israel is the nation most often

    mentioned in the Bible. But do you know which nation is  second? It is

    Iraq!  However, that is not the name that is used in the Bible. The

    names used in  the Bible are Babylon, Land of Shinar, and Mesopotamia.

    The word  Mesopotamia means between the two rivers, more exactly between

    the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The name Iraq, means  country with deep

    roots.  Indeed Iraq is a country with deep roots and is a very

    significant country  in the Bible. Here's why!


        - Eden was in Iraq - Genesis 2:10-14

        - Adam &Eve were created in Iraq - Genesis 2:7-8

        - Satan made his first recorded appearance in Iraq - Genesis 3:1-6

        - Nimrod established Babylon &The Tower of Babel was built in Iraq

    -Genesis 10:8-97; 11:1-4

        - The confusion of the languages took place in Iraq - Genesis 11:5-11

        - Abraham came from a city in Iraq - Genesis 11:31; Acts 7:2-4

        - Isaac's bride came from Iraq - Genesis 24:3-4; 10

        - Jacob spent 20 years in Iraq - Genesis 27:42-45; 31:38

        - The first world Empire was in Iraq - Daniel 1:1-2;2:36-38

        - The greatest revival in history was in a city in Iraq - Jonah 3

        - The events of the book of Esther took place in Iraq - Esther

        - The book of Nahum was a prophecy against a city in Iraq - Nahum

        - The book or Revelation has prophecies against Babylon

    (Iraq's former name). Revelation 17 &18 No other nation,  except Israel,

    has more history and prophecy associated it than Iraq.  And also...


    This is something to think about! Since America is typically

    represented  by an eagle. Saddam should have read up on his Muslim

    passages...  The following verse is from the Koran, (the Islamic Bible)


    Koran (9:11) - For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a

    fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt  throughout the

    lands  of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair

    still more  rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands  of

    Allah; and there  was peace. (Note the verse number!)

  11. lol! How the heck do you lose the stanley cup?! other than actually losing the playoffs of course.


    I'm curious which cup it was? I heard there were two. There's the historic one (the nice one that they present at the championship and have on display... well where ever. Then there's what i've been told is the 'travel cup'. the one that goes around with the players of the teams that currently holds the championship. I guess it makes guest appearances at social functions, fund raisers, parties etc. but I've heard it occasionally makes it out to a bar or too and gets filled with a few drinks. I also heard that this one is in a much less pristine condition than its cousin.

  12. ok.. perhaps I'm drunk. which I will admit I've been drinking.... and I had a helluva show tonight... my singer and I managed to play well... we also met a guy that has access to a professional recording studio for pennies on the hour, and has expressed interest in playing lead for us. :) so we can put my singer behind a drum set witha phil collins headset mic, me on rhythm/bass/harmony vocals, and the new guy on lead and vocals.


    again I digress... but if you were to meet me in person you'd realize I do that alot:


    Personally I'm tired of all the smear ads, and "TV campaign" ads and what not... and all the " I endorse this ad" BS that i hear about on the radio and see in the papers ( i recently cancelled my cable b/c Comcast upset me)


    I will be the first to admit that I am VERY uneducated/ignorant of where the two candidates stand on any of the 'real' issues other than the standard Rep/Dem stances on... well... everything. I really could care less about what either of them did 30 years ago during the Viet Nam conflict. But Kerry has actually been under fire, so he wins that round regardless of anything else from their respective 'military' pasts.


    I've heard alot of talk but seen no action or plans as to what EITHER candidate is going to do to make this country a better place for everyone. To summize what I've gathered from each campaign... (and I apologize if I'm crass) Bush is an idiot and Kerry is a blue berry waffle... ok, perhaps without the blue berries...


    where am I going with this.... oh ...does anyone know when the first head to head debate is going to be? I think thats gonna be the first time when we/I will be able to see what these candidates are really all about without any spin from campaign managers and third party groups.

  13. 8-20-040 Registration of firearms.


    (a) All firearms in the city of Chicago shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter." Chicago Municipal Code § 8-20-040(a) (1990) (formerly section 11.1-2(a)).


    "8-20-050 Unregisterable firearms.


    No registration certificate shall be issued for any of the following types of firearms:


    * * * © Handguns, except:


    (1) those validly registered to a current owner in the city of Chicago prior to the effective date of this chapter * * *." Chicago Municipal Code § 8-20-050 (1990) (formerly section 11.1-3).


    according to this Municipal Code ( I believe its Title 8 Chapter 20) you can't...


    I'm still looking for the actual text. What I quoted above was from a law suit case (Hunt vs Daley) can't seem to find it online though, it may have been "re-codified" and the ordinance I'm thinking of may no longer be in existance. more to come... :bang:

  14. Better yet, a city issue.

    all ready the case in the windy city (which oddly enough wasn't named that for teh amount of wind blowing through here every winter)


    I digress...


    In 1982 Mayor Daley 'the Elder' (our current Mayor's father) imposed a resriction on Hand guns within the city of Chicago. I believe teh actualy context in the city municpal code is something akin to:


    (a) All firearms with in teh city of Chicago must be registered:


    (B) all handguns are not registerable, EXCEPT those that predate blah blah blah (grandfather clause here)



    effectiveily making it illegal to own a handgun in teh city of Chicago, unless you purchased it and registered it prior to 1982. The law has not been in full effect due to legal battles and challenging the constitutionality of it.... I don't know the legal history of court cases and what not... but suffice to say the code was amended in 1992. And carries the full weight of the law today. Whether or not its contitutional can still be deliberated, but the fact is... right now, if you have an unregistered handgun in city limits.... you're in the tank for at least 6 months with a hefty fine attached as well.




    the numbers:


    (for the ban) The Chicago Police Deparment has reported that violent crimes, assault, sexual assault, murder, etc etc has been on the steady decline since 1993... roughly 4.28% decline per year.




    (against the ban) Chicago was still the murder capitol of the country this past year in 2003 with a total of 599... three ahead of New York and LA trailing by at least a hundred. (search murder capital, I think these numbers are the ones i saw on one of many web pages)


    (for the ban) While 599 was still the nations high mark for 2003 it was down for teh City of Chicago from 648 from the previous year which is marginally down from 665 in 2001.


    (against teh ban) Author John Lott, Jr. Ph.D, Author of More Guns Less Crime: said in an interview, and in his many writings "States with the largest increases in gun ownership also have the largest drops in violent crimes. Thirty-one states now have such laws..."


    The lists and stats go on and on... I thought I read somewhere that Detroit modified their gun control policies in which people could legally carry guns given the proper permits and what not...



    My take: While "arming everyone" so to speak, may work in the short term to deter crime, I believe in the long term it will cause more serious problems. (I can only imagine what would happen whenever the Cubs would play the Sox)


    And in response to "Guns don't kill people... People kill people." True... but guns make it a hell of alot easier.


    I will leave you with one of my favorite comedic quotes about firearms.


    "I am in fully in favor of gun control... so PLEASE use both hands while firing."

  15. Plugged In (or possibly jusr Plugged)


    The Jungle ( put lots of crazy plants in there)


    Start Bar ( your sign out front could look like a startbar get it :) )


    I'll keep thinking of names... working second shift today which is going to be slow as all heck so I'll have some creative think time as I shoot various objects with a Gamma Beam :=:bang:

  16. I think the restrictions has to do with security more than anything.  Remember there are potential terrorist attacks planned against us before the Election. 

    This is just food for thought... and I dunno if you guys covered this topic back in the days before I stopped by into these forums...


    ...but the above statement just sets off alarm bells in my head.


    if we are denying groups the right to gather and vocalize their opinions b/c of a terrorist threat... then haven't teh terrorist already (at least partially) succeeded in their task?


    not really looking for an answer, just a thought i had and I'm curious on your guys' opinions.

  17. However, by the company's own admission to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, that policy is not written, Local 6 News reported.


    SHe's gonna win.


    Should she have brought the food in? outof common courtesy to the majority of people working there... i say no.


    If I find time, I'll try and go through the labor law books to find out what an employer can fire someone for.

  18. I like Ice Cream.

    me to :boing:



    as far as CEO's go... I've met two... briefly at that.


    Fred Hassan: Former CEO of Pharmacia... sold me, mag, and ~20,000 other people right out of a job. I'm bitter about it b/c I loved my old job. Its pretty hard to find a job... nay a career where you wake up in the morning and are happy to go to work... Lord knows I don't got that now... I guess the reason why I'm so ticked off about it is he always said that he wouldn't sell... no matter what the offer he wouldn't sell.... then he sold us out.... him and the board of directors.


    Bill Castell: Former CEO of Amersham Health. Didn't know it was him when he came through the facility on an inspection. So what'd I say to him before I saw our site VP coming in behind him... "Hey Chief, Whats up?!" OH... um... hi. yeah... man the glare I got from the VP couldn've rivaled some of the glares all you married guys may have gotten from your wives. IN the end I think it saved our site. He had lots of postiive things to say about our facilities, but praised the laid back almost family relationship everyone had. Which normally isn't like that when they're shuffling big wigs through.


    The former can kiss off in my book. He sold us knowing that Pfizer would have to send thousands packing... and he took a nice $10mil parachute with him.


    The latter: One helluva cool guy... his reply to my above statement "I'm doin' aight mate" (he's british)


    I guess I didn't have piont... except that i like ice cream too... and that I'm stuck at work on a Sunday. :bang:

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