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Posts posted by wayfarer

  1. So wayfarer... sounds like we'd need a tank or some other "in your face" kinda class to complete our trinity of death.


    Hmmmmm....I wonder if we can rip Shep from WoW by then?

  2. signed up for beta.

    I signed up a year ago, never heard from 'em. :( Did you get into the beta?


    And for those of you that plan on playing, let's all start on the same server. What class do you plan on starting with?

    I totally agree! Anyone that is planing on giving this a try, lets all get on the same server so we can group up.

    As for the classes, I also agree with making those choices together so we can get ones that compliment

    each other. From your link above the "basic" sterotypes will be;


    Priest = healing classes, buffing classes and dark macic dps

    Soldier = tanking classes

    Rogue = melee dps classes

    Mage = ranged dps and CC classes


    Right off the top, I think I will want a healing class. I might also want a melee dps class, the barbarian and assasin look cool.

    I have a tank as my main role in WoW, and I really want to take a break from that. First choice will be a pure healer and/or buffer.

  3. I signed up for the beta awhile ago. I also signed up for the beta for WaR, but I guess I'm not deemed a worthy candidate for beta testing. I will be

    trying this game out for sure when it comes out, however. There was an ad on the back cover of this month's issue of PC gamer stating the May 20th

    release date. I don't think this release date will be pushed back!

  4. We make fun of you for weeks in our private forums and you never reply but shep posts some WoW screen and you comment within 12 hours? Pfft!


    Hmmmmm, probably because the private forums require a pw or they dont show up. I usually

    check the latest posts so ones from the private forums are easily missed. Unless I remember to

    look there....which does'nt happen very often.

  5. Wow, you guys are really rocking Shep!! By the time you complete BT Blizz will be releasing the sunwell plateau

    in 2.4 Good job!! My dps gear

    I usually log out in my dps gear so i can't link my prot gear, but we're doing pretty good. No where near mount Hyjal

    or Black Temple though. Most of my dps gear came from grinding AV for PvP gear. Too bad we're not in the same

    battlegroup, there's no chance of bumping into each other. :( AoC got delayed to the end of May, so I decided to

    give LOTRO another shot. I've been really enjoying it this time. With the new GPU & CPU I have the graphics maxed

    and this game is incredibly beautiful. The main storyline is absoloutely awsome with multiple 1 man instances at low

    level so it's not tedious to level. First instance is at level 20 and I'm at 15 right now, so I'm a little eager to get to 20.

    From what I can see the endgame is incredibly team oriented with a system that has people doing co-odinated attacks

    in order to kill bosses. I've been jumping between LOTRO and WoW quite a bit, trying to get a resto shammy to 70 as well,

    he's 67 right now, but I've been leaning slightly to LOTRO lately.

  6. This game is going to take the PvP content of WoW to a whole new level, as well as having some intersting

    PvE concepts. Although I want to give Age of Conan a try, this game really has me on the edge of my seat ATM.

    With almost 600K beta applicants so far, I guess I'm not the only one.



    Classes or "archtypes"


    the combat system similar to WoW talents


    Anyone who has ever played the tabletop game knows that this is just the tip of the iceberg as this fantasy

    saga has tremendous depth in both storyline and races. Several of the races have been ommitted from

    the final beta so the room for growth in expansions is great. Also, for those of you that maybe played the

    sci-fi equivilant, or are sick & tired of fantasy MMO's have a look at the upcoming warhammer 40k MMO.


    Warhammer 40,000 MMO


    That will definately be an incredible game if done right!!

  7. Yeah, me too. Oh well, I enjoyed my time in Vanguard, and I'm really looking forward to warhammer online.

    (PvP'rs dream game) Shep is right, all 25 people have to be doing exactly the right thing at exactly the right

    time or it's all over. The easy way to explain a raid is this; It takes about 1/2 an hour to get everyone together,

    another 1/2 hour to clear your way to the boss, about 10-15 minutes to explain the fight, (depending on how

    many noobs are present) then another 5 minutes to set up. The fight itself will take approxamately 5-10 minutes

    if it's executed correctly, and about 25 seconds if not :)

  8. Hmmmmm, somehow one of my posts got erased here. Anyway it went something like this;


    Mo is playing WoW????? Scuba when you gonna come back to Vanguard? Alot of changes.

  9. Vanguard was down this morning so I decided to go pick this up, seeing as I wanted to try it out.

    Very intense game, been awhile since I got that cold, claustrophobic, death is waiting around the next corner feeling.

    The whole insane thing sort of reminds me of the abandoned asylem in Thief 3. Fantastic game so far, the big

    daddy's are tough as nails though. Not that that is a bad thing.

  10. Yeah, I did the digital D/L takes like forever, they have the D/L capped for some reason around

    900 Kbps. Scuba is running under the handle Komadin again. Go into the look for people part

    of your social tab, type in komadin, then hit the send message button. Good to go!

  11. Well JC I don't think you'll be playing catch up on this one. A bunch of people

    are rerolling here & your not too far behind me on this one either.

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