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Status Updates posted by stutters

  1. I only stole a few things when i left The Nerdery - a mint Swingline stapler, a USPS mail bin, and every staff email Luke sent while I was there.

  2. i wish you listened to better music on spotify.

  3. if anyone in SA has some leftover muscle relaxers, please consider donating them to the matt albiniak save a trip to the doctor fund.

  4. if you had 24 hours to kick an onsetting cold, what would you do? best answer wins a high 5 and an antibac wipe.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hailfire


      vitamin C never hurts. take one with each meal, won't stop it but you wont get as sick and get better faster.

    3. Fairweather


      if you're friends with a doc get an IV of vit C .. seriously

    4. samurai nightling

      samurai nightling

      Drink until you don't realize you're getting a cold. Plus the alcohol kills germs!

  5. It just cost me $30 to have Sirius/XM stop calling me for 6 months. Totally worth it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lousiest


      means "blatant and unfair overcharging" i think.

    3. samurai nightling

      samurai nightling

      You may be thinking of "Highway robbery"

    4. stutters


      considering it went from $14.99/mo to $4.99/mo, i'm not sure what highway we were robbed on during daylight.

  6. JAPANDROIDS. Tuesday June 12 @ Doug Fir. Anyone care to join in?

    1. lousiest



  7. Mildly concussed

  8. My sombrero didn't count for a "ridiculously large derby hat." Haters gonna hate.

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