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Posts posted by Shadowman

  1. I'd go "Shaun of the Dead" style and find aby blunt object I could and start wailing on any of the undead douche bags around my house. Take the car, grab some guns and ammo and hold up in the local high school, wield the doors and windows shut backed up with metal, pop a squat on the roof and take out as many of them as possible.


    Katanas seem to be a weapon that would be helpful in a zombie invasion, lobbing off heads left and right could be handy in a open or closed area. But you'd have to worry about food and water and everything. So I'd probably gather up survivors and raid the local Costco or something and get everything in bulk, plus a couple generators/gas/tvs/ps2s. Digging a moat for zombie to fall in might be a good idea also. :thumbsup:


    The high school here is a big enough place to hold lots of people, and my high school has metal gates to help block off any stray zombies and hold the infected. The school has a million exits and other ways to get to places, and having access to a weilding machine and basically the equilivant to a home depot, you could easily weild and permantly shut doors and windows from attackers. And being right next to few grocery, hardware, and other such stores, you could have a nice long supply to fight off the undead and wait for rescue, or even enough supplies at the nearby mall for weapons to take out all the zombies in town.


    I wouldnt, however, build an armored bus and drive out to the zombies like in Dawn of the Dead. I would just baracade myself and survivors in, watch some tv, kill some zombies, and play some PS2 until the military comes in.

  2. Hey there. Antimatter's, emily's, and my friend Jugglemank got banned from the server awhile go for no reason. Im not blaming anyone but Jugglemank isnt the kid of guy to go around and get banned for anything, the kid refuses to even swear. Anyways, I can get his Steam ID, but would it be possible to unban him?

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