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Posts posted by Shadowman

  1. Say gents, I have a new problem that prevents me from packing on anymore weight. Now I've been a wrestler since my days as a wee child, and I've always ben big on working out, running, and lifting. The question I have for any of you, if any of you are also diabetic and athletes or if you've read anything regarding it, is that after this past Summer I cut down from 220 to 195.


    Now while I celebrated my weight loss it leaves me with a poetential problem for this season. My coaches may ask me to bulk back up more to wrestle Heavyweight again, so I'd need to slap on that 30lbs again. But being recently diagnosed with diabetes, I'm finding it hard to bulk up as I cant seem to gain any weight. Any tips?

  2. Played the game. Beat the game.


    Every single boss battle is the most epic experience on my life. This is by far, one of the greatest video games ever to be created and played. In all seriousness, I can die a happy man. The visuals, music, battles, controls, OH GOD the controls. It's all perfect. Love it.

  3. I hope they sort limit the powers of Battlecruisers and Carriers. I hate playing online and people only creating 200 of one unit. Its easy enought to counter them, but its still annoying.

  4. Would you expect them to actually add in the viewers who weren't idiots? If they did that then the audience wouldn't be entertained by the "average" American idiot.


    Editing is an awesome tool for stuff like this. If I wanted to do the same thing to their country I could by editing all the shot footage and choosing the idiotic people. Bah.

  5. The voting thing is kinda getting lame, since everyone just votes for Dust 2. It feels like we are playing the same handful of maps over and over.

  6. Exercise. Run a quick mile or two, or do a session of lifting some weights. Gives the mind a break and makes your body feel used and revitalized. Relieves a good portion of stress and you can get back to studying/writing/whatever like new.

  7. I don't think the entire Korean race needed to apologize for the killer's actions, when Columbine happened did every white person apologize to the world? The only one who should ever apologize is the killer himself because he is the one who took action and committed the crimes. I did like Stephen Kings article about the whole situation regarding the kid's writings, anyone can write some messed up stuff.


    But I do hate how the media over reports things like this. When my friend was killed in my town a few years ago, my friends and I had news trucks stopping by as we all walked home from school and would question us and constantly remind the way our friend was killed and the feelings that the death brought up. And now with such a large shooting and death toll the news reports just over glorify the actions and constantly remind everyone of what happened.


    And what about that news story that came out a few days after the shooting, about the Emily girl. The news stations/sites/reports posted a story almost basically blaming a girl,that Cho was obsessed with, for the shootings. No moral holding back on the accusations there.

  8. I'm four years into Japanese myself, and I have to say its a difficult language. I'm not completely fluent yet, but I can translate a bit and understand what people are saying when speaking to me. I would enjoy learning more Spanish through, as my current level of Spanish is horrible lol.

  9. It's gonna be cheesy sure, but in a good way. In an AWESOME way.


    "You just took out a helicopter with a car!"

    "I was out of bullets...."


    Bruce Willis ftw.

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