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Posts posted by Shadowman

  1. What time does the horrific, undead madness begin? I've gotta work till 8, and I don't want to miss a second of the horror.


    EDIT: Oh ho? A fellow wrestler you are Chimmpp? What weight class?

  2. I have both of em, and the DS is so much more fun to play with. So many amazing games, and no end in sight.


    I do enjoy my PSP however for UMD movies, when Im at work not doing anything or car trips, etc. New games coming out for it have been really fun too, like Maverick Hunter Megaman X, Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, Ace Combat X, and Valkyrie Profile. Plus a new re-release of Final Fantasy Tactics.

  3. I just want to play my dang video games on a dang video game system, I don't to have to pay an extra $300 for something that should be an option, and not a required piece of the final product.


    I just wanna play MGS4 and FFXIII!

  4. I played a variation of the GG where you leveled up the instant you were able to get a kill with the current gun in your hands, and you had to kill a set amount of people in order to level up.


    Example, level up to a MP5 and have to get 3 kills with it to level up to UMP.


    The instant leveling up made the game amazingly faster paced than round-based leveling up, but at the same time it made go by far to quick.

  5. Lurkers and patrolling Overlords are my defense against Nukers. I always have some of my land forces burrow themselves around my base, just incase a Ghost deciedes to wander into my lair.

  6. wow.. you have no idea how amazing it is when theres the new zombie mod on a map that designed for zombie mod. infact... i dont think you can honestly play Zombie Mod on a non-zombie mod map... zombie would win in like 5 seconds every round.


    Well when GC had a zombie server up and we played on normal CS maps, we human players always found spots where we could destroy and snipe them in safety.

  7. I love my Wii. If Wii were a woman, I'd go out with her in a heartbeat and have many, many horrible offspring.


    Then again would I date a chick named "Wii", The awnser of course, is yes.

  8. I'm still ROFLing over the fact Solid Snake will be pistol whipping Pikachu around. They say not all the characters will be returning from SSBM, so I wonder who got the axe?


    Also with regard to thrid party characters like Snake, please God let Megaman be in SSBB. Plz.

  9. After taking my little sisters to see this movie during winter vacation, I'm sure its safe to say I want to tear my eyeballs out of my skull so that I may never see anyone from that movie in anything ever again. That movie destroyed my optimistic view on movies and the whole of humanity. It even shattered my love of dragons and fire, as the movie managed to make every single movie-moment and creature look like an incest-bred dumb dead cousin.


    I've never seen a worse movie in my life. The Sci-Fi Channel movies abot teens fighting sabretooth tigers and giant octopuses are oscar-quality movies compared to the crap that is "Eragon The MOvie". Please Lord kill me now.

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