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Posts posted by bushwack

  1. I have a old logitech mouse. -----> logitechSEred.jpg Past couple of weeks the mouse wheel been acting funny, not scrolling then scrolling too far. Then a few days ago it was loosing tracking in UT 2004. Hmmm guess time for a mouse.


    I tried the G5 before but the thing feels like I'm moving a coconut half. People complain about the Razor mice being too small and too light -must be the mouse for me. BestBuy had the Copperhead on sale for $50 and I had a coupon for 10% off. I walked out the door with the last one, all happy and the like.


    Here are my list of complaints from bad to worse: Mouse too long. Mouse base too narrow. Wheel too far towards the front. Wheel button too hard to push. The 2 main mouse buttons too easily clicked. I wanted to rip the the glowing grippy edge thingys off.


    I played a few rounds of UT and the mouse irritated me. I seemed to play with slighlty less accuracy but the mouse was uncomfortable. I had to move the mouse with my palm instead of my pivoting with my wrist. I also had to keep my ring finger up where as I could rest it on the button before without clicking. I was reading about the adjustable polling rate the Razor and other mice can do and came across a program where it can adjusted in WinXP. Pulled out the Razor and hooked up my old Logitech. Ran the program and low and behold I changed it from 125 to 500, 250 and 1000 are also supported. But that didn't fix my tracking problem, then for some reason I looked at my laser. There was a tiny hair hung up in it's cavity, funny how I have never thought about cleaning the lens up until this point. Hey it worked, got my tracking back. Next was the wheel, so I took the mouse apart and sure enough there were some tiny fibers where the wheel tracking is. After a good cleaning and a little lube on my switches the mouse operates like brand new.


    I took the Razor back for a refund. I'll keep my $10 mouse for now.

    And that's my Krystal story. :lol2:

  2. I run 3 partitions: windows / games / backup. Like the rest of you said: what if windows kicks the bucket? This way I can format C: and not loose my game saves on D:\ or MP3s, Pics and other files on the last partition. Yes I backup regularly on a separate 80gig, so much easier then DVD-RW.


    How much of a performance cost are we talking on todays newer systems running multiple vs. single partitions?



    BTW I have always used Memtest86 but now It's built into my motherboards BIOS which is soooo cool, no more disk! :D

  3. I can always listen to Beck or Led Zeppelin.

    The Dead Milkmen always make me smile as do System of a Down.


    A few months ago I couldn't stop listening to The Geto Boys [first album]. Is that wrong?

  4. YEah no more official practices here, not in the past 9 months anyway. I don't mind now, but I think I was the last to not show up at 8:00 any more. I still remember my first practice with the team. Total chaos -like a bunch of freakin' monkeys running around with guns.


    I like pubbing now, I can wait till 2k7 for cuase there will be n00bs 100 fold. Remember trying to jump on the manta for a ride [2k4 demo] only to crush yourself when you get multiple flak from your "teamates"? :blink:

  5. Why don't we get a before-Christmas super-saver day? It's not fair. :(


    I'm hoping to pick up a good HD-tv on Boxing day. 50" HDTV, 1080p resolution rate, I'm looking at 2 grand. :( again

    But I want the ultimate experience out of my Ps3. :)

    I too was also standing out in the dark and cold for one of the 50 inchers. I think of one the 100 people in front of me got them all.


    I'm still looking for a 50" plasma, right now CC has a Visio for $1700 and a Panasonic for $2000. I might run and check out the Visio tomorrow, they just got back in stock. The Panny isn't.

  6. Don't knock teh AGP - that's what I swing (Nvidia GT6600 or somesuch)


    I've been delaying the upgrade for quite sometime now - I'll keep delaying until the 2K7 demo drops



    I don't think if the AGP is totally saturated with todays games but it's coming close. BTW my kids comp has a Athlon XP running at 3000+ with a 6600GT and it plays everything smoothly. I was surprised how well Call of Duty 2 ran.

  7. Bush has 1st season friends on dvd


    I'd like to make some sort of a comeback here but it's true. Due to a series of unfortunate events that involved a massive candle array, my Friends collection was lost. The past year has been a difficult time for me and would not have been able to pull through without the great members here at GC. Thanks Wentz.

  8. My ping was averaging 150-200 yesterday, both in the afternoon and the evening. Cant do jack with the shock or lightning with those pings. Time to go back to playing the roomy on LAN (and finish FEAR single player :P)

    I hear you Dark, I'm in the same boat. I wan't to play but just no fun with high pings. I been playing lots of Lords Of The Realm 2, a highly addictive medieval turn based stratagy from 97', that I never fineshed.

  9. What would be a good choice for a CPU and power supply? If my system freezes could that be on account of the power supply? If I go to a dual core cpu I would need to upgrade the mobo.




    Is it the alluminum Allied PS? Looked at a few reviews and seemed to fair well just not a big name brand. There is nothing wrong with that, I have a Coolmax 450w for almost 3 years now and I love it. Adjustable 120mm fan, weighs in like a brick, not a big name brand but a good bang for the buck.

  10. I asked you what kind of video card you had. 256 RAM is good but what chip? P2.4 and 1 gig o ram is good but what what vid card? As what Flittr said more is better. I had a Athlon XP 3200+ and a GeForce 6800 GT but when I upgraded to a Athlon 64 3500+ and a GeForce 7900 GT (using my same gig o ram) made a world of difference. My hit scan accuracy doubled, woot!

  11. You guys want to stick with 2 point per map or go back to 3?



    The 2 point win works on longer maps that go into overtime like Dria when you could play it like 5 times...I've seen it happen, lol I've seen Dria go well past an hour. Or Severence when your primary goes down the first minute then there is 9 more minutes of pain with no hope of comming back, even on the next try. (you know Red Planet is the same way but worse)


    But some people want a rematch, and at anytime more join and can change the game.


    But I don't care, six of one, a half dozen of the other.

  12. Thanks for the Primeval Flittr. Good thing about Prime is if the teams are off the game will only last a minute -not enough time for people to complain about the teams being uneven. Also seems last night the server was somewhat empty untill Primeval came up, then the server was packed, and was so for a few maps untill BlueSummit came up. Guess people didn't want to load a new map or like me didn't care for it (I don't :shrug03: ). The Camo map is good with a full server but those pesky side node turrets can reach the bridge lol.


    The Holloween mod is cool just don't over do the power-ups and monsters.

  13. So I MAY have fixed the problem. I was able to download 3dmark06 finally. I went to install it and it got to the very and and gave me an error reading:


    CRC error: The file C:\ProgramFiles\FutureMark\3DMark06\3DMark06.dat doesn't match the file in the setup's .cab file. The medium from which you are running the setup may be corrupted; contact your software vendor.


    I reinstalled windows on Saturday. It's a brand spankin' new copy of XP Pro (SP2). This doenst sound like a hardware issue to me, so is it a Windows problem? Please dont tell me I have to reinstall Windows again! :bang:


    I did the reformat before I fixed the RAM problem (if it is fixed), so could this affect it? ARGH

    Have you installed it on another computer to see if the install file will work on it?

    What brand of harddrive do you have? Some older Maxtor Diamondmax 10 and 11 drives don't like some nForce4 mobos. I have a Mator Maxline III with no probs though.

  14. I figured the game is ready. They are just waiting for Intel to make thier intergrated graphics to have enough juice to power Epics game so they will sell millions of more units, Muhahahaha.

    I'm done waiting and even looking forward to it. I will still play UT4 an hour or 2 a day and hang out with who ever is left. And you will allways see me weekend night's kicking back a few -Tek did you say chicken lotion?


    So I've been playing C&C Tiberiun Sun (1999) of late and it's starting to kick my arse too. With all the UT playing I have fallen behind the RTS curve.

  15. I don't get into movies much but I will name off a few I can stand to watch more then once.

    A Clockwork Orange

    Howl's Moving Castle

    Pink Floyd: The Wall

    The Matrix

    From Dusk Till Dawn

  16. use the highest multiplier possible unless you want your ram higher.


    And with the ram you suggested I get I would assume this would have a high possibility of success? :D


    I DL'd 3dmark06 but it wouldnt install. "Critical error" or something. So i downloaded from a different site, same thing. I need to reinstall windows (and the legal copy i have at that) i think. sigh. but it takes so much time...

    Sounds like you are having too many errors Dark, How long did you have the system before you overclocked?

    I would make sure the system is stable at factory default speeds for about a week before I would clock it up.

    Too me seems like a memory problem. Try this out http://www.memtest86.com/ and see what it says. I was having some issues similar to yours and this program is built ito my BIOS. It told me one of my sticks was bad so I replaced it. Everything running smooth now.

  17. from 2 to 2.8ghz is a big gain for me. haha. my system isn't silent but it's mostly air noise that you hear. the fans and drives don't make any annoying noise.

    You running a Athlon 64 Cujo? I was thinking that would be an awesome jump and would make a big difference. If so what kind of voltage are your running on the CPU? I have 1.4 @ 2.4 and 1.425 @ 2.5 . I wanted to run 2.5 @ 10x250 but I guess my old Kingston HyperX could'nt keep up. Since 2.4 seems stable (11x220) I might try it @ 10x240 tomorrow.


    DarkArchon what kind of voltage are you running on the X2 above the defualt? And what is this talk about purple?

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