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Posts posted by bushwack

  1. For me I dont care when it comes out. I didn't get XP untill 2004 and I didn't really need it then.

    All I want out of an OS is for it to be transparent. If I'm playing a game, that's all I want to see. If I'm browsing the web or burning a disk, same thing. It just need to run my apps and let me switch inbetween them on the fly. I dont need my OS to be pretty and colorful or 3D. The apps I run do that and cover the OS anyway.


    And a moving desktop wallpaper? Can I say why? If I'm at my comp, the app I'm running covers it up. I'f I'm not at my comp, well I cant see it! :biglaugha: I dont use screen savers either, I just have my monitor power down instead.


    I tried linux back in the late 99' but It didn't like my new Voodoo 3 card then a couple days later it crashed and I couldn't recover it. Never reistalled.

  2. Not a bad looking car, if not too offroad for me.

    I ended up buying a new Honda Element EX-P (no silly plastic panels) two weeks ago. It was a toss up between it and the Mini. We have two kids, which one of them is almost a teen, so we went with the roomier one.

    Anyone want to buy a 6 year old PT Cruiser? :biglaugha:

  3. Seems other people are having the same problem as I am on Nep. I just disconnected with a hand full of hair because the enemy was 20 feet infront of me on flat gound, I fired a tank round at him and heard the sound of the shell coming out. But that's it. He continued to dance around me with a Link gun and destroyed my tank. And it's been frequent. Doesn't seem to be exclusive to the tank, but avrils and even shock. To top it off the end result is usually death and humiliation.


    Now at the time I wasn't experiencing any lag so what is it?

  4. I have a XP-M (mobile) 2400+ clocked up to 2.2ghz. What do I click?

    Seen some other Bartons posted with same results, rock on.

    Been running strong for almost 2 years now, but it's almost time to move up.

  5. I tried to like Marrowind, but couldn't get drawn into it. Twice. Same with The Temple of Elemental Evil. I tried to play it when it first came out, and then a year later. Still never kept my attention. I have BGII but tried to play it right after I finished Arcanum, bad idea.

  6. All those listed are good, and I'm going to have to add Arcanum to the list.

    Likewise is Balder's Gate, Diablo Series, Dungeon Seige -these are the ones I've finished.


    Neverwinter Nights was good but I never finished it. I was playing a magic user (can't remember the class, been awhile) so most of the time my warrior buddy was dealing damage while I watched. Seems I beat a quarter of the game and figured I needed to start over with a different class and have a magic user buddy instead. It never happened.


    I need to get my RPG on. I have these games new still sealed in the box: Planscape Tourment, Icewind Dale 2, King's Quest : Mask of Eternity, Anachronox, Shadow's Over Riva, Fallout, Might and Magic VI SE (contains I-VI). Any advice on which one I should break open? :unsure:

  7. I was in Gamestop over the weekend, for kicks I asked them when UT2007 was going to ship. He told me October. I looked at him funny. He pointed at the monitor. I raised one of my eyebrows. He shrugged his shoulders and raised one of his eyebrows.


    The last time I had a conversation like this one was back when I preordered Starcraft. And waited. And waited. And waited. The game finally shipped and it rocked. I also preorded Diablo II ( Collectors Edition :dork: ) and waited, and ... then I was happy. The game that broke the chain and I'll never preorder anything else again was Warcraft III. Sure I got the Collector's Edition too, but the box was better then the game inside. Man I cant believe I spent 80 bucks on that. If Warcraft III is worth $80 then UT2K4 is worth $7300 if you calcuate by hours spent on game. :biglaugha:


    Now that I have 8-9 more months of nothing to do but wait, think I may drag out Warcraft III and play the next three races. Or maybe just the one after the first, the Dead somethingerather?

  8. Seems the last thing I heard somewhere was June, which is cool with me. A dual core 64 would make a fine birthday gift from my wife. Hope the prices of those are competative by then.

  9. If you are a gamer, ditch the onboard and get a dedicated up-to-date sound card. You are less likely to have sound compatabiliy problems with gaming. Onboad equals cheap, cheap equals less driver updates. You will also get a small (5-10%) boost with a dedicated chip (maybe) and better signal to noise ratio.


    Over the years I've upgraded sound cards and speakers many times. I've noticed the biggest difference when getting new speakers/headphones then with new sound cards.


    It's a few years old now but I use a Fortissimo III card. Gave $50 for it. Sounds good to me and I love the control applet. I've had Unreal practice and heard vehicles start and weapon lockers hit from a great distance while others have not. I just dont use the '3D sound' settings in UT 2004, seems to throw everything off and sounds funny with phones on.


    I think the Audigy line is getting carried away. They are running out of ideas but still want to sell new $200 sound cards. The improvents have long been over for sound cards. Just look at what the game makers are doing, they are ditching hardware acceleration and just doing software sound in the game engine. Onbord sound is fine for these, it is just lacking the electrical clarity of a full size card.


    If I were to buy a card now, I'd just get the cheapest Audigy 2 I could fine. But I'll think I will stick with what I have for a few more years :)

    -my 2 cents

  10. Beat Raptor a few months ago, very similar to Tyrian. Good stuff, something about getting cash for blowing stuff up to upgrade your ship to blow up stuff to get more money to... Civilization is pure evil, just one more turn... My fav's are the build games, Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior, Redneck Rampage.


    Lords of the Realm is also awesome. Had to build a DOS/Win95 machine to play it again.

    Abit TX5 mobo - P200mmx - 32MB SDRAM - 4.3 gig Quantum Fireball ST - Diamond Monster 3D - Videologic Apocalypse 3D - Diamond V330 Riva 128 (along with another dozen 2d/3d cards I swap out) - SoundBlaster 64 - Mitsumi 16X CD-ROM.


    I use this machine on a regular basis, play with the hardware more then the software though I think. Connects to my network with no probs using Win95. Browses the Net nicely too, LOL. Thinking about using it for a month then writing an article about, "Surviving a month with nothing but a P200". But I cant figure out how to play UT2004 on it... :biglaugha:

  11. I've been wearing contacts for 19 years and have'nt worn glasses since. I love them, I love them so. By the time I notice my eyes hurt from gaming for long periods, I notice my legs, back, and arse hurt too. :(


    Also make sure you use indirect lighting in your comp room at night. I have a quartz desk lamp facing the wall behind my desk, and a lava lamp on the other comp desk behind me.


    I cant stand monitor refresh rates lower then 85, just drives me crazy. Unfortunatly my old Samsung 955DF maxes out at 1152 x 864 @85hz. Any higher res and the refresh drops down to 75hz. Can't hack it at 75hz, so I run all my games at 1152 x 864 with AA and AF.

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