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Posts posted by -=SKArface=-

  1. At the end of the day, you guys ruined Burger's fun to such an extent that he left the server, lost all his respect for you and brought his complaints to the forums.


    I dont know why you protected these people fatty, you run this community to keep out 'e-thugs'. Yet when two people acting like e-thugs (no matter if gc members or not) spoil a person's game, you rush to protect them, and then slam the person who had his game ruined.


    I've had my "fun ruined" by getting owned by people who are far better than I am. It gets frustrating. I log off, do something else, and come back to get my butt kicked later.


    Is this e-thuggery? or is it just being out played?



    Both CS and DoD are objective based games. In DoD the goal is to take all of the flags. As M2 pointed out, taking the opposing spawn is a very effective way of meeting this goal (if you have no resistance the flags can be grabbed in seconds). If the lock was not being used to achieve this goal (like Ts camping on a defuse map) then I think there is an issue.


    I have been in more than my share of spawn/die/spawn/die cycles on DoD, 1942, and DC. It is not particularly fun, about as fun as going 0-19 in CS. In both cases I (or my team) were vastly out-played.


    All that said, I am more than happy to play by whatever policy is set for the GC DoD server.


    - andrew

  2. By boosting I'm assuming you are talking about someone jumping on someone else to get to a high point not normally acessible. If this is something else ignore the rest of this post.



    I played DoD on BFE for about a year. A very effective tactic to win the map was to keep the opposing team from spawning. Most teams defended against this. If someone got into our spawn the first thing that we did was pull back and clean them out. The BFE rounds would be scored by the total number of points scored during a 24 hour run on a map. I.E. we would never take the last flag if we had a lock. We would let points accumulate.


    My feeling on spawn camping has always been, if you don't want it to happen to you stop the opposing team from doing it. If there is an exploit being used to accomplish the lock then that is a different issue (i.e. tank sitting in a hanger in pre-patch bf 1942)


    If they had to boost to get the lock they were sitting ducks for a bit. Someone should have shot one or both of them.



    my .02


  3. I loved DoD. I played in the battle for europe stuff when I was un-employed. 24 hour rounds to take over a region on a large risk style map of europe. We had a good chain of command and the players knew their roles.


    I had limited luck playing pickup games with it though. The strucure and teamwork made the BFE experience fantastic. I intend to play tonight.


    - andrew

  4. here is what you do:

    1. Save everything to CDs if you can or if you don't need anything saved begin at step 2

    2. boot to cd

    3 choose to install windows 2000/XP

    4. Choose F8

    5. delete partition with windows on it

    6. create new partition using max disk space

    7. Choose the new partition to install windows

    8. format in ntfs

    9. should walk you through it automatically

    10. enter CD Key

    11. Install drivers for video card, sound, mainboard, then update windows

    12. Enjoy hours and hours of watching me frag Norgaurd on the scopeless server ;)

    With windows 98/ME you need to put the boot floppy into the drive and boot to it.

    When you get the command prompt type: format c:

    When format is done type d:/ (or letter of drive with the windows CD in it)

    then type setup


    It should be automated from here and you can look to steps 10-12 above for finishing up.



    I would actually not format your entire drive as one big partition. IMO it makes a little more sense to format a partition for your documents and settings seperately. That way you can re-install the OS without blowing away your documents etc. Makes the whole re-install process a little less painful. On non windows boxes you can even leave your programs in a seperate partition so you don't have to re-install all your programs. However, with the registry that just doesn't work. *sigh*


    Another thing to consider is one you have a base install with all of your apps and drivers etc. (basically, once you have your machine configured the way you like it) Take a ghost image of your drive (or use some bare metal backup software) so you can return to a decent baseline quickly.


    - andrew

  5. Let me ask you this then:  do you want to get better or do you want to help the team?


    If you want to get better, then practice your weak points exclusively.  If you want to help the team, by all means, switch to what you're good at.  If you want to do both, then you won't have effective practices and you'll still be at that wall.


    You really need to break out of the mentality of wanting to perform well and get into the mentality that you're practicing to get better.


    You do bring up a good point about practicing smart, too.  If you're practicing the shotgun, make sure you're always on a map that lends itself to shotguns.  If that means you have to switch servers or go singleplayer mode, so be it.


    goot points. I may setup some local stuff for practice.

  6. As the GC trainer for the UT folks, I can assure you that isolated training WORKS.  It's the most effective when you can have someone critiquing you, but not everyone has that luxury.


    So one thing you can do (no matter where you're at) is concentrate on one area entirely for a few nights.  For example, if you want to get better with your shotgun aim, buy nothing but the shotgun in every single game you play for several nights in a row.  If that's your weak area, you'll probably get pwned a lot in the beginning.  It's ok, though.  You'll get better.  Also, it'll be really tempting to switch back to your regular configuration.  DON'T DO IT!


    If you're thinking about going back to your old standby configuration, think of it this way:  if you only practice the shotgun for a little while and then go back, you're wasting your time.  But if you practice with the shotgun fully for a few days, you'll be that much better.


    Hope this helps!


    I try to do that as much as I can. However, when I'm playing I really want to try to help the team. (often as just a meatshield) If I'm working on, say shotguns, on a map or in a position that really doesn't lend itself to the shotgun I don't feel like I'm helping. A good example is on de_italy on the T side. Defending long hall with a shotgun is not going to help out nearly as much as with a weapon that can work better at range.



    Would anyone be interested in setting up a "training" night? I'd love feedback on what I do well, what I suck at, and how to get better.


    - andrew

  7. I ran into this problem with the old non source CS. And I'm starting to see it again in souce. I really dig the game, and I've been having a ton of fun playing with you all. However, I feel like I've hit a wall as far as getting better at the game.


    Have any of you run into this, and what did you do to get past it? When I played DoD in the battle for europe league we would have practices to work on shots, grenade placement etc. This really helped me get better. Playing actual matches don't seem to do that for me.


    Any thoughts?


    - andrew

  8. Ok guys, I need something to hold me over until I do my BIG upgrade.  Eventually I want to go to AMD 64 w/PCI-E gfx card...blah blah blah.  I just have to wait a bit because there is a possiblility I could be moving across the country yet again and I don't want to spend that big until I know my fate.


    So, I have a 9500 Pro that I'm using right now.  I get around 50 fps normally and it can drop by 20-25 fps when I get in smoke and firefights and what not.  Is there something that will keep me up closer to the 100 fps or so range and still be around 100 or 150 bucks?  I don't want to go for much more than that right now.



    What resolution do you want to run? I have an X850 and I get 100-125 indoors at 16x12 everything full. Outside (esp in pirinese) it drops to 70 or so at times. I've never run into a situation where I've noticed any lag though.


    I've read that the x800 is also a solid card but I don't know what they are selling for at this point.


    Newegg has the x800 for 189. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16814102529


    If you're running at a lower res than 16x12 you probabbly have many more options. I have a few friends that have the 9800pro and have had good luck with it. (none of them have hl2 so I can't say how it runs)



    - andrew

  9. Salud!


    I wouldn't be still playing CS:S if I hadn't found GC too.


    Thanks for the kind words.  It's the people like you, good regs, and pubbers, who help make this server what it is...


    Good luck with your exams!



    I agree. I had stopped playing CS years ago. I couldn't deal with the legions of 10 year olds that seemed to infect most of the servers. I'm not particularly good at the game, I just play because I enjoy it. I got sick of the AHAHAHAHA I PWN3D JOO attitudes on most of the servers.


    I got HL2 because I'm a graphics junky and decided to give CS:S a try. Fortunately I found your servers pretty quickly. Fatty and a few others made me feel very welcome when I joined up. So I added the servers to my favorites list.


    I'm now a happy new member. Thanks for all the hard work guys.


    - andrew

  10. 3dmark05 score




    Operating System Microsoft Windows XP

    DirectX Version 9.0c

    Mobo Manufacturer

    Mobo Model

    AGP Rates (Current/Available) N/A / N/A

    CPU Intel Pentium 4 3464 MHz

    FSB 0 MHz

    Memory 2048 MB


    Display Information

    Graphics Chipset ATI RADEON X850 XT

    Driver Name RADEON X850 XT

    Driver Version

    Driver Status WHQL - FM Approved

    Video Memory 256 MB

    Core Clock 519 MHz

    Memory Clock 540 MHz





  11. I know its a little early but I get a little anxious after the draft.  GC currently has a Fantasy Baseball league.  I was wondering if anybody would be interested in a Fantasy Football league..



    I'd love to. It would have to use a free service though. I'm already in a pretty expensive leauge and my wife would kill me to be in another pay league. (I could swing a few bucks if needed, but not a ton)


    I had pretty good luck with the free yahoo ff leagues.

  12. I finally got off my butt and submitted my signup fee. You guys run a fantastic set of servers and I wanted to support them. Hope to be getting shot by you all for a long time.




  13. We had assault_sith or lith on the old huge server before it was taken down and it was a fan favorite.  The CT actually had a good advantage on this map and I liked it a lot.  Would love to get it back on midwest.



    I was just playing on scopeless and we were talking about cs_assault_2005. I found a

    dl site for it.




    I played it a few times on other servers and really enjoyed it. Seems fairly balanced. (at least on those servers)



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