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Posts posted by Whitney

  1. Ahhhh thank you!


    Hah! See?? KP has friends!!!




    Knifey Peckles, the CSS player might have friends, but does Alex, the real person actually have friends? :shrug03:

  2. Muahahahaha VITORY!.... :erm: wait a tic....


    wow not only can you not spell victory, u also just admitted to being curvy and raping norg....wow u R slow aren't you. :wiggle2:

    That was the point speedy!


    ummm excuse you...ummm no...don't talk to me u n00bzor.......


    wherez norgypoo....*sniffle*

  3. Muahahahaha VITORY!.... :erm: wait a tic....


    wow not only can you not spell victory, u also just admitted to being curvy and raping norg....wow u R slow aren't you. :wiggle2:

  4. *pushes Norg back into cellar*


    Thats ok whit... :freak:


    Uumm...Non....please don't tell me you freak Norg....cuz last time i checked....about 2 months ago, he wasn't curvy....are u raping him? If so, then i don't want to touch him and he's yours forever....gross two male canadians...wow....barf....

  5. Well since Norg is dead obviously, i guess it's safe to say.........Anonymo, you can have him now.


    Wait nvm, he was on April 16th...hm...sorry Nony, didn't mean to tease you like that

  6. Don't worry about Mo, he's just bitter because he smells funny.


    If i were u i'd be bitter too...i mean just look at you....UGGHHHH u scare me everytime!

  7. Apparently he was online 1 day, 22 hours and 46 minutes ago, but I was AFK, so I missed him.


    u tard....where are you! it's AO time!

  8. Anyone wouldn't happen to know what happened to this mysterious monkey man would they? Haven't seen him online since like March 9th...just wondering...

  9. My little fox thingy might eat my poor little ducky-doodle.


    lol wow. ducky-doodle. that made me smile :smillie_smilling:

  10. I'm disappointed, and i should be, i mean, i sat on mine too long. I told you i need to lose weight. My body weight and Temperature totally fried myegg.


    New Goal: Lose 300 lbs.

  11. That is the longest post i have ever seen in the history of Whitney seeing posts, i scrolled for like an hour omh, i can't read that.


    ...wuss... =P


    Yes, maybe i am, but i can kill you with my Deagle any day.

  12. OooOoH my new egg is prettty....oooooohhhh aaAaaahhh


    since my old one is goign to be just a charred burnt egg

  13. Ok so i woke up like 20 min ago right and the clock next to my bed said it was 12:45 and i was like ok ok, its 12:45 gives me time to go school. Then i realized it was all dark and gloomy outside, i was like what the ****. So i went potty thinking hey, maybe my eyes just haven't adjusted yet...but no...i went back to the window and it was like super dark and gloomy and i was like....uuuhhhh. I seriously thought it was like the end of the world, i was blaming it on Global warming....i was freaked out dude.


    I called my mom at work but no one answered...that didn't help my situation at all, i thought they all died! So i called my b/f and he was like laughing at me out loud was like Whitney, its not 12:45 and i was like yes it is and he was like baby, its 6pm. and i was like WHAT! he was like yea, i've been over to ur house before work, and when your mom was their on her lunch break. I was like no you weren't i would have acknowledged you, i don't remember you being here, and he was all like, but you did, you opened ur eyes and everything. At this point i was so freaked out. It was horrible.


    To make a long story short....my clock by my bed will be getting thrown out here pretty soon and will be replaced, im so glad i didn't have to work today....

    So Stressful.

  14. I cant even see them so I would be quite happy if they actually never hatched. Then everyone could be just as frustrated as me :D


    *shoots discombobulated in face with deagle* How Dare You! You can't surf anyway.

  15. what! where's my pwnsome little hatchling!


    Bah, I guess Ill have to wait until the morning :shrug03:


    IT IS THE MORNING! AARRRGHHHH *shoots yomamma in head with deagle* stupid eggs!



    i was on a du hast song kick senior year for like a month. i know all the words. omh omh dont' get me started

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