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Everything posted by Whitney

  1. Check it out. I got it up on ebay. Processor
  2. Hey guys, i made another video. Care to check it out and leave feedback and ratings. tanky tanky! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYhpgbjLLVM
  3. Youtube usually makes the quality horrible. I have the video on my computer and it's alot better quality. Youtube just makes it look lame like that.
  4. Hey guys, i just made my first CSS video and i would try to get as much feedback as possible. It would be greatly appreciated if you rated the video and left a comment. Keep in mind it's my first one, so be gentle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BSX9FloW5Q
  5. Great game, i can't stop playing it. yes i know, it hasn't come out yet, but what can i say i just have 1337 hacker skills. Is anyone else playin this game or waiting for it to come out? btw hi everyone, know it's been a while since i've made a post. oops, i posted this in the wrong forum. can someone please move it for me? it would be much appreciated! thx.
  6. It's being picked-up tomorrow. I sent it priority mail. Now i accidently deleted that transaction on ebay so idk if i will be able to leave u feedback but i'll try and figure it out. Sorry for the 'tude....cranky...hadn't eaten
  7. why would u bid on something you didn't want? pointless. Seriously, i'll just give it to the second person.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E%3AIT&rd=1
  9. It's on eBay. http://cgi.ebay.com/GeForce-5200-12...m1600 27348179
  10. Darn i was hoping you died. Somewhere. i hope all is not well and i hope you are overwhelmed with grief and ur life is tormented with unhappiness. FYI.
  11. I got into the Dark Brotherhood by killing Imperial Guards. I'm also the Arena Grand Champion and the Champion of Cyrodil and In a whole bunch of guilds. It's awesomeness. Starting to run out of things to do.
  12. Beroth?? what that? sorry im a n00bzor. i know i'll just get him to post in here. Blah!
  13. I KNEW I WAS FORGETTING SOMETHING. next time. next time i will.
  14. I FOUND HIM! Spotted him on last night! Don't worry....he got yelled at Majorly. How dare he.
  15. Peckles and i were messin around and shootin eachother, not complaining, not botherin anyone. everyone else was alive. we were havin fun. when i suddenly get kicked. Now seriously. I wasn't even properly warned. And then i hear that if i wasn't part of gc that he would have banned me. Now isn't that just a little harsh for having fun with a fellow team mate. It's not like i was cussing out the admin, constantly swearin in chat, or spraying porn sprays, the things we are spose to be getting in trouble for. And what is this about i should know better. I wasn't goin to TK him. he attacked me, i attacked him back. and i get kicked and yelled at. This really made me mad. I'm glad i stopped wearing the .gc tag a long time ago. Cuz if i hadn't, i would have taken it off 2nite. GC just isn't what it used to be. Bye Guys
  16. DUDE my dog has that toy too!
  17. Knifey Peckles, the CSS player might have friends, but does Alex, the real person actually have friends? ^Peckles' Biography Cover Picture.
  18. Knifey Peckles, the CSS player might have friends, but does Alex, the real person actually have friends? ooo harsh ya it was. Note to self: dont get on Whitney's bad side. Yea but im aloud to say mean things to him cuz he knows im just messin. you should hear what i say about his flower granny shirts he wears...oh my holiness...don't EVEN get me started on those...
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