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Posts posted by Whitney

  1. Sink, and gel.


    I'll just dry shave, every once in a while, if I don't have shaving cream/conditioner to use, but I'll be darned if I've got razor burn and inch thick stubble for the rest of my life... ...especially if I have to shave every morning.



    I like it when you shave...lol... :freak:

  2. Yes, i saw that on jokaroo.com. I thought it was pretty awesome how he got ran over by that car. It was awesome. How his body flew threw the air like a puppet only to be run over by a car going 70mph. Pure ownage right there. Wish i could see his body after that one. Just Beautiful. :smillie_smilling:

  3. i'd like to take the chance to express my sincere dislike for linkin park.

    i'm sure lincoln park is nice, especially in february, but linkin park is the :boo:


    I'll have to disagree with you about Linkin Park, of course they're collaboration with Jay-Z was not the best, many of their songs are done quite well. But i guess you do have the right to your opinion. :hug:

  4. i have lost all faith in humanity due to this thread...thanks whitney




    the other witt, who people always think is whitney, and then they're disappointed when i'm not, and i don't feel the love



    Lol awww poor witt. I"m sorry im just a pimptress, but don't feel bad, lots of people are starting to disreguard me and not really talk to me alot anymore, so your time is coming as the better wit. lol. <3

  5. She's a college student who just learned this year how many continents there are on Earth...

    I hope that is a joke.


    So do i, thats just horrible. Are you sure she wasn't just joshin with you? I mean don't u learn that in like the 4th or 5th grade? Is she blonde? It might help the situation not to be as depressing if she was blonde.

  6. So i was playing Jen Rummy with my mom and i went into the kitchen to get some tropical punch kool-aid (yummy). My stepbrother came in and my mom was like

    "Doug you look like a person from Ethiopia with those hoops in your ears"


    and can u even guess what he said!


    "Whats Ethiopia?"


    Ok, he is in the 8th grade, almost highschool! and he doesn't know what or where Ethiopia is! I immediatly had to go tell my genius brother playin on the DS. And all he could say was "wow". Then i went into my moms bedroom to tell his dad, and he was just shook his head and said "doesn't surprise me". I called my boyfriend to tell him and he just couldn't stop laughing!


    I mean, oh my holiness! We're gonna be givin him crud about this his whole life.


    You know what his excuse was! "They never went over stuff like that in school!"


    o m g guys o m g

  7. 1. Scion xB - Ugly as Sin

    2. Rousch Ford Mustang -Eeeww Eeeww Double EEEwww

    3. Nissan 350 Z - girly car

    4. Mazda RX 8 - please dont

    5. Mazda 6 - too familyish

    6. Mistubishi Eclipse - only curvy men drive these

    7. Dodge charger - sexy

    8. Chevy HHR - hideous

    9. Ford Fusion - um....eeww?

    10. Nissan Altima - Too boring

  8. 6'1" @ 168lbs


    The sixpack hasn't been replaced with a keg yet, but the beer's definitely gone flat, due to the "Hey, Sean, it's a day ending in 'ay'! After work, we're going out for beer and wings, eh?"


    I'll never be built, but at least I won't let myself become a pear.


    I'll still love ya if you don't have a six pack.....


    ....my brother is 15 and has an eight pack....


    ....but still ur hawt

  9. OH REALLY so when there is a car, coming at me and im trying to swurve away from it hitting me, im just spose to let it hit me eh? and so when im going down a steep hill and people slam on their brakes at once, im just suppose to gently tap the brakes and hope that the gentle tapping will help me stop within 10 ft? ok? u weren't there don't even start.

  10. Ok so i woke up at 7:50 to go to work right. And i work over in Kansas City, MO which is about 15 miles or so away from my house if you take 435. So it was snowing but not that bad, there was snow on the ground but it wasn't that slick. About halfway there, all of a sudden all i could see was white. My car was sliding and i actually had to use both hands to drive (rare occasion). People all around me were slowing down because u couldn't see ANYTHING in front of you. It was all just a big white blob of nothingness. Then all of a sudden i see brake lights come on in fron tof me.

    I tried to slow down, but i just kept sliding. I was pushing down on the breaks as hard as possible but it was like it had no effect.

    On the side of the road there must have been atleast 10 cars messed up from getting in accidents in this one spot alone. There were people on the opposite side of the highway you had also fallen into the trap of this particular part of road. People had fallen off the side of hills where rivers were, there were cars mangled up in front of off ramps, Vans no longer looked like vans but those funny japanese delivery trucks that make u wonder where the engine is.

    Then a Taurus decides he's gonna switch lanes in front of me while i was sliding everywhere. i Turned my steering wheel as far right as i could, and i was still going straight! The guy in the ugly orange truck behind me must have thought he was going to hit me, cuz he barely stopped in time. I swear it was the scariest thing ever.

    Then when i finally got to work, ten minutes later, my mom called work asking if i had made it. Apparently about 5 min after i left that scene, there was a 50-60 car pile up in that spot. People just kept slamming into eachtoher not knowing what was going on. Then they closed the highway from around 8:30-11 so that they could get all of the cars out. I think of myself as a lucky person. Plus i didn't have my drivers license or anything on me.

    I konw that if i still had the super bad tires i had on my car in November, i'd be dead right now. And if i didn't know how to drive correctly, i would have been very badly injured.

    Just wanted to let everyone know about my close brush with death today. it was very eventful.

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