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Posts posted by EbilDustBunny

  1. Lol yeah in the summer... haven't seen sideways rain outside hurricane season which starts somewhere in June. Swear if you stared outside it make give you a seizure. All the bad stuff is further south now... Hous had no power when I left for work. Sigh... At work :(


    tornado warning was new...

  2. So I told work I'm not going to work until this weather clears up a bit... But according to the weather it's not dying anytime soon. Sorta want to call off but idk... SchoolS aren't cancelled... Lol sucks to be the kids. Going to try to go back to sleep I guess but my dog is keeping me up.

  3. Yeah Flatout 2 for sure! Half life DM was good times.


    I like boardgames it's a good break from staring at a monitor all day/night.


    I got a new Fluxx deck last xmas... Zombie Fluxx! I think someone has Apples to Apples. I want to play a massive game of werewolves like with everyone there all 40 ppls.... That would be hilarious.

  4. Hey Xoul, it's been awhile, I wish things were better for you... :( Stay strong man for your daughter and yourself... Like mo said "it's not the end of the world..." You're a smart young guy! Think of what's best for you and your daughter to help guide your actions. If you don't already, spend as much time as you can with your daughter, taking her to play dates, pick her up from daycare, doctors appointments... if you get evaluated for custody rights to be the primary parent, things like that will most likely help.


    GC will definitely be here if you need someone to talk to.

  5. Anyone playing this game? It's a pictionary game for the ipodtouch or iphone. My username is ebildustbunny (of course)


    Anyways I get this word... "Matrix" and I drew a math matrix... and no-one got it.


    I drew I bunch of 1s and 0s in green and a guy with sunglasses

  6. That's sooooo cool! I remember watching those videos a few years back on youtube. Yeah it seems to be picking up again. They mentioned it on one of my favorite shows "the office"


    I hope the MTV works out great!

  7. or the fact that guy carries around a HUGE knife?


    Well it is the fastest way to get home...


    LOL +1

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