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Everything posted by bulletmagnet

  1. one minor gripe, i keep getting kicked for ping being too high ...
  2. cs_noir is sorta fun, like once a week sort of thing for a couple rounds (waay less than 10) rounds last too long timetimes if people just sit there in the houses ... since there are no objectives
  3. i tried dirtysecret's prodigy strategy today .... i hit like 7 T's through that barrel thing but only got one kill
  4. yea, the iceworld we played last saturday was bleh o.O i started in the open (same spot) every round and got insta-awped/killed almost every round before i could move im sure it would work the other way if i had an awp pointing at their people who spawn in teh open
  5. at least have it so alivemetal doesnt play every other map sometimes :-/ sometimes it goes alive metal -> dust2 -> alive metal -> italy -> alive metal for some odddddddd reason
  6. gambit whines if i awp from spawn xD since he rushes spawn so fast every round ... why leave when he's gonna come for me within 30 sec of the round starting? We can always leave spawn after the SGC rush is dead
  7. suspected cheating? http://caleague.com/?page=user&userid=131970
  8. i think whitneyford was there when it happened. he was there for most of the afternoon today
  9. oh, sorry >_< i dont have sound so i couldnt hear any soundtrack
  10. use winrar to extract the file. http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm there's a wmv file inside it.
  11. ***contains offensive language/soundtrack*** http://files.filefront.com/DirtySecreT_Dow...;/fileinfo.html ***contains offensive language/soundtrack*** someone teach me!
  12. i suck too much for those organized rounds. plus i sporadically go afk, heh <---- noob.
  13. i think 1/4 of the server left after hollywood joined, lol originally hollywood was on the T team and won us a round then got autoswitched
  14. lol, i think i was there ... half awake i see "DUCK" then ... i dont remember ... *zombie mode*
  15. still trying to get a kill by throwing FBs at enemy's heads too hard to find someone with 1 hp left ...
  16. where do i extract the map pack? im a total noob. i dont even know how to watch any of the demos people post on these forums >_<
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