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Posts posted by Cannon_Fodder

  1. Recently, I have had horrible aim. I have tried everything including changing my name to novICE to see if GC members are fragging me just as often or just experienced in the fragging of MaDPaT from my specific playing style.


    I have been adjusting fov, mouse settings, ingame settings, etc. Always trying to get something that works with my hand eye coordination to hit fast moving targets like Dark, Bushwack, and Wentz. I have finally come to the conclusion that in deathmatch mode I am rather weak but at distance I am much better. I am more comfortable sniping. I have relagated myself to fov 80. True, it is tunnel vision but I have something larger to hit and my hit/miss ratio has drastically improved. I mean like a factor of 4. I got 32 helbender turret hits and a few of them were multi kills in 3 seconds. Helps that vehicles and opponents have low health from previous damage from others. The number of people on foot was sick. I got a few of them on first strike. If I miss gc guy and give my position away, I may as well kiss me and my helbender good bye. I can even do shock combos in a limited way.


    True, you have no peripheral vision left or right, but when Wentz is charging you do you want a small bodied Wentz or a larger one to hit? I still get killed alot but I am atleast fragging experinece players on the occasion. I could switch fov back and forth with my nostromo but do not want to hurt my aiming.


    What do you guys think?


    So now we know that novice is the new target! :biglaugha:

  2. Lil Bush is doing well! Speaking from experience it was a very short window of time when my kids were willing to play with dad and it took very little additional time for them to start kicking my butt. o0o If UT3 ever comes out I suspect they will join in again at least for a little while. Right now they just shake their heads at me for still playing the same old game. :shrug03:

  3. Some times I'd just like to skin my son alive.... He knew I'd rushed home for the scrim and he saw me waiting to join and inspite of these obviously clues he decided to do a major download while I was trying to play!!!!!! At least I have a reason for the bad response versus poor Tek who is in never never land hoping Mediacom will get their act together. And it was just a scrim versus a match. :angry: Sorry guys.

  4. That would be Stone Hills - keep in mind the node teleport probs to some of the nodes (meaning if you try to teleport to them you end up at your base instead)


    Up in a bit




    EDIT: You'll be a happy camper hopefully. The teleport problem and the vehicle shading being off were two of the key problems before - although the map never got out of beta and was abandoned, the version I just tracked down (had the map but thought what the hell...) *may* have those probs solved. The vehicles looked fine and the node transports were fine as well. This was in an instant action game - no guarantees on server play - or if other packages are needed.


    Thanks for taking the time to check this out!


    I didn't notice any bugs but this version is set up a bit different with 2 side nodes from each side being connected to the key wide open center node like you see Arctic Stronghold configured some times which usually turns into super marathons. I don't remember a Levi on this map before either. It's a nice change to fool with for a while but I don't see this one as a long term keeper.

  5. That would be Stone Hills - keep in mind the node teleport probs to some of the nodes (meaning if you try to teleport to them you end up at your base instead)


    Up in a bit




    EDIT: You'll be a happy camper hopefully. The teleport problem and the vehicle shading being off were two of the key problems before - although the map never got out of beta and was abandoned, the version I just tracked down (had the map but thought what the hell...) *may* have those probs solved. The vehicles looked fine and the node transports were fine as well. This was in an instant action game - no guarantees on server play - or if other packages are needed.


    Thanks for taking the time to check this out!

  6. Handfull of maps going up, need to find Sandcrack though (not hard)


    Our redirect server is a touch on the full side (blame CS:S) so we'll see what I can actually fit.


    Voting up tonight hopefully - not UT2Vote - just standard.


    U - Spiffengrad is going up, but I don't think that was it - there was Conclave Canyon...uh... Stone Hills (though that one had some node teleport probs)


    Hmm - bridge in the middle - UP-Camo perhaps?




    I can't remember the name either. I asked you to put it up some time back when you were asking for suggestions. At the time you found it but you said there were some lighting problems or something and you didn't want to put it up. The center node was located in the center of a bridge protected on each side by a high chain link fence so you could attack it only from the ends. I tried looking under old topics but couldn't find anything.

  7. Let's have it - whatcha whatcha want? Only a brief time before my reign of terror ends with the return of HW...

    Are you taking non-map requests? If so, I've got one... is there a way to avoid the team stackage? I know, "whine whine whine", but it's a problem. It seems like the majority of the time, I see at least 3 more GC on one side than the other. Perhaps they all have their default team side set from prior TWL matches, and forgot to take them off? Hey, maybe that's it... could you disable the preferred team option in pub games?


    It seems to me like you could solve your problems by just re-joining GC!

  8. Actually things were worse at one time. Anyone remember trying to play QuakeWorld through your AOL connection?


    I think it was Quake I used to try to play on line where you just about had to stick to sniping weapons as anything that forced the screen to change quickly (like a chain gun firing) lagged down the response dismally. I remember reading a post about this once about how it improved your overall playing skill.

  9. I usually type in gc][ in the player search and check everyones at once


    And yeah on the hours played as long as you aren't sacrificing other important areas of your life that are required to maintain a balance.. it's just a number!


    Just think if you recorded the number of hours that you spend in the bathroom, or eating, or driving.. that would probably freak you out too.



    My current truck is the first vehicle I've owned with an hours of use counter. It does freak me out or more like depress me every time I check it. For the most part I drive pretty fast but the hours keep counting even when you are sitting still so on average for the driving I do it works out to about 30 miles/hour (48 kilometers/hour for Dark :stretch: ). I got the truck right around the time UT2K4 came out. I may have spent 800+ hours playing but I've spent more than twice that much time sitting behind the wheel of my truck...

  10. I do the same thing Cannon. Say if it's a tank on Dawn I'll drive it to the top of the hill of the middle node and just get out, it wont last long and a fresh one will appear before I die. Yes, otherwise it could sit there smoking forever at the side node if the server isn't heavily populated. If it's a bender I'll drive it into fire and hope it get out before she blows. Manta or raptor I'll heal about 3/4 of the way.


    Yes, I do heal Mantas and Raptors slightly more than half. That way the Raptor can take one Avril hit and the Manta won't blow up the first time you scrape something. Tanks just take too long to heal especially by yourself and you don't have enough plasma anyway.


    Thanks Bush. I was thinking maybe what I was doing didn't make sense.

  11. It's a noble thing to do for your team but bad for stats I guess.. Personally I don't think about stats at all when I'm playing and I kill myself all the time when I feel it's beneficial. Only thing I don't like about blowing up the tank is you could fully heal it in the same amount of time


    Yes, but then you are out of the game during that time which is part of why you beat up unoccupied vehicles to start with.

  12. Very often the other team will beat up vehicles and, particularly while pubbing, other players will stay away from these smoking vehicles as they are unwilling to heal or use them effectively taking that vehicle out of the game. Whenever I see a tank like that I jump in and find a close wall or tree and fire point blank which of course takes out the tank. I figure I'll immediately respawn and the tank will be back whole in 16 seconds versus sitting there unused.


    Does this count as a suicide? I suspect the answer is yes. I didn't even know how to set up a suicide key until I started into TWL with you guys but I notice my stats show a high percentage of suicides.


    Also, does playing like this make sense? It must hurt my stats but I've always been more interested in winning games than personal stats.



  13. Where is everyone else???


    FK, Dingy, Shadow, Cannon, Primus...c'mon homies.




    You don't want mine! I still play with the track ball you abandoned (thumb ball) and select weapons with a mouse wheel. I tried a mouse for a while but you know how us seriously old guys get set in their ways. :smiling2: My typing skills just aren't up to doing stuff like key binding which is really pretty funny considering I spent 15 years typing technical test reports. I always said that I type as fast as I think! :smiling2::smiling2:

  14. every time I've actually been on I've been tagged... I sent in $ via money order to fats months ago and assumed he received it as my membership has not been removed! Dunno about Lexmark/Primus


    Sorry, old age again. Primus is definitely playing without a tag.




    Yeah all we are missing is just one more person and seems you are the one holding us back by not joining up. Right now we need more participation. We lost Lex to WOW, Wentz to puberty, Tek to Oblivion and the rockets on Primus's wheel chair backfired. Well actually Wentz might be back but I can't tell because the power supply fairy left nothing under my pillow today. I still see most everyone but seems we all play at staggered times instead of the typical 8:00 we once did. And play for hours.


    I would love to be more competitive but as we are we have no leader so I think thats why we are idle. I have no communication skillz (or contacts) to pull in scrims plus family activities hinder some things. That and I am internetless until I get home from work at 4pm. We need someone more in tune with communicating with other clans and those types of activities. I am not one to talk, I just want to shoot them in the head.


    However, I DID have my finger on the "send money" button for a good 5 seconds two nights ago, and last night's games were fun...

    What you guys are playing and having fun without me? :zombie: Waaaaa


    I think Bush pretty much hit it on the head here. Alas... we are leaderless. My wheel chair must be in better shape than Primus's.


    We are really out of time sync. Hwarrior plays very early if at all. Others are scattered. It was slow at work today and there was actually some decent play on Nepenthe about mid day for a while.

  15. sure, he can have it for 1 year temporarily when he joins GC ;)


    It's not like everyone that is posting in there now is a current GC member and if it helps him decide... And yes, a saw the smillie. :smiling2:


    Really? Who ain't a member in there? Penty is good to go so it ain't him (he's just a supreme commander now...) you're talkin bout willis.




    I didn't think Lex, Wentz or Primus were currently paid up as they aren't pubbing with a /-=GC=-/ tag at all that I've seen. When I tried to check the link to:




    isn't working so I couldn't verify there.


    Of course this is probably just another case of me not really understanding the ins and outs of GC... :(

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