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Everything posted by Demoner

  1. what would be cooler is to buy a BMW motorcycle instead better gas mileage but the part that sucks is hard to drive when its cold outside
  2. I think italy is overplayed and becomes old fast especially if the teams are stacked I think it just doesn't need to be in every part of the rotation throughout the day.
  3. Is there a timespan when the player stats will be back up?
  4. I just wondering if there are any reasons why the player stats have been down.
  5. I would like if cs_italy was taking out of roatation and replaced by either de_newport_beach or de_eminence. Also maybe adding a few more maps just to mix things up a little bit.
  6. I agree about switching maps up. Personally I wouldn't mind if played either more maps or if we replaced some maps with others.
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