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Posts posted by daggem

  1. About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I was playing cs office with Magruter on the team. He shot me in the back of the head accidentally and told me it was my fault. I mouthed off and shot him a couple times and of course..... BAM!


    Mag, my apologies, I do fly off the handle at times. I am working on it. Would you consider unbanning?




    Steam 0:1:8816902

  2. Tried to log on today and it said I was banned. I am risking your wrath by saying I am ignorant of why I was banned!!! :(:(:(


    Beyond the occasional shooting back at a teammate to takes a liking to putting me in their sights, I don't know what I did. Please help.


    If I have done something to offend someone, please slap me, let me confess and ask forgiveness. :bang::bang::bang:







  3. Hi,


    I keep getting this problem when starting up #2 or moving to the next map:



    CMaterial::LoadVMTFile: can't open "materials/maps/cs_militia/glass/glasswindowbreak070b_344_184_-112.vmt



    I will see this 20x or a version of it before I finally get into the map.


    Can you help?????


    Dale Graham



  4. HI,


    I have been playing on GC #2 for quite a while. After going away for Christmas, I came back to find out I had been banned. Since I have played with you quite a bit, can you find out what happened? The only thing I can figure out is once I shot a partner accidentally and he went off on me (killed me by shooting back) and then got arrogant about it. Otherwise, my language, sprays(none), etc. have been above reproach. Can you help. I enjoy your server quite a bit. It is perhaps my favorite one. I would love to get back in.


    I spoke to duma, who I play with often, and he recommended I do this.



    Dale Graham (daggem)

    Steam: 0:1:6540788

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