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Posts posted by Kurtz

  1. lol i dont think anyone can go easier than myself but you know how things get twisted and blow up from nothin. its all good but ill stay were im at i mean we got dj but every family has a blacksheep.

  2. Heh we might need pay for view on this........I wasn't actually serious but if it happens kurtz will be on the disabled list for awhile,at least his shooting hand will be! :wavey:

    Since this thing seems to be takin on a life of its own ill repeat:


    The only thing happyer than 2 30something yr old guys arm wrestling for no more than others entertainment.Is Yermoth3r in a room with 30 hot horny women that want him.but as i said if step insists im game and if we're roped into this by others who want to be amused well ill find a way to screw you all and make some money doing it.



    Do i want to do this, its fing pathetic why would i


    I do not know you or are involved with you enough for you in general to matter to me one way or another much less who would win in a armwreslting match.



    What i do know is i enjoyed playin with sanders,stedanko and you back on delta. then you decided to compete and recuited in my opinion a bunch of teen jerkoffs so i just like i always do or atleast most of the time do and thats stay to myself and try to get by with a hi or bye on servers if that.I met all of you untill someone p*ssed out because of the bugs :-).You all seemed like decent people.

  3. " From your view then Kurtz, every hunter that does not eat his kill is worthless"




    a bit over the edge dont you think.


    in my opinion wrong and anyone that would kill 400 living things for fun is someone i dont respect.



    "What is sporting?"


    having a capable opponent. i work with animals on the side.I also worked under a very good teacher on animal behavior.Its well know the more contact a animal has with man will effect there flight response.So you put a bunch of man raised animals in a field with man smells is a natural setting for them theres no sens of danger and the have no reason to run.




    "Very few people NEED to hunt"


    when that 25$ for that would be meal goes to the kids college fund or to thats months mortgage payment or any other number reason of life i would say ya they do.




    "This is not "raping" nature in any way"



    anyone that kills 400 live things in 1 afternoon of fun i say is.

  4. Soul you keep tryin to push this into some left wing animals right puppy hugger thing and i dont think its like that at all.


    Its the act itself and i cant believe you dont atleast see this as a cheap puss way of havin some fun.


    we know how are food comes to us but this isnt about food this is about killin just to kill and not even puttin the effort into makin it sporting



    hell lets say it a 9,000 acre farm do you trully believe these rich Pr*cks one of which is pushin his 90th heart attack hiked around lookin for these what basicly comes down to living targets.I doubt it


    like i said before everything has degrees lets say the did hike through the brush and did track/flush these animals the fact is that they still payed for a kill.theres no sport in that.better than the first situation but shadey all the same.then theres the father son in the country going out takin only what they need and will eat respecting nature not raping it, not being promised, them vs nature hit or miss


    do you atleast understand where im comin from?

  5. kurtz are you drunk btw? not being to nice in your posts up there.... o ya step would pwn em in arm wrestling.. and over the top is great.

    sigh here we go again



    show my where i was mean and ill show you a post before that that deserved being mean to.



    "o ya step would pwn em in arm wrestling"


    the only thing happyer than 2 30something yr old guys arm wrestling for no more than others entertainment.Is Yermoth3r in a room with 30 hot horny women that want him.but as i said if step insists im game and if we're roped into this by others who want to be amused well ill find a way to screw you all and make some money doing it.




    "over the top is great."


    you dumb confused canadian bast@rd that movie sucks

  6. I disagree.


    The Iraqi's should decide who gets contacts to rebuild their country, not us.  This is the financial rewards that everyone who opposed the war knew were coming to our friends in "the Coelition of the Willing".

    ya you right they should


    i kinda got caught up more with sayin screw you to france and germany





    but there does come a point that you need to put something in to get something out

  7. LOL, If my brother (draco) hacked I would tell the whole world.. But if you accuse him of hacking I think the first person to come to is me.. Let's see the same computer and I would see the so called "hacks" on the desktop. Or also it would meen I hack. I watch my brother play counter-strike all the time the scrimmage, the pubing and everything.. So if you think he hacks in most offense as possible your wrong. He has been playing this game as long as me and he gets all his skills from playing the game and trying new things out. So don't even think my bro hacks or says anything about it because I would be the first person to know. All I know is he practice and hes a very good counter-strike player and diserves respect because he works hard to be good.

    Thats right this path started with draco


    is someone workin on his dumbazz award

  8. I'm with Mags on this one.


    As a hunter, I think its pretty darn lame to go "hunting" for cage raised animals with no chance.  I also think its sadistic for 10 people to kill 400 birds, especially if they aren't eating them (which I doubt).   


    But then again, these animals were raised to be shot.  Its a tragedy that it was done like this, but not all people hold the same value towards life as others.  In the end, I think that this directly should reflect upon your view of the person participating.

    well said

  9. mags you jerkoff dont edit my post it was fine


    you need to settle down with the admin thing

    wow, you could have been nicer on your post!!! That's two today. I think draco just lost his award.

    Kurtz as you know we do not put up with drug references in our server or forums. Thanks have a nice day, i put my five on step....

    ok next time your on cod and complain to someone for their ping when its a glitch and yuo dont know what your talkin about then tk that person i should ban you because thats the way it is ---- right?









    lol mom lolololololol

  10. With all the weed that i've smoked it turned me into a lover not a fighter but if you were to insist on it ill wager the entrance fee



    edit mag: there ya go kurtz...

  11. blah it still comes across as a coward with no respect for nature that has only a will to abuse it


    You can use that argument for gun hunting as well.


    your right and in a way i do respect a person that bow hunts more in the fact its closer to the true nature of the hunt, where you trully are apart of nature as a preditor.h*ll you show me a man that goes wild bore hunting with a switchblade now thats a true hunter.But there are degrees to everything and puttin 400 birds in a field where a bunch of fat rich guys can drive around on a atv and kill them isnt hunting.

  12. blah it still comes across as a coward with no respect for nature that has only a will to abuse it


    you want to hunt fine hunt the real way track them/flush them out/wait it out whatever it is your hunting.



    BTW this isnt a personal attack against cheney you show me any person that calls this hunting and my view is the same for them

  13. man kurtz, arent you a badass

    Draco if you only had a clue


    congratz with that post you just qualified as dumbazz of the day

  14. Humane Society Statement


    POSTED: 2:51 p.m. EST December 9, 2003

    The following statement by the Humane Society of the United States was e-mailed to ThePittsburghChannel.com on Tuesday afternoon:


    Monday's hunting trip to Pennsylvania by Vice President richard Cheney in which he reportedly shot more than 70 stocked pheasants and an unknown number of mallard ducks at an exclusive private club places a spotlight on an increasingly popular and deplorable form of hunting, in which birds are pen-reared and released to be shot in large numbers by patrons. The ethics of these hunts are called into question by rank-and-file sportsmen, who hunt animals in their native habitat and do not shoot confined or pen-raised animals that cannot escape.


    The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported today that 500 farm-raised pheasants were released yesterday morning at the Rolling Rock Club in Ligonier Township for the benefit of Cheney's 10-person hunting party. The group killed at least 417 of the birds, illustrating the unsporting nature of canned hunts. The party also shot an unknown number of captive mallards in the afternoon.

    "This wasn't a hunting ground. It was an open-air abattoir, and the vice president should be ashamed to have patronized this operation and then slaughtered so many animals," states Wayne Pacelle, a senior vice president of The Humane Society of the United States. "If the Vice President and his friends wanted to sharpen their shooting skills, they could have shot skeet or clay, not resorted to the slaughter of more than 400 creatures planted right in front of them as animated targets."


    The Humane Society of the United States deplores the shooting of captive birds and animals where traditional "fair chase" hunting ethics are discarded and kills are guaranteed. We are campaigning to outlaw canned hunts through federal and state legislation and our opposition is more thoroughly delineated in an opinion page essay by Pacelle in today's edition of The New York Times. See the essay at www.nytimes.com/2003/12/09/opinion/09PACE.html.



    Ive always been in favor of hunting as long as it goes to the dinner table.

    but this bothers me this isnt a hunt this is nothing more than killing to kill.Its not a hunt, the animals that have been farm raised dont have the exp.or skill to escape because theyve been in a pen there whole life.



    it just seems like the act of a pathetic coward and some one who has no respect for nature or life.An even more important question and im afraid to ask this is did they eat these animals or give them to homeless to feed them or was this just a waste of life for some rich jerkoffs power trip.





  15. rofl, i bet longhair probabaly expected one or two question...  ...not the whole assignment.

    lol was gonna say that the post headline should be "can someone do my homework"

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