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Posts posted by Thor

  1. Thanks a lot Way for running this MC. You did alot for my team by helping us set up a match then coming in and playing knowing we would be short. I can't imagin how much work was put into this to keep it all going. Nice Job! Can't wait till the next MC!

  2. Great Game guys!

    Almost that prefect score of 30-0 but at last we beat you as a CT.


    Very fun games guys :D


    Also thanks alot of waiting on us. I posted asking you guys to show up early and we are the once who were late. I am very sorry about that.


    Thanks to the subs who filled in for our missing guys.

  3. a Request. I know its hard to get everyone on time. Snake and I need the match to start right away. Could everyone try to make it on time. Thanks.


    I know in the past our team been late so try your best. I know its hard.


    Or could we start 15 min earlier?

  4. I have not yet seen proof that the bible is false.

    I will quote my teacher Dr. Petz

    "The bible is not seen as a historical document but just a bounch of stories with good lessons in it"

    The bible is like legends sure some stories my have some truth in it but can't be taken word for word.

    So the statment

    Consider the source. I would also note the Charlotte the spider could talk to a pig, and write notes in her web.

    is very accurate.

  5. cover all creationism beliefs in a science class, it would take a long time


    and very angry students.


    This thread is cool. Just read from post 1 to 98. Seems like everyone has really good points.


    No evidence = theory. Hence THEORY of evolution.

    It has as much a right to be taught in school as creationisim.

    I challenge anyone who reads this to give "proof" of evolution,

    or as I call it "eviloution" It's all a lie designed specifically to lead

    us astray.


    I believe the theory of evolution should be taught in school and has the right to be taught in school over creationism. I think this because there is evidence to support evolution, where there is evidence or proof on creationism that can be supported unless faith is applied.


    Should you think the theory of evolution is a the perfect theory that describes how we have come to be? I would say no but I see it as the best model of the truth.


    It’s kind of like light we find evidence of what light is but in the end we have no idea. Yet we still try to describe it and I assume all of you can agree we done a very good job at that.

  6. Thursday 9:00PM est. spawn Vrs Blade


    ip password gamerscoalition


    Just giving a time / place be there!


    (becuase its the last day and we have to play!)

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