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Posts posted by Heartless

  1. I'm not reading this thread because i don't want to get into it.. but i saw the initial post... I just thought it was funny cause I just did my Current Issues (CI) homework on this article and I had so many thoughts on it... and to see it here... hahah

  2. Well, I mostly have questions. But... I have heard some things...



    Apparently the French diet is a diet consisting of mostly wine (which is very good for you because of its anti-oxidants), cheese, and bread!


    The french I guess drink a lot of water (10 cups a day instead of 8 because of the wine.. alcohol is a diaeretic and you need more water to substitute)

    Eat at least 4 meals a day and have a glass of wine with each meal (or organic grape juice with for those of you who aren't 21 and can't get alcohol)

    Don't eat with in 3 hours of sleep

    They eat lots of simple carbs (like bread)

    And lots of calcium (such as cheese or milk)

    Lots of fruits too! They love grapes over there...

    Also, the french apparently sleep at least 9 hours a night (lucky them... i guess they don't have kids! hahaha)

    ** They also urge you to remember that after 3 bites of something you have fully tasted it and eatting should be for tasting not for filling. French [women] never eat til they are stuffed, they only eat until they aren't hungry... crazy as that sounds.


    I don't really know all that much about this diet.. like what else you are suppose to eat.

    But it's suppose to be very good for you. And I dont see many fat french people! I'm gonna do some more research and post back.. if you get to it before me... thanks!

  3. I played DDR (2) for awhile after I had my baby, I lost some weight that way. Drinking water helps a LOT! I notice if I drink 10 cups of water a day for a week I gain a little weight (water weight) at the begining of the week but by the end of the week I'm feeling better, my face looks thinner (You gain water weight mostly in your neck and face believe it for not) and I'll lost about 5 pounds (minus the 3 I gained from water is about 2lbs a week!)


    If only I only had the stomach to drink that much water. I don't have the time or the stomach room any more....

  4. Congrats!!


    I'm engaged too.. for a year now. I'm not planning to get married any time soon though. I'm not really even thinking about it really... nor I shouldn't be at 17.


    I think it was really smart to put it off for a little. I'm already stressed about planning my wedding just because I went to my fiance's cousin's wedding almost 2 months ago!


    I hope it all works out, I know it will. Congrats.

  5. I just stumbled upon this thread and although I'm not religious, I'd like to say to you Mr.Duke that I'm so sorry for you. Less than a month after you learned that terrible news about your beautiful daugther I was celebrating 1 year with mine. After reading through this entire thread I'm so touched at what everyone had to say and I'm so hurt by the whole story.

    I feel way too lucky, I feel like I've been blessed unfairly. I don't deserve to have my beautiful and healthy daughter. But you, listening to what you have to say, makes me see that you really to deserve better than what your life is handing you.


    I am so sorry that you have to go through so much. I am so sorry. Every tear that falls from my eyes as I write this is another prayer for your daughter, I am so sorry.


    You are my hero, I would never be able to see my daughter go through such pain and suffering and still be so strong. You are an amazing man with such an inspirational story and it really gives me the incentive to be a better person and to stop taking everyday with my child for granted. I realized after reading this all that she could be gone tomorrow, and that scares me.


    Please know that I will think about your daughter everyday when I look at mine and I will pray for her. I hope everything turns out the best way possible and I'm glad to hear all the good news. I'll make sure to check the caringbridge site everyday for new updates.


    Good luck.

  6. I don't really know much of where the game came from, all I know is its some Japanese game.


    And well, I'm in love with the game. It's fun.





    is the main site for the english version of the game, although there are many free servers of the game.


    I play on the Clownphobia server..



    I donno, check it out.





    Edit: If you happen to play on that server.. well, my Wizards name is LilyAnna give me a PM or see me in Prontera!

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