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DJ Premier

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Posts posted by DJ Premier

  1. http://apps.npr.org/unfit-for-work/


    In the past three decades, the number of Americans who are on disability has skyrocketed. The rise has come even as medical advances have allowed many more people to remain on the job, and new laws have banned workplace discrimination against the disabled. Every month, 14 million people now get a disability check from the government.




    In Hale County, Alabama, 1 in 4 working-age adults is on disability. On the day government checks come in every month, banks stay open late, Main Street fills up with cars, and anybody looking to unload an old TV or armchair has a yard sale.


    Sonny Ryan, a retired judge in town, didn't hear disability cases in his courtroom. But the subject came up often. He described one exchange he had with a man who was on disability but looked healthy.


    "Just out of curiosity, what is your disability?" the judge asked from the bench.

    "I have high blood pressure," the man said.

    "So do I," the judge said. "What else?"

    "I have diabetes."

    "So do I."


    There's no diagnosis called disability. You don't go to the doctor and the doctor says, "We've run the tests and it looks like you have disability." It's squishy enough that you can end up with one person with high blood pressure who is labeled disabled and another who is not.



    When you are an adult applying for disability you have to prove you cannot function in a "work-like setting." When you are a kid, a disability can be anything that prevents you from progressing in school. Two-thirds of all kids on the program today have been diagnosed with mental or intellectual problems.


    Jahleel is a kid you can imagine doing very well for himself. He is delayed. But given the right circumstances and support, it's easy to believe that over the course of his schooling Jahleel could catch up.


    Let's imagine that happens. Jahleel starts doing better in school, overcomes some of his disabilities. He doesn't need the disability program anymore. That would seem to be great for everyone, except for one thing: It would threaten his family's livelihood. Jahleel's family primarily survives off the monthly $700 check they get for his disability.


    Jahleel's mom wants him to do well in school. That is absolutely clear. But her livelihood depends on Jahleel struggling in school. This tension only increases as kids get older. One mother told me her teenage son wanted to work, but she didn't want him to get a job because if he did, the family would lose its disability check.


    Moochers? For certain. Pull the plug?

  2. MSNBC is really the lefts attempt at being like Fox News on the right. It's doing a tinkle poor job at it. Everyone knows Fox represents the right. I think the other news organizations generally tend to lean a bit on the left. But of course those who believe fox is right in the middle will think everyone else is on the far left.


    In the end, I believe people like to hear things they like and are more inspired by people who share their views rather than challenge them. I think its pretty sad but it is what it is.

  3. besides, rap music today has moved on from thug life mantras. It's now more about money, loose women and partying. I wonder what that sounds like? hmmmm.....Sex, drugs and rock n'roll come to mind. I don't even know why rap music was introduced to this thread besides to create some kinda racial argument.

  4. Y'know, just for the record, you make some really good points but its hidden behind all of your racism and ignorance that your point never makes it to the surface.

    Ya know, the conversation goes along fine without you, this is twice you have personally insulted me, calling me ignorant again, and this time also a racist. I am neither, and I assure you that I am no racist. Everything that you say has a smug tone to it...as if you think you know everyone and everything. Beside your smart arse one liners, what have you contributed to this?


    Again, you know nothing about me, so keep your stupid comments to yourself.


    I don't know if you are a racist or not. But your responses portray racist undertones. You don't know me either. But let me back up some of my statements. You think I'm flinging insults at you but rather I'm pointing out that you are coming off that way. Actions > words.


    Like I said, rap music, much like other music born out of angst (punk & rock) is an indication of today's society. Fix the problem not the symptom.


    You paint a very broad brush across those who take handouts as those who don't work hard. That's a very big brush. The countries problems are far more nuanced than that. It is an ignorant statement.


    A more nuanced approach is to know that success (self reliance and self sustainment) comes as a product of hard work, luck and timing. What about those who work hard but are out of luck and were born in a time of bad circumstance? Again, big brush method apply? I wouldn't think so. The countries problems require big solutions that doesn't categorically deny people who are disadvantaged. Yes we need to fix the moochers. But not everyone using these services are moochers.

  5. Everyone is talking generalities. those are always misleading, and can always be picked apart. Racism does exist, and it is alive and well in America no question there. But its a matter of degrees. I would agree with Preacher in that I do think those that allow themselves to accept, and celebrate, the racial stereotypes that are prevalent in todays society are somewhat culpable for the situation. Why would you celebrate being a gangster, drug dealer, pimp? It does nothing but create a cycle of racist stereotypes that is reinforced by the very minority that it hurts.


    The inner city issue, with its large minority population is a very complicated, multifaceted issue. There are many, the majority of people, that are hard working, law abiding citizens. They are poor for a variety of reasons, from a lack of education, lack of mid to high income jobs in the area, past criminal actions which prevent better jobs, any number of reasons. People who claim that its an easy fix, just work harder, are vastly over simplifying the issue to the point of being ridicules. Whereas those that cry foul, and feel that racism is the major obstacle to success are equally guilty of over simplification.


    Government spends billions on inner city 'initiatives'. Problem is always the same, Liberals want to throw money at every problem without having any real plan, while conservatives want to remove all the funding and let people 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps'. Both are insane, and what ends up happening is services keep changing, nothing is stable, and very few people actually end up getting the support they need to get themselves, through their own hard work, out of poverty. In the end its not racism that keeps the poor down, its simple run of the mill Governmental gridlock and political grandstanding that has become so common place.







    Very nicely stated.


    But, typically, its a group of white people who sit in circles and talk about how minorities should solve their own problems. It's more than a little funny.

  6. So that makes them ok then? Simply seeing another human being walking down the street, that just happens to be on "his turf" and just happens to be in a rival gang, and then opening fire on that person, killing and wounding innocent people should just be considered a cultural norm?


    I think that certain people just choose to see the world a certain way, and will blame it on the media, the government, rich whitey, and a hundred other things, but the bottom line is...if people choose that thuggish life of violence, that's because they are too weak to make the climb to succeed in any way. It's easier to get into that pack mentality, and feel the "power" of having a gun,and a bunch of fellow thugs around you, and the "power" that it gives you to take what you think the world owes you, but it's weak, plain and simple.


    The world needs more role models that will show them that there is a better way, but instead, they idolize these gangster rappers, and people like that, people that glorify that lifestyle....is that the media's fault too? Would government handouts fix that?


    The upward mobility that you speak of won't come from government handouts or any other socialist ideas that you may have. It will only come from themselves, whether you choose to believe it or not, the opportunities are there, they just have to want to take them.


    Y'know, just for the record, you make some really good points but its hidden behind all of your racism and ignorance that your point never makes it to the surface.


    Rap music is not the cause of societal downfall. Rap music, much like punk or rock music, was created to rail against the system for which they believe they have been maligned. The method in which they rail against the system is always a bit suspect but lets not make Rap music out to be a villain more than the white persons punk / rock music.

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  7. On the flip flip side, to say everyone who doesn't make a lot of money and needs government assistance aren't hard working is a very very ignorant statement. Unless you've lived in inner cities, you have no real clue. Maybe the name Clueless is apt.


    You know nothing about me and should reserve such comments as to not show your own ignorance. I've never made any personal attacks, so I don't need to hear it from you.


    I live in New Orleans brainiac....no one here is more than a few blocks from an inner city area, and I see people of all types...hard working and moocher alike, and trust me, there is no shortage of either. And the people that do the mooching, are very career minded towards the act, and aren't bashful about it, some wear it as a badge of honor that they can collect a check and not lift a finger. But fortunately, I know many good, hard working people here, and if the energy and money were to be spent correctly, more people would rise higher, but as long as a system allows people to be lazy at the expense of those who aren't....there will be no progress for either the lower or middle class.


    Then you of all people should know that hard work does not always equal success. I suggest you imagine yourself sitting in a roomful of your neighbors who are hardworking yet are struggling and read to them your post from above aloud.

  8. On the flip side, a person making $1,000,000 a year in California will pay 51.5% of his / her income in state and federal taxes. That's a lot of money in taxes.


    How do you figure that %? Even using the top margin rate, California's is 13.3% + Federal 35% = 48.3%. And thats not at all accurate due to the fact that portions of the income is taxed at lower levels, and thats not taking into account tax breaks, credits and such. Now, of course, there are also local taxes, city taxes, county taxes, property taxes, sales taxes... ect ect. lol, the list of taxes is almost endless :)





    Federal is 39.6%

  9. On the flip side, a person making $1,000,000 a year in California will pay 51.5% of his / her income in state and federal taxes. That's a lot of money in taxes.


    On the flip flip side, to say everyone who doesn't make a lot of money and needs government assistance aren't hard working is a very very ignorant statement. Unless you've lived in inner cities, you have no real clue. Maybe the name Clueless is apt.

  10. According to one party, we should cut taxes for the wealthiest so they are flush with excess cash. Once they realize they have all this excess cash, they will distribute it to the non-wealthy by creating jobs. The reason they would create jobs is because they want to grow their business, in order to gain them even more cash than the excess they already have. It's investing to make more money for themselves. And hopefully the investments they make, that will create jobs, will flood them with even more excess cash!


    The DOW is at record heights! Corporations and the rich are doing fabulously! All is good, right?


    At some point, the rich are so rich, they don't really work hard to create even more wealth for themselves. They simply sit on the cash and live a good life or pass it on to their kids.

  11. Some interesting quotes re: spending:


    "$294 billion was the defense budget when Clinton left office. Now it is over $700 billion. Today we face a resurrection of the Korean hostilities because we decided to stay permanently in So. Korea. It is no wonder China sees this as a threat to its security and protects North Korea. If there were permanent Russian troops in Central America , would we want to arm and protect Mexico? And then there are bases in Germany, Italy and Japan that cost billions. I thought WWII was officially over. Almost half a trillion dollars for F-35s that sit grounded. When will the spending orgy end?"


    "There is one curious problem with the US military budget. Since the collapse of the mighty Soviet Union, we do not face a serious military opponent.

    And, no, an occasional shoe bomber doesn't count. We are under no danger of invasion from Canada or Mexico, and our only conceivable future threat-Communist China-lacks the naval and air forces that could attack us. So we have a gigantic military that is all dressed up with no place to go. And we are constantly looking for obscure third world nations to invade, in order to give them something to do."


    So...was sequestration a bad thing?

  12. Fringe elements always make for better press. Ask Fox News.


    Remember that time when Fox News edited a 911 tape to make a suspect in a shooting sound like a racist? Oh wait... that was NBC. Remember that time when Fox News used fabricated documents to make up a false story about George Bush? Oh wait, that was CBS. Remember that time when a local chief for Fox News in Iraq admitted to covering up stories so they wouldn't get thrown out of the country? Oh wait, that was CNN. Remember that time when that Fox News anchor claimed the Aurora shooter was a Tea Party member without any proof? Oh wait, that was Brian Ross at ABC. Remember that Fox News anchor that got a chill up his leg over Obama? Oh wait, that was MSNBC.


    I can do this all day. Stop acting like Fox News is the evil in the news world while all the others are as pure as a newborn baby. It's ridiculous.


    I don't have a need to give examples of fox news fringe programming. All you have to do is watch some of it at any time of the day. Fox news isn't evil. It just aint news, it's just the mouthpiece of the extreme right. And here's an opinion for you - anyone who believes otherwise is part of the extreme fringe right in my strong humble opinion. No need to respond. Nothing you can say will sway me even a weee bit.

  13. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/21/us/in-reversal-florida-says-it-will-expand-medicaid-program.html?hp&_r=0


    Y'know, its not that different as those republicans who bashed the president for the bailout and then the next day demanded they get the funds from the bailout.


    On a slightly related topic, the district near my work decided to cut funding for public middle schools. The next day, they ordered a $100,000 armored vehicle in case there is terrorist activity....in the burbs...of northern california....next to the hippies. It's laughable. The only reason any terrorist would be in that area is to smoke some ganja.

    • Like 1
  14. Well we could cut funding to whether cow farts cause global warming and use that money to help Americans. lol


    Well I believe its a fact that while half the country may care about global warming, no one cares to do anything about it. It's like eating too much sugar. We all know its bad for you but it tastes oh so good. Sure it'll cut our lifespan down by 20 years but it tastes so good now. No one really thinks about global warming as an immediate issue. That's because well..its not an immediate issue. But say the scientists are right, by the time it does matter, it'll be our childrens issue. We'll both be dead from overconsumption of sugar by the time it means anything to us anyways so its really not my problem nor yours. I agree, cut funding to conducting research on cow farts. Give the soldiers some money.

  15. Just like in all walks of life there are a ton of politics at work both out front and in the background.

    There isn't always an option of transfer for any number of reasons; from medical to just tinkleing off the wrong C.O. He either needed to fulfill his duty time to get all benefits.


    It does truly suck the lack of resources available to the armed servicemen after war, but as in all jobs there are minimums to be met to get lifetime benefits. My wife has to work for 25 years to get a full pension from her job. If she works 24 years and 6 months and then quits of her own will then she gets squat. That's a sad fact but she was informed of that when she took the job. Every soldier who puts in any time at all knows 20 years and out.


    Personally I believe every soldier who donates 4 years of their life to serving should get 4 years of college free and clear at any state college. If their time in is cut short against their will then they should still get the 4 years of college. This way noone who serves is left without the ability to support themselves.


    I agree with you. Making decisions based on emotions doesn't do the process any good at a macro level. I agree with the college pass though. Makes sense. In an all volunteer army, you have to provide perks on the backside. But then again, I'd probably be called a tax and spend liberal for proposing the idea.

  16. Well when Reagan took office, he did sweeping changes in trade, taxation and regulatory agencies. The economy was in the crapper in 1980, much like it was in 2009 when Obama took the reigns. By 1984 Reaganonmics were praised publicly for the positives in the economy by press and promoters. By 1988 our country was enjoying the beginning of a boom. Honestly I hate to admit it but Bush Sr. didn't do much more than enforce Reagan's policies. When Clinton took over things were still good and the computer age took place on his watch, but the economic downfall is blamed mostly on the broad sweeping changes Clinton did to the loan industry (or at least during his watch it occurred) with both Republican and Democrats involved. The crash happened at the end of the Bush era. Our economy having been already weakened by the 2 front war with which we were in full swing, could not handle all the defaulting banks and the real estate market crash. Is that Obama's fault, no. Could he have done more the last 4 years? I believe he could. I also believe he could do more the next 4, but if his current rhetoric is to be believed then I expect that we will be in the same or worse shape in 4 years.


    In 1980 the economy sucked and in 1982 it still sucked. The democratic press and opponents to Reagan pounced on this as proof his policies didn't work.In 1983 it began to get better. and by 84 things looked up and by 1988 it was going really good for anyone who wanted to work. The thing is that every president has the chance to leave things better than they found them. The problem lies in that, like you said, there is always someone else to blame.


    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  17. I think the US is leaning towards a Western Europe world view socially and I don't think the average American has any clue where to set their beliefs economically. Bash trickle down economics all you want but they work. Reagan put them into practice and until the end of Clinton's presidency we experienced record growth, tech advances and huge leaps forward in so many areas of commerce. We've left those ideas in the dust though and most people are tending to believe the hype that if you just tax the rich more, the poor will get that cash. It isn't true. The rich are like the poor in that they will do everything they can not to lose their comfort. So when you tax them higher, they simply hire less people to their companies and spend less causing luxury employers to cut even more people.


    Oh and I made the same this year as last year but paid more in taxes too, by a little over $600 and I did not clear the $50,000.00 mark. (Just did my taxes)


    This is exactly what I was saying where history can be used to justify anyone's positions. How can anyone prove that reaganomics caused the clinton era boom? It's impossible. I can easily say it didn't and you can easy say it did. Truth is, no one can prove it.


    Just like people saying Obama ruined the economy. Really? Wasn't that bush? Maybe it was clinton? See what I mean? We all form our opinions and then go back to history to use to reinforce our opinions in the way we want it. So what's my point? Well, you all need to stop thinking that because you think trickle down economics works that you need to include history "facts" to justify your points. Because in reality, they are never "facts". Same with most of what I'll say and have said I'm sure. *shrug*.

  18. lol. dude, you have issues. :happy:


    You're just as intense about the current state as were the left wing nuts who live near me when Bush was in office. I wonder what would have happened if Bush was in office for another term. Actually, I take it back. I don't want to wonder. :cool:

  19. you guys get way too worked up. Everyone spews opinion and calls it fact. It's not just ZD. Well, he may do it more than others but it doesn't mean others don't =)


    The notion that far left policies don't work and far right policies do is just not true. There are a myriad of governments out there and many of them work as long as they stay reasonably within some middle ground. To say there's only one answer to every question is just plain ignorant. To use history as context to state something as "fact" is also ignorant. Government actions and actual results can never be truly tied together because there are thousands of variables at play. There is a reason why one can state statistics to prove any side right. Because statistics (history) have too many variables to consider so they overwhelmingly are based on assumptions. That's why there's no reason to quote "sources" in political debate. Because you can always find another "source" to try and debunk someone's views.


    So yeah, if you so feel inclined, keep yelling at each other trying to get someone to change their minds here. At the end of the day, wouldn't you have better things to spend energy on?


    Ha, looks like I wasted some energy myself on this post! Go figure.

  20. ZD, do you and your family make more than 450k a year? If not, your taxes didn't go up. If you're talking about the social security tax, well, that wasn't debated by neither democrat NOR republican. It was Obama who lowered it during the crisis in the first place and no one debated keeping it lower this year, neither side. I believe it was a mistake to raise it. I think it needed to be extended a year at least but that's how the chips fell this time.


    Yes, my taxes did go up and no, I do not make more than 450k a year. I started bleeding money unnecessarily when Obamacare was passed and my premiums started going up (20% in two years) and my coverage went from 90/10 to 80/20 nevermind the added fees to have my wife and son on the plan and the feeds that smokers have to pay (I do not smoke). Insurance companies are a business and businesses need to make money to remain in operation so I do not fault the insurance companies for what they are mandated to do by the government. Also, when you tax those that are the job creators, those costs are passed onto the consumer or jobs are lost which is the same as taxing everyone else.


    As for the payroll tax, that shouldn't have ever been reduced in the first place. It is the sole mechanism for funding Social Security.


    Ahh the "trickle down economics" argument. I am surrounded by those who make more than 450k a year. They aren't thinking of you. Trust me.


    the whole argument that democrats are the spenders and the republicans are the cost cutters is a lie in itself. They both want big government and spend just as recklessly, just in different ways.

  21. ZD, do you and your family make more than 450k a year? If not, your taxes didn't go up. If you're talking about the social security tax, well, that wasn't debated by neither democrat NOR republican. It was Obama who lowered it during the crisis in the first place and no one debated keeping it lower this year, neither side. I believe it was a mistake to raise it. I think it needed to be extended a year at least but that's how the chips fell this time.

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