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Posts posted by Raw-C

  1. I also apologize. I just do not understand how anyone could still support SCEA with their track record so far. The facts are there. Have you guys not been dealing with Sony, SCEA and Sony Music for the last 10 years? While it's obvious that MS has had its share of ups and downs (oh man ME) but at least they don't blame their consumers (Sony is blaming the consumers TVs for their current HDMI problems with the PS3 while 90% of their own HDTVs from 2-3 years ago are in the culprit category).


    For everything Sony has said about the PS3 in the last year, I would expect it to blow the 360 sky-high. Did that happen? No. So why buy into the hype? Make me understand. If you can not provide an argument as to why the PS3 is worth even talking about then the case rests. If I could make the decision months ago about the PS3 what are we missing? Did I overlook a gigaflop? Is there some feature the PS3 has that is so great?


    Now I know that by this time next year I will most likely own a PS3 solely because it appears that it will be easily modded. That's the biggest reason I bought my original Xbox over the PS2.


    Just because I'm too stubborn to stay out of it and apparently I like repeating myself.


    I've never said that the PS3 will be perfect. I've only been advocating giving it a chance to see what they do with it once its released and making our decisions then. As far as 360 vs PS3 vs Wii, theres no reason to have any one of them at this point in my opinion. All your questions of looking for some uber feature of the PS3 can be asked of the 360 too. They're just a more powerful version of their predecessors. The games that come out in the next year or 2 will make or break all of the systems. I don't understand how we can make our decisions on any of these next gen systems based solely on the hardware.

  2. Just to clarify.


    I'm not offended by your opinion or anyone else's. Its your opinion, this is a forum, you can say what you want.


    I just don't see any further point in continuing this conversation as our stances havn't changed from our very first posts.

  3. I'm done as well.


    I've tried to be nice and keep it all civil and just have a discussion about the merits of the various systems. Obviously thats not what everyone wants.


    Say what you want, I'm done.

  4. This is probably my last post on the whole DWP thing.


    Anyway, I think DWP does make it harder for the losing team to come back. However, this is negated or at least somewhat negated by West's use of team balancing mods, so this is a moot point.


    I have been in favor of the prices changing to balance out some of the weapons against each other. I'm hoping that the economy settles itself out and the weapons that I enjoy using and need to practice with for matches/scrims won't always cost a ridiculous amount. Unfortunately, theres nothing to be done about this. At this point, whenever I play on west, I don't buy deagles, AK's, or m4's. I buy a usp and an AWP or maybe some random SMG. I am in no way assisting the prices of these weapons going up, yet they still rise. Ultimately, I grin and bear it for the time being and hope to all that is good in the CS world that it comes to a conclusion we can all be happy with.

  5. Please, guys, stop!


    ...wait for it...


    Can't Wii all just get along?


    I don't think we've been bickering at all the last few posts.

    Its actually been based on facts or questions about facts.

  6. The 360 patch issue I was referencing was the reports that a small percentage of people who d/l'd the 1080p patch had their systems stop working and they had to send them in to MS and pay the shipping/fix fee which came out to about $160.

    Personally, I've had no problems with my 360 yet either. But, I don't really play it so its practically new still.


    Although BetaMax was beaten out by VHS, its still used by most, if not all, high quality video recording.


    As for BlueRay, with 11 out of 13 (or something like that) major film companies backing it (mostly cuz sony owns half of them) I think it'll do ok.


    As far as comparing ps2 to 360 for hardware failure issues, I would certainly hope this generations hardware performs better than the last. Hopefully PS3 continues the trend of better hardware for the newer generations.


    Alas... I tried to get a Wii... but was denied :(

  7. Open mind, perhaps, but that seemed a bit heavy-handed a bash against the XBox. Just how many of them did have problems, and how many of them were not installation-related? How many of them have been recently?


    This is a dupe, and it's not exactly something I'd like to go and test with a bunch of XBoxes on my dollar, but they apparently survive being ejected from cars and run over:




    Yah, it was a slam on the xbox. I don't know how many problems they've had and hell, I own a 360. I just figured that since people consistently bash on the ps3 based on stuff they heard and without knowing everything that it'd be fair game to use it on the 360.


    Its not usually my style to use that tactic and I don't really enjoy it nor am I very good at it. I was simply getting tired of hearing the same type of somewhat true bashes against the ps3 by some people on here so I figured I'd throw it back at them. And my open mind comment was aimed at Anonymo/Maverick since those are the main two sony haters/xbox fanbois from what I've seen them post so far.


    Also, I have yet to actually defend the PS3 from anything that has been factual. My arguments have all been purely in favor of giving them a chance to see what they do with it. I've been saying the whole time that it all comes down to the games that come out for the various systems. Any one of the 3 could win, depending on the 1st/3rd party support.

  8. Yah, console prices are getting nuts. But I think thats due to the level of technology in them. They are starting to approach pc's made for gaming.

    Will they ever compare with a pc in a straight up power test? Of course not. Consoles will always be behind, its the software that people buy them for.


    Myself, I have a gaming pc, ps2, xbox360, ps3(ordered), and I plan to buy a Wii. Why? Because there are enough games (or I expect there to be) on each of those platforms thats its worth it to me to have them. Also, I work in the games industry and I can sort of rationalize my expenditure as market research.

  9. If you say so. I've never said that the PS3 won't have problems. I was just pointing out that the system you guys seem to love has its own share of issues.


    At least I have an open mind about the systems coming out.

  10. wow maverick... can't believe you're still ranting about the ps3.

    I guess you could always go get a xbox360 and hope you don't get the red light of death... oh yah... gl with all their patches working too...

  11. I wouldn't mind that kind of gameplay. As long as the fighting doesn't physically stop (like in kotor) it's fine with me. I have been playing Diablo II since the original demo, so needless to say I'm a bit biased. :D


    If we're still talking about FF12 and whether or not the combat stops. I think its only fair to fully explain it.


    First of all. There is the Gambit system. This basically lets you set up rules that your party members will act on. Be it attacking a nearby enemy or casting heal on an ally whos hp reaches a certain level. These are all done in real time throughout combat.


    Secondly, theres an option "Battle Mode" which can either be "Wait" or "Active". With "Wait", gambits and actions are all done in real time. However, whenever you press the X button to bring up a menu to choose an action manually, combat stops until you've made a choice. With "Active" combat doesn't stop even while you're choosing your actions. Allies and enemies will go about their normal activities while you make your decision.


    From what you've said, "Active" seems like your cup of tea. Although, I'm quite willing to bet that the game will be more difficult with this setting.


    Also, whenever you do a mist quickening (special attack that uses all mp), it kind of stops combat. You enter this seperate mode where timing, luck, and some small amount of strategy comes into play to determine how much damage you do to the enemy.


    Think that about covers it.

  12. confucius say: is the ability to buy a reasonably priced deagle the crux of happiness?


    No. The deagle is not the root of all happiness.

    Its just the most convenient example of DWP in all its glory. No other gun has risen in price 600%.

  13. Maverick' date='Nov 14 2006, 03:14 PM' post='376553']




    yes, play WoW


    WoW is not a role playing game. It's a "run around and hack stuff up" game.


    And the OP mentioned the diablo series, which is just about as much "run around and hack stuff up" as you can get. WoW is a great game if you feel like putting in the time/effort at the high end to continue improving your character. Me? I'm waiting for the new pvp patch to change it away from the ranking system.


    Anyways, FF12 is good. The combat is semi-real-time. Every action has a set amount of time it takes to prepare it so it kind of feels turn based. But I don't know of any action-rpg that doesn't use a similar time=turn basis.

  14. mp_startmoney 16000


    This is perhaps my biggest beef with the system.

    Why should those of us who start with the default money (800) be forced to pay the same as the people who start with 16000. We do not have the same buying habits as juiced servers and its a borked system that fails to take this into account. Its also the only conceivable way for the deagle to continue its astronomical rise.


    If I'm wrong, and valve has some measure in place so that they only take the stats given to them by default servers, let me know. I'd love to see it. As it is, it feels like we're getting screwed by people who just want to put more money in their servers.

  15. I agree with Laz wholeheartedly.


    Its only fun to play with the different guns for so long.

    I relish scrimming just so that I can actually buy a deagle and expect to have money left over. Is it really really good? hell yah it is.


    As for the unbalancing aspect of this, IMO, its huge. It is so hard to mount a comeback as a TEAM with 1 or 2 people having enough money for a real gun every couple rounds. Sure, you can always pick one up from the winning team, but that implies you actually managed to spray them in the face with whatever SMG of choice you're using this round.


    As for ANY non pistol being available during the "pistol" round.... Well, that just doesn't sound fun to me.


    Will this prevent me from playing on west? No, I'll keep buying my SMG's and camping around some corner hoping to pick up a real weapon for as long as DWP is left on West.

  16. That name mossinator sounds really familiar.

    I've been playing online semi-seriously for 4 or 5 years now. Wonder if we played against each other at some point.

    I'm usually using the name Bogatog or Stromgard.

  17. I've used neteller for a long time. But they updated their eula to include a statement about not using their service if the activity you were engaging in was illegal in your area. Or something like that.


    I'm just paranoid about not being able to get my money back out of the site :(.

  18. I used to play on party too.

    I havn't tried any of the ones that still support us players. I'm too scared of winning and not being able to get my money out.

    Bodog should also still be accepting us players though.

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