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About Noobasaurus

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Awhile ago there was a FragFest Ohio, so I assume some or a lot of you live in Ohio. Come to Toledo and work with me at FedEx! I'll get to train you, even, if you put my name on the part of the application that asks "Do you know anyone who works at FedEx Ground?" I promise it will take care of your workout needs! That, and our building would be an AWESOME design for a CS map
  2. I saw this jerk too. He was definately hacking.
  3. I don't know how to dig up all the info, but the guy's name is "spice". Formerly known as daggem, he continues to berate his teammates and intentionally FF/TK them when they do something displeasing to him. He generally has a terrible attitude and is unpleasant to be around. He mocked an obviously newbie teammate for an erroneous 'nade toss and was seen FF'ing several times when agitated. I myself twitch-shot him once as he ran around a corner. He walked right up to me and shot me in the head until I died. This guy has a history of being bad sport and having a puerile, reactionary attitude to his teammates when he is not doing well. Please put a stop to it :/ Edit: I searched the forums and found that daggem has been banned before, for similar reasons. I don't think he'll be able to control himself; clearly he has not in the past.
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