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Posts posted by tookey

  1. This topic sorta pinwheeled outa control. This is about Norg getting banned right? If you guys want to think this is because you are just too good, go ahead, but you are wrong. There are lots of people who can rack up the points like you guys. This is more about the rules and atmosphere of the server. I haven't been playing alot lately, but the few times I have been on with Norg and co. I have been assaulted with childish and annoying voices and topics. People think its funny, great. I hate it. Bannable? Heck no. But your actions, whether made in jest or not, does affect the server. So perhaps unwittingly, Norg went to far. Fine, just apologize Norg, and the rest of you stop mucking the issue up with your silly notions of being persecuted for your 'amazing' skill. Nobody cares how good you are, remember, girls just wanna have fun. Lets get this train back on track.







    Oh great.. while I was writing Lunk tells me not to post... ah well, such is life.


    So us having fun is assaulting you with jokes? Sorry... no fun having here, wont happen again. Were sorry.

  2. Seriously...what makes us so bad that someone would want all 4 of us banned for ruining the server or making it less fun?


    I think im the funnest terrorist youll ever meet!


    And limbcutter is the funnest polar bear fornicator!


    And Nuggz is pretty fun too!


    And norgman is a ginger! You get to make fun of him!

  3. well what id get from that response would be not so much that hes disregarding the rules to be an anarchist punk rock chick, but more so that the rules should be able to be bent a little one way or another for a little fun every once in a while

  4. from what i gathered everyone thought it was funny and though it was intentional...it didnt hurt the game play, and it was just in good fun. When warned about that, personally I would be a little offended as well if it was all in good fun and not out of anger or being a jerk.

  5. Personally... I like to use almost no interp at all... Now I can't because its locked. Different people have different connections, and need different interp settings. I don't think the interp settings can be set to something unfair.... Vavle has them locked so there isn't someone shooting 3 player lenghts behind someone and getting a hs. SO PLEASE PLEASE CHANGE IT. I wish I could still use 0 interp.


    cl_interp 0 is illegal in cal cevo and cgs... i think .1 is the lowest allowed. Using 0 only makes sense in a Lan environment because when you use cl_interp 0...the game shows everyone exactly where they are supposed to be, but you dont show up as soon when you round corners...it makes it an unfair advantage because rushing around corner you wont be seen before you get a kill...norg could explain it better

  6. Definitely a good player, although it is hard to take the shots of the movie in context. Is that all LAN play? Most of the quality of the opponents seem rather low. Where those shots taken out of 20 hours of gameplay or 2? Makes a big difference when just picking out the "highlights" to see how often someone gets good shots. Almost all of his ak/m4 firings looks like he is nub spraying at quite far distances yet he hits them. One of Sources greatest failings imo.


    They were all taken from cevo-m or above scrims and matches. There are a few clips against EFG and verge...dont know if you heard of them but at the time of the clips they were the top two North American teams. He isnt a nub spraying, he has amazing spray control. Watch how he moves his crosshair. He isnt cevo-p for nothing, you could learn a thing or two about how to play from him.

  7. hi tookey.


    what were his aim tips?


    well...mostly with peeking a corner aim for your reflexes..dont aim straight at the corner... for example...say im at the ct side of alley on de_train...rather than looking straight at the left corner i aim a little to the right and shoot when i see them, this way I dont miss because I was aimed too far forward to match my reflexes....also...his other big tip was aim at the head

  8. So earlier I was talking with NuggZ in vent about source and 1.6 movies. Then Desh said he's been playing cs for 6 years and has never once seen a good movie. Generally lots of competitive players put out good movies of themselves or their team, and good editors put out good clip films with lots of short clips. Watching these movies probably will make you better, and theyre really cool to watch. At the very least itll get you pumped up to play some source and youll do better.


    Every Saturday Ill upload another video to my filefront, and you guys can watch it. Ill also add a brief description of the player/team/editor.


    This week I've upped a video from Chris "Moffa64" Moffa. He was the first person to teach me how to aim half way decently in source and is a good friend of mine. He's been Cevo-P with Eximius Sports and has been Cal-I with simulation one. Pay close attention to his deagle and his spray control...thats what makes Moffa such an amazing player... I'd be willing to say he has the best deagle in Counterstrike Source.


    http://files.filefront.com/Moffa64_avi/;76...;/fileinfo.html (I recommend downloading it and not streaming it for the best quality).

  9. now do a test where you dont stop when shooting, or where you noscope...scout wins in both of those situations hands down... it is impossible to control an awp without scope or when your feet arent planted

  10. Because they don't know them... so their scores are lower and they feel like noobs.






    Because the maps are too complicated and not simple enough to warrant good team play. Everyone runs around not playing together and even when I get good scores on Siena and Nightfever, I still hate them. If they made maps where I could count on teammates to watch 4 paths instead of 14, then it'd be a good custom.



  11. If you won't be satisfied until every map on the rotation is either stock or CAL, you won't be satisfied.


    well de_season isnt really custom so much as a cal map...and some of the customs are alright. I like rotterdam and rush, but the rest for the most part are too complicated to encourage good team play. Examples are siena, nightfever, business, etc. Some customs are alright, but there are some hours where I can play and play more terrible customs than good maps ><.

  12. I don't know them, are they suppose to be awesome pub all star or something?

    The five of them (s4h NorgmaN, s4h Tookey, s4h Limbcutter, xT Ich, xT Sid) would probably hold their own in CS:S CAL-IM.


    More like I could handle myself in CEVO-M and CAL-M, not to brag or anything, but for the most part, not always I play on the HARDER side of the map, like in your nice SS I'm on CT side of OFFICE! If anyone wants to tell me that CT side is 5x easier then T, then I'll contemplate reading the rest of this thread.


    PS. I'm not trying to sound rude, but seriously.


    A) Im deaf in one ear, figure out which one and sneak up on it.

    B) Im really not that good.

    C) I join Norg's team not because of norg, but because its the hard team.

  13. So I was banned last night.

    Name : Tookey

    SteamID STEAM_0:0:4232193

    Server: midwest css


    It was on Italy sometime after 11pm and I was on CT side. I was going apartments with norg and a few others. I had an awp. I waited for vovik who was in front of me to strafe in and out and get a few kills. When it was apparent he was finished I peeked it with an awp. Immediately after entering the tunnel I got blocked. A few t's came out and started shooting me and I could not get back in the apartments. So in a fit of rage I decided to 180 noscope headshot my teammate. His friend proceeded to shoot me and Norgman shot his friend (all on the same team). After all this I yelled in open chat "EXPLETIVE dont block!"...


    I realize what I did was wrong. I should not have tk'd and should have just taken the death. I also should not have yelled. Instead I should have just waited for them to die and politely tell them how to implement better teamwork, or just ensure I don't get blocked by not going first. Also, expletives are not necessary to get my point across. In the future I will remember this, avoid tk'ing and avoid swearing.


    Im sorry to the teammates I tk'd and yelled at, and am sorry to any one in the server for generally disrupting everything.


    As far as flattery, you guys run a good server and are very killable and I'd hate to ruin the killability for you :). (Its a compliment, promise!)


    Thanks for considering my unbanning,


  14. # 5810 "NooBKiLLeR" STEAM_0:1:2088912 13:15 73 0 active


    toggled...lost.gc is a witness


    went from worst player on italy to following people through walls and getting headshots on aztec

    hi, welcome to the forums. hack requests need to include a convincing demo.

    i just finished a recording on office, who can i send it to?

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