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Posts posted by AkUmA

  1. not to debate whether or not FF tactics is good or not, but I hope people don't judge it because it has FF in the name. It's nothing like a normal FF game. I don't even like the other FF games, just this one because of the strategy aspect and how hard it is.

  2. hmm i dont think id do it. the only game i downloaded is super puzzle fighter anyways. Honestly, right now i have like 6 or 7 games but the only one i play is COD4.

    Anyways my name is bilyjimbob in the PS network, feel free to add me tracid :)

  3. This was actually a replacement of the first one since the story is different. I don't think it was all that great, I think there could have been more action, but the ending was good and it set the stage for *possibly* an even better movie to come. I don't want to spoil aything so thats all I'll say.


    If I had to rate this I would give it a 3/5 because it wasn't horrible but could've been better. Worth seeing.

  4. If you play COD4 on the PS network list your name here so we can all kill each other!


    Mine is:



    look forward to seein you guys!

  5. Hey guys


    If anyone here is from San Diego area and wants to enter a 3v3 lan tournament PM me. Just me so far so I need 2 more guys. The tournament details can be found at:




    it's the CS:S Summer Season. Prizes TBD, but I saw one of their other tourney prizes was 240 hours of TOG time, which is worth like $1440 at their normal rate(split between 3 people, so 80 hours each). The only real requirement is that you are available on the tournament days, which will be held on tuesdays or wednesdays for like 5 weeks, and you have to buy your time during the torunament. I won't know the exact dates we will be playing or if we will play every week until we sign up, they pre-schedule the matches.

    Anyways, it should be a good time so if you wanna enter with me just PM me!



  6. ugh i really wanted that to be my last post.

    this isnt blackmail zd, i didnt say I wont renew if u dont get banned. Im not renewing. period.

    and allanon only caught part of it mookie. the part where desh said he kept trying to get the last word.

    where did i say i expected him to be banned in 30 mins???

    I'm being made out to be some bad evil person here, when all i've done is try to uphold the rules!

    this is insane...

  7. whatever. either they ban u or they dont. this looks like a difference of opinion now, like some huge argument. what it really is, is u insult people over and over, and wont admit to it. like I'm some liar. I've never started anything with u and here u go lying and saying i do. I dont even care anymore. GL HF I'm not renewing so screw it GC can go on without me, keep the members who r friends with admins and can break the rules all they want and when someone calls em out on it that person can be made to look like a lying little kid.



  8. i dont like those who insult their teammates because they think they are better. every time i play with u, u say the team sucks, then i respond. the only time i ever say anything to u is when u insult the team! nothing personal, if i was admin and some guy comes in and starts talking like that REPEATEDLY like u do even tho they've been warned, id ban them too. its worse cuz u have played here a lot and know the rules. Desh heard it today, cuz he warned u too. I was on ur team and so was he when u said it.

    i've warned u 2 times before when u did this not to do it. this isnt the first time so dont say its cuz i dont like u. i never insult my teammates either and tell them how lousy they are.

    And then u come back and say I've "opened a can of worms!" I dont care who u know, which admins r ur friends, or if ur gc or not. I'm GC and I dont think i can go in and start swearing and spraying porn cuz i pay a yearly fee. we r not above the rules.

    anyone have questions ask Desh and Allanon.


  9. *|CsLs|*zd STEAM_0:0:37927


    yep u prolly all know him. Tired of him CONSTANTLY telling his teammates that they:

    suck. are horrible. cant aim.

    he has a bad attitude.

    please ban or do something cuz it gets old.


  10. make sure u take 500mg vitamin c daily, mens health research says u can burn as much as 40% more fat during a workout.

    i workout a lot when im underway(navy), basically i use this mens fitness lift book i borrowed and copied, its got like 8 or more exercises for each muscle group, and i use a stationary bike 5 or 6 days a week. I do:

    day 1: chest and shoulder

    day 2: off

    day 3: bi's and tri's

    day 4: off

    day 5: back, stomach although i dont focus on stomach a lot cuz it's pretty cut already.

    day 6 and 7: off

    I don't do leg workouts except on arm day i do 1 calf workout. I used to do a lot of squats so my legs are pretty cut already.

    anyways thats my workout.

  11. Is it me or has anyone else noticed that some admins totally abuse their power? I'm playing tonight on west coast and after 6 rounds, 3 to 3, a .gc does rtv. Admin is like "what map u wanna play?" He's like "italy." Another admin with a little more common sense (i dont wanna name names) cancels the rtv, but then he leaves. a second later, we are playing italy. The server was full, balanced, and everyone was having fun, why change the map? I dont care if ur a .gc or not, this isnt your personal server. Changing the next map would have been fine.

    Also, tell me whats so offensive about having Jesus the Jewpwner as your name? I dont find that offensive, and I'm a christian. But he's being told to change it. He's like ok, he changes his name to Rusty Jackhammer or something I forget. Apparently, that's offensive too??? I dont know what that is. Maybe it's something sexual, i dunno, but it didnt seem obvious to me.

    That post fatty put up before about why are the servers so empty, well here might be a couple reasons. I see this all the time. I've been playing here for a year and I like gc, but I work a lot and dont get to play much. I had some time tonight, about 30 mins, and when this happened it just tinkled me off a little.

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