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Posts posted by LoveForPriscillaChan

  1. Dude, I just posted references to cspan, senate.gov and forbes. You are just going to dismiss it on one sentence?


    And if polls are to be distrusted, then surely we can use the 2012 election, which was in part a referendum on the health care reforms, as a gauge yeah?


    And that controversy at the time was for the individual mandate (which was a Republican idea), not for "cramming" the law through without revealing it. If you have to make a statement like that, then it means you are aware of the situation at hand. In fact, if you look at the timeline, the bill went through a long time before it reached the final vote.


    At this point, either put up sources that says the bill was crammed through or drop the point.


    It's true allanon, when Obama first started talking about fixing health care during his campaigns, he specifically stated that he would work across party lines, and that it would be open door, even for the press. Reality was that no one other than the democrats were invited or allowed. And yes...it was over 3000 pages or something...put out the evening before it needed to be voted on...which conveniently for them, they needed no republican votes.


    It was, at the time, the shadiest thing I'd ever seen in politics.




    I am still intending to stay out of the meat of this argument, and please understand that I'm not angry at any person on these forums. I'm mad at the government. This is not a partisan thing for me either. In my statement regarding the "passing" of this bill, I only mentioned Democrats because they were the ones with a super majority that crammed this thing through without reading it and without a single Republican vote. Nobody knew what the hell they were voting on. I have no doubt that the methods used for this bill have been used by Republicans before, but THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT. This topic was too important for the entire country to throw some god-awful POS bill like this down our throats without even reading the damn thing.


    The whole thing is a travesty, and I'm mad as hell about it. This should have been debated over a long period of time, with give and take on both sides. This should have been a bipartisan effort. Making MAJOR changes to the healthcare system in this country is something that should not have been rushed and deserved input from everyone.


    I apologize that I'm not quoting sources on this stuff, but I don't have the energy or desire to do so. Besides that, I'm not exactly stating anything controversial. That is how it went down.




    These two statements are either incorrect and/or unreasonable. I will break it down as to why I say what I say --


    1. Misinformed -- The notion that this was past in secret and that Congress had to pass this bill in order to see what was in it. Also, that this bill was "crammed through." This was not the case --


    "By July, a series of bills were approved by committees within the House of Representatives.[71] On the Senate side, from June to September, the Senate Finance Committee held a series of 31 meetings to develop a healthcare reform bill. This groupin particular, Democrats Max Baucus, Jeff Bingaman, and Kent Conrad, and Republicans Mike Enzi, Chuck Grassley, and Olympia Snowemet for more than 60 hours, and the principles that they discussed, in conjunction with the other committees, became the foundation of the Senate's healthcare reform bill." -- http://www.finance.senate.gov/issue/?id=32be19bd-491e-4192-812f-f65215c1ba65, http://www.c-spanvideo.org/videoLibrary/search-results.php?organization=%22Finance%22&organization=%22Senate+Committee%22&date-from=01%2F06%2F2009&date-to=01%2F02%2F2011, http://www.finance.senate.gov/hearings/index.cfm?PageNum_rs=1&maxrows=100


    Republicans were in committee to draft major parts of the bill, including its foundation. It was reported for weeks as to what was in the bill, what parts were supported and what parts were controversial. Besides, if they did not have time to read it, how did they have time to filibuster it? Remember that nonsense during those two years or so where a majority in the Senate does not mean you can get a bill passed? That any single bill required a super majority to pass? That majority became meaningless? Thanks to the Republican party for creating that issue. Yes the Democrats have used this tactic in the past but not to this extreme. This was essentially comical. Perhaps if they stopped going on the television networks talking about filibustering (which they never did; the mere threat of it was enough to take down ANY bill) they would have had time to read it. Just like the journalists. Who should have much less time to read the bills.


    2. Unreasonable -- This is the notion that, despite the Democrats having MORE than the majority that is needed to pass the bill, needs to succumb to Republican demands. That they must work in a bipartisanship manner for the sake of bipartisanship.


    a. Democrats won the election. Deal with it. Suppose Republicans win 99 seats and the Democrats win 1. The Republicans then pass a bill that supports their viewpoint and the Democractic party cries foul because no bipartisanship was reached. Does this sound logical to you? What is the point of winning the election?

    b. The demands came from the toilet. "We will let you have this health insurance system...but we demand that you must take out all parts that make it possible so we can ensure its demise!" Go back to the toilet.

    c. No bipartisanship was ever attempted --


    "[The individual mandate] idea goes back as far as 1989, when it was initially proposed by the conservative Heritage Foundation as an alternative to single-payer health care" -- http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2012/02/07/the-tortuous-conservative-history-of-the-individual-mandate/


    "An individual health insurance mandate and an insurance exchange was also enacted at the state level in Massachusetts: In 2006, Republican Governor Mitt Romney signed an insurance expansion bill with strong bipartisan support, including that of Senator Ted Kennedy. Romney's successful implementation of the 'Health Connector' exchange and individual mandate in Massachusetts was at first lauded by Republicans. During Romney's 2008 presidential campaign, Senator Jim DeMint praised Romney's ability to "take some good conservative ideas, like private health insurance, and apply them to the need to have everyone insured." Romney himself said of the individual mandate: "I'm proud of what we've done. If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it, then that will be the model for the nation."[62]" -- This one is pretty famous (or infamous if you are Mitt Romney lover). I don't think I need to source this one.


    The individual mandate, which is a big cause of the fury from the Tea Party and the Republican party --


    i. Came from the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation

    ii. Supported by prominent Republicans such as Bob Dole and Tom Daschle

    iii. Enacted in place by the Republican presidential nominee Romney-boy


    This does not include the parts of the bill that came out of committee that contained Republican members.


    All quotes are taken from Wikipedia article on the affordable care act. I included their source here.


    Here is what I will not accept because it just flies in the face of facts --


    1. That the American people is against this bill. Polls after polls have shown this was not the case. The reelection of Obama shows that this was not the case.


    2. It was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court, with the vote of a Republican appointed Justice, declared it constitutional.


    3. It will increase costs -- all estimates by non-partisan groups have concluded that overall payments will be lower. Stop saying they are stupid because their conclusions do not fit what you want to think. Learn to grow up and accept it.


    4. Patronise supporters of a public health insurance systems with statements such as "You think this is free? Where do you think the money will come from?" -- Yes we know somebody has to pay for the bill. Yes, we know the taxpayers will be that somebody that has to pay the bill. We are not dumb. You are ones that are reaching out to supporters of the Tea Party so ask yourself again who is the dumb one. We understand that while we may have to pay higher in taxes, the overall cost the residents of the United States has to pay over to receive fair medical care as a group is lower.


    5. The American people, in general, will not be better off. Every -- single -- industrialised -- country has a system that is more socialised than this. And they are all better than this. World Health Organisation says so. The cost of treating their residents says so. Every single non-partisan group that projects results contradict you. Yes, this may all not work for the United States but if you were a betting man, you will realise the odds are against you. You can only act only so much with the information available and all the information available points to having a socialised healthcare system.


    If you use any of those points above, I will think you are an idiot.


    Here is what you may argue for and that, while I disagree with you, I can still maintain a level of respect


    1. On principal, it is wrong. This area should be treated no different than capitalism and that if people cannot afford health care, they should be considered weak and be weeded out of the system.


    This is just a matter difference of opinion. We can discuss this back and forth and no amount of facts can change this. I can accept this line of discussion.

  3. In the USA! USA! USA! -- anything "socialised" or "European" is inherently bad. This is a terrible and stupid mindset for the republicans to have. The facts don't lie. Say all you want about how people from other countries come to use your healthcare because it is so awesome but ignore the fact that it costs an arm and a leg and only those who have money can afford to...live.


    Americans need to be more humble, realise that their way is not always the best, their country is not the best (good in certain parts, mediocre in others, absolutely disastrous in the rest) and learn and adopt from others.

  4. Look guys -- ZD is right and all you losers are just leftist uneducated blind trolls that will support Obama for no reason at all. I mean, ZD is the same person who


    -States that Iraq has WMDs and insinuating Saddam has connections o the 11th of September attack --


    Yeah, Iraq has WMD. Will we say what and where so Sadam can destroy it before it can be found without warning, of course not. Do not be stupid.


    September 11th did happen, and Osama's witches were video taped meeting with Sadam's witches. You do the match."


    -Stating that UN has been infiltrated by spies from Iraq


    "The U.S. believes there are spies for Iraq within the Inspectors. This is why the information isn't being shared.


    Source -- http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/1979-iraq-have-wmd-part-in-9-11/


    I mean, that turned out so true! I should really find the one post that ZeroDamage just starts throwing insults at everybody that disagrees with him...Oh wait -- that is every single post. Including this one. LoveForPriscillaChan -- you so troll!

  5. ZD -- If you are against me, then you are


    1. Brainwashed

    2. Captialism-hater

    3. Socialist/Communist/Marxist

    4. Kid who does not really know what the real world is like

    5. Troll out to get ZD and only ZD

    6. Ignorant of current events/history

    7. Does not watch the news and/or only watches those left-wing biased media

    8. Blind to reality and facts

    9. Obama lover to the end


    If you are ZD, you are --


    1. Only truthful voice in this world of chaos

    2. Sane

    3. Not brainwashed

    4. Extremely knowledgeable about everything

    5. Fair and Balanced

    6. Complete expert on social and economic issues of today


    ZD's response to this post -- "obviously this guy is trolling -- i am going to even respond to this even though it BURNSSSSS me inside"


    Seriously -- why are we feeding the ZD troll here? Has he added anything constructive to ANY posts in the political forums...ever? All he spreads is FUD. There is a reason people "pick on" ZD and only ZD. Why do we not attack people like Preacher and Clueless? They hold conservative views, but they are not insane.


    Btw ZD -- we are not blind to your veiled insults at us. And we are more than annoyed you remain atop your fake high horse and fake being the victim.

  6. Shaft, as admin, if you find which parts of my posts is considered insulting to ZD, PM me and I will make the necessary adjustments to my post to make it more polite and change my wording in the future. However, I do not appreciate being insulted by ZD as a "resident half-wit," amongst the host of other insults he has thrown at me and several others over the years.







    This is exactly why I high question your ability to think critically and comprehend basic reading. I took your comment completely in context. Your hatred for Fox News is so deranged that you call me "mr. fox news" despite the number of times I've stated that I do not even watch cable news.



    Before you go on spewing more lies, I suggest you start editing your post history. This is too easy.



    Rabid Fox News hatred makes me giggle. A news organization is actually fair to all ideologies rather than showing hostility towards one or the other. There is a reason that people keep coming back to Fox News over the other news organization.... THE HOT WOMEN! Other than Gretta, all of the women at FNC are hot. That is why I watch it!



    Now I saw this and I saw is this the proof I am looking for? The proof that he watches Fox news? Oh wait, he can just weasel his way out by joking about Fox news and their attractive hosts. I must dig deeper to find the evidence!



    Fox News has mostly conservative commentators. Their news reporting shows are straight down the line though. Watch the 6PM Eastern show if you do not believe me.


    I will add that I am not a fan of Hannity but he has honest debates/discussions with many liberal colleagues on his radio show and on his TV show and he is good friends with most of them. He doesn't ambush them or crap all over them like liberal radio hosts do. It's hard to see the differences when you hate anything to the right of Hillary Clinton but there are differences; you have to be willing to see them.



    Seriously ZD. All I had to do was look at several posts down.


    Source -- http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/40095-why-i-never-listened-to-or-paid-attention-to-npr/page__st__25


    So do you or do you not watch fox news? Simple question. Looks like you just caught yourself between a rock and a hard place.





    Again a lack of reading comprehension. I just told you that those threads are 10 years old yet you still pull content from them and link to them just the same. Yet you wonder why I think you are a half-wit.



    Lol -- great way of dodging the issue and reflecting insults back at me instead of admitting you were wrong and go on with life. It is okay. Continue making political posts like these and I will continue to post this to destroy your credibility.





    I haven't started many threads the last several years here and when I do, it tends to be about the current administration and at election time. My complaints about Republicans are located in those threads so feel free to go find them. I do not need to start threads bashing Republicans and Conservatives; there are at least four of you to do that for me.


    Again, you still have not posted any threads where you bashed Republicans or right-wing media. It is easy for you to say "go look for them yourselves" and leading me to waste my time finding something non-existent. You do not understand the concept of Put up or Shut up do you? You have to put up the evidence...



    Oh, and I should really find that post you made several months ago about how you were fed up with all of us and that you were never going to post here again. I am really hoping you would stick to your words.




    Thank you for taking my quote out of context. Anybody reading this can read back that what I said is that this is what you believe. Thank you for quoting me to seem like that is what I believe. Good job mr. fox news.


    Hahahaha! Here comes the Fox News derangement syndrome. A post by you wouldn't be complete without this. Thanks.


    Thank you for glossing over the fact that you took my quote out of context.








    3. This is irrelevant IMO to everything else going on right now.



    Of course -- civil rights is irrelevant to everything else going on right now. who in history has ever cared about civil rights? oh my!



    One upon a time I was the moderator for the political forums. Now I am not. Once upon a time I was young and foolish and thought I could change everyone's mind. Now I don't.



    You can do that by starting topics like -- "hey, what do you guys think of the x, y, z economic policy of mr .abc. i think it is wrong because of reason 1, 2, and 3"


    You do not start topics like --


    -Stating that Iraq has WMDs and insinuating Saddam has connections o the 11th of September attack --


    "Yeah, Iraq has WMD. Will we say what and where so Sadam can destroy it before it can be found without warning, of course not. Do not be stupid.


    September 11th did happen, and Osama's witches were video taped meeting with Sadam's witches. You do the match."


    -Stating that UN has been infiltrated by spies from Iraq


    "The U.S. believes there are spies for Iraq within the Inspectors. This is why the information isn't being shared."


    Source --




    Everytime you insult someone on these forums, I am going to make this exact same post. Over and over again. Then everybody who see who the "resident half-wit" really is.


    Oh, and i really love how you are not able to put up but cannot shut up as well. Where are those threads that you started against republican scandals? oh no! how dare we question the mighty zerodamage who knows all and we are all blind!


    EDIT -- terrible formatting. leftover a bunch of tags...


    All of those threads that were started by me are years old. I was the moderator of these forums and it was my responsibility to keep them active and going. You can stop using that as some kind of talking point regarding me because it proves nothing.



    So....previous actions do not define who you are? You sure love to dig up trash about Obama's past. If you do not want to answer for your past statements and actions, then man up and just say you are a coward. Last time, you absolutely raged when I easily dug up obvious lies, insults, and propaganda spewed by you. Shall I post it again?








    There is absolutely nothing Obama is doing well unless destroying our economy, expanding the welfare state to unheard of levels, expanding our debt to astronomical levels, and regularly violating the Constitution are things to be proud of. I had hope in the beginning that just maybe some of the rhetoric that came out of his mouth had substance but I was wrong. He is your typical power hungry statist.



    So let me get this straight


    1. Push for more advanced gun control is not good thing

    2. Working to pull out of iraq and afghanistan is not good thing

    3. Fighting for LGBTQ equality rights and fight against discrimination is not a good thing


    Statistically, it is very very low that absolutely EVERYTHING that Obama does is bad. I mean, even I am a huge Bush-hater but i must admit some things he has done is good. What you are is a blind man. You hate somebody so much you cannot see anythign else but hate. Therefore you think that Obama is the worst person in this planet. If Obama just dives in front of a car to push an old lady out of the way of a car, you would go Fox News style and say "oh my, did he really have to push her? he just made her fall and scrape her knee! obama is a muslim kenyan that is satan reincarnate!"




    Since I am calling you out, I will be fair and put myself up to the task as well. As many people here know, I vote far left. Things I would admire about Bush is


    1. It was against his principle but he went along with the bank bailout. I am not saying I agree with the bank bailout but I admire the fact that he deferred to people more educated and akin to the matter. He did not try to play expert in a time of crisis.


    I was against this. The banks that were failing needed to fail. It is how capitalism works. You do not give tax payer money to institutions that are failing and will continue to fail regardless of how much money they are given.



    Thank you for reading what I wrote in detail. It is pretty obvious you never read anybody's post but immediately come to the conclusion that we disagree with you and therefore you must charge us with insults. The point of what I said there is not about whether the bank bailout was a good idea or a bad idea, but the fact that Bush deferred to people he believed were more knowledgeable and had more expertise in this area than him, and that he took their advice even though it was against his core principle of governance.




    1. Nothing good has ever come out of the Obama/Democrats/"Liberal" media. Like seriously -- literally nothing.





    Thank you for taking my quote out of context. Anybody reading this can read back that what I said is that this is what you believe. Thank you for quoting me to seem like that is what I believe. Good job mr. fox news.





    2. You claim to be an independent with a right-leaning view (which is fine) but you have not made a single thread targetting Republicans. Are Republicans never doing anything so wrong to attract your ire...


    If you paid attention at all you would see my complaints and unhappiness with the Republicans. They are gutless and cowards. I am a Constitutional Conservative first and foremost. If it were the Republicans in charge right now doing what the president is doing, I would be starting threads about them. There is so much going on on a daily basis that I could fill pages of these forums each day with my irritation. I just don't bother because people like you think everything is normal. When the daily grind aligns with your ideology and the media which happens to be mostly leftist in ideology and that ideology influences their reporting, then everything to a self proclaimed far leftist such as yourself is all peachy and normal. When you do not get all of the information and only see what you want to see, you see nothing wrong.




    Please. Bring me some threads started by you that show your "complaints and unhappiness with the Republicans." Did you post any threads about Bush abuse of power with his signing statements? Or about Bush's illegal war into Iraq? Of course, you may say I am dwelling on the past and that we should forget all the bad things Bush has done and let's not talk about him anymore, even you yourself bring up Jimmy Carter from time to time. Okay, let us fast forward a bit into the future. Where are your threads on the Republicans abusing their filibuster rule? Or the fact that Fox News has been caught lying hundreds of times (where else does Jon Stewart gets his material?)? Or the fact that Republicans were caught hiring an organisation that faked signatures in Florida for the election? Ooooh, if it was the democratic party you would have a gcftw.com/politics forums fireworks party. Or the fact that the republican controlled supreme court passed Citizens United, which distorts democracy? I can go on and on.


    Put up or shut up. Put up these threads started by you or shut up.

  9. I don't hear a daily chorus of Obama is stupid or Hitler. I do not see the none stop marches around the country with Obama is Hitler signs. Oh yeah, you get the occasional but nothing like what Bush got for 8 straight years. You cannot even mention that Obama is playing too much golf without being accused of racism because the word "golf" is code.


    You hear just as much vitriol about Obama as you do about Bush. I mean, look in the mirror. Over half the threads on this subsection of this forums is started by you. And 99% of them is targetted at Obama/Democrats/MSNBC/Mainstream Media/Us crazy liberals that are obviously blind and that you are the saviour of us all because you are the only one that sees the light and the truth and only time will vindicate your side of the argument. Goodness me, do you ever give up? You ignore facts, you claim other people are trolls and then oh so conveniently disregard their evidence/logic/reasoning.


    You claim to be "independent with a right leaning view" so whatever you say is automatically not biased. Tell me, if you are truly independent, surely there are several things you can see that Obama is doing well. Oh, and a great orator/campaigner is not one of them because that is just a sly way to saying he is really good at lying to this country and making false promises (I would actually agree with you 50% on this part though).


    Since I am calling you out, I will be fair and put myself up to the task as well. As many people here know, I vote far left. Things I would admire about Bush is


    1. It was against his principle but he went along with the bank bailout. I am not saying I agree with the bank bailout but I admire the fact that he deferred to people more educated and akin to the matter. He did not try to play expert in a time of crisis.

    2. His hiv/aids work in Africa.


    Judging from what your posts, I see this --


    1. Nothing good has ever come out of the Obama/Democrats/"Liberal" media. Like seriously -- literally nothing.

    2. You claim to be an independent with a right-leaning view (which is fine) but you have not made a single thread targetting Republicans. Are Republicans never doing anything so wrong to attract your ire...


    EDIT -- apparently my post got double copied....removing additional copy

  10. To anybody who thinks I took ZD out of context, I posted the link above to that thread. Read it for yourself. It is only two pages. You can see I have taken NOTHING out of context. It shows the hate-mongering speech ZD spreads around here that are based on lies.


    Let me post it again for everybody to see because I am actually want people to fact-check that I am not taking it out of context --




    Let the neutrals be the judge. Of course, if you judge against ZD, you are automatically a troll. And he will insult you until the end of days. And then he will claim he does not insult people. But he will conclude with his post saying you are a blind dumb troll that is is ignorant of the views and loves handouts. Oh and you are uneducated. And you hate 'MURICA. And its serving military.


    In other words, just agree with ZD.

  11. What I am trying to say with the above post is this -- ZD, your attitude is very tiring. I am sure I do not speak for just myself. You insult people and get all defensive and claim people are trolling you when they point out facts that contradict your statements. This has been happening for over TEN years now. Anybody that disagrees with you is insinuated to be dumb, apathetic, uneducated, etc. You refuse to admit you are wrong even in the face of a mountain of evidence. You use terrible sources (in that thread above, I believe you use WorldNetDaily) as "factual" and when I use NPR, you claim it to have left-leaning bias (are you insane?). You claim that in time, the truth will play out and you will be shown as right and we are wrong.


    Perhaps the next thread you post will actually have substance.

  12. Alright ZD -- you just keep digging yourself a bigger and bigger hole. I am going to let you speak for yourself. Try defending these quotes --


    -Stating that Iraq has WMDs and insinuating Saddam has connections o the 11th of September attack --


    "Yeah, Iraq has WMD. Will we say what and where so Sadam can destroy it before it can be found without warning, of course not. Do not be stupid.


    September 11th did happen, and Osama's witches were video taped meeting with Sadam's witches. You do the match."


    -Stating that UN has been infiltrated by spies from Iraq


    "The U.S. believes there are spies for Iraq within the Inspectors. This is why the information isn't being shared."


    Want to guess who posted these insane quotes? The same person who posts with such a pompous and arrogant attitude? The one who is the "always right, never wrong, everybody who denies with him is blind"?


    *Spoiler Alert*




    Source --




    Now I do not know what happened to the forums but I am going to take a logical guess and say that Guest_ZDamage_* is the same person as ZeroDamage right now.


    Kind of sucks doesn't it? Difficult for us to prove you right since we are only a month or two after the Benghazi incident to really prove you wrong. The WMD incident is almost ten years now. Do you actually admit to being wrong? I really hope you do not because I will enjoy seeing you squirm out of this one. Let me guess your reply -- "Oh just another leftist troll, trolling along."


    To anybody who also wants to see more of this ZD's arguments, just go hit the last page of this sub forum and you will see 90% of the topics are started by ZD. 99% of them are probably wrong.


    I also love the SAME attitude ZD displays. I am right, you are wrong. You are blind. You are lazy and receive handouts from the government. You voted for a Marxist. Just watch and see.


    Well, for the WMD issue, we watched and see. And we watched your guaranteed-to-be-right-only-time-will-vindicate-you argument go down in flames.









    In regards to this row right now between DJ and you ZD, I am going to reference this same old thread -- looks like he was right and you were wrong. DJ was right about there being no WMDs. The UN insepctors was right about there being no WMDs. You were wrong. The Bush administration was wrong. Fox News was wrong. Just like right now. Just like all the time. You, like all the war hawk Republicans, take the "You are either with us, or you are aiding and abetting the enemy" attitude when you stated that Talent "must really hate America."


    Oh by the way, I love it when you get all defensive when I accuse you of watching Fox News and you say "I do not watch Fox News ever!" --


    "The News. Heard it on radio, cnn, foxnews, wherever. I can look around for a link about it if you wish but I am not making it up. "

  13. So, looks like somebody is wrong. Or maybe I am just trolling here. Perhaps next time you will be a bit more careful and wait for more cards to unfold before pushing your witch-hunt agenda?


    It looks like the people that were "obviously trolling" here were right all along and the person that "knows all the facts and is the only one that is not blind in this room oh my will you all wake up" is wrong...

  14. There is a reason I mostly lurk this part of the forums now instead of posting active like I did years ago. Let me summarise the last time I even tried to have a mature and reasonable debate with you --


    ZD -- Makes some claim -- evidence is backed up by some right-wing blog post or fox news

    Me -- Makes counter-claim -- evidence is backed up by something that is reconigsed as unbiased -- NPR


    Now, regardless of whether the initial claim or the counter-claim is the more correct one, here is what happens


    ZD -- NPR (or whatever source I use, and I am careful to use only good sources) is a left-wing biased lamestream media blah blah blah that twists the facts to support the Democratic party and are blind blah blah blah.


    You are being exactly like what the Republican party is doing -- the rest of the media outside of right-wing stuff + Fox news is suddenly against your platform. They are out to "get you." The whole media is out to "get you." Shaft, stutters, and I are out to "get you." Hence the term "lamestream media" as coined by the awesome Republican loudmouths. How can we have a debate when we cannot even agree on the facts? How can we post evidence + source when you just go and dismiss our source of evidence as being biased when it clearly is not?


    Oh and about ACORN -- I really expected you to just gloss over the fact and ignore it because...you are completely wrong.




    Every single investigation that probed into this matter concluded that --


    1. ACORN did nothing illegal

    2. the idiots you so highly praised heavily edited the video to fit their agenda

    3. It, nor any of its related organisations, mishandled any of its federal money.


    The fact that ACORN is gone does not mean what they was wrong. If that type of silly argument you pose is indicative of being the truth of ACORN having done something wrong, then Galileo must be wrong about the sun and the earth since he was convicted of heresy by the Church.


    Oh yeah, I also love how you gloss over the comparison with the Bush administration for lying about the WMDs and the links to 9/11 to justify a war in Iraq. "This is from the 2000-2008 era, which is like eons ago! Obviously you are a troll!" -- I also love how you were "right" during the Bush administration over the Iraq war and how we were all blind.

  15. Kind of like that time ZD posted that "damning" video footage from that idiot James O'Keefe about ACORN. And how we were all blind when we said "wait, that video looks severely edited....".


    ZD -- You guys are ALL BLIND. Why am I the only one that sees the truth? You mindless drones! Go back to your leftist blogs posts like NPR! Lamestream media! I don't get my news from Fox News! And besides, Fox News is the most unbiased news network -- here is some data from some conservative blog to prove it! And since Fox News is credible, hereis a link from Fox news I am going to use to justify my argument!


    This is the pattern that emerges from these forums now. Either --


    1. We are all idiots and blind to the "obvious" truth and ZD is savant when it comes to the political arena.

    2. ZD is a crazy extremist that plays with his own set of facts.


    Oh and you know how this post is going to be responded to? -- "More ramblings from a troll -- I need not address this"

  16. The bible is written by man so it is just the word of man. That is why you have stupid things in there like how women should submit to men and stoning is an acceptable form of punishment for "sins." That was what was alright back in the day. That is also why it should not come anywhere near governing bodies.


    As for g@y marriage, anything less (including calling it civil union) is discrimination against the LGBTQ community. It is discrimination and it is on the wrong side of history. If marriage between a man and a woman is sanctioned and recognised by the government, then it does not matter what crazy religion says about it. It should be included for everybody.

  17. Ah the justification to an unjustifiable comment by Akin.  It is no surprise how the Republican party can spew countless lies and still get elected.Oh did you hear?  The sperm that ended up fertilising the egg which gave birth to Barack Obama was created while Obama's father was still in Kenya.  According to a school of thought (from the medical community), this can be argued that Obama was indeed born in Kenya.  It it a very insensitive thing to say out loud and I definitely see where people are offended by this statement.  On the other hand, I can see how one can be influenced by Fox news and Republican party surrogates when giving this expert medically sound opinion.


    Not sure if you noticed but the Republican party and most every conservative out there have condemned Akin for this blatantly stupid comment.


    On the other hand, we have Biden going straight for the ultra in race-baiting and is defended by the democrats and the media. The republicans tend to eat their own and the democrats circle the wagons no matter how ignorant and insulting the comment or action.


    I am not sure why people still bash Fox News. I do not watch it and could care less.  MSNBC on the other hand purposely not airing Republican minority speeches to instead have commentary on how using the code words "Golf" and "Chicago" means that the Republicans are the racists is as comical as it gets. Do you really want to bash FNC with all that is going on with MSNBC?


    You are right. Almost every Republican has condemned Akin for his comments. You know, after they realised it is completely impossible to defend and they do not want to be dragged down by the sinking ship. If you watch the timelines, you will see1. Republicans say they do not agree with the statement.2. Republicans condemn the statements and ask for an apology.3. Republicans ask Akin to withdraw from the race (so they can put in another candidate).The Republican responses get more and more severe as the negative press piles on the pressure. They do not condemn his statements because they believe it is wrong. They condemn it to save from dragged down in their political career. Also, if you look at it, Akin was simply voicing his opinion, which is very popular in Republican circles, about how one can divide rape into certain categories. How else will you explain why there are law proposals that specifically state "forcible rape"?And to say Republicans tend to eat their own is simply incorrect. How else will crazy people like Michele Bachmann gain such national recognition, to the point where she was a Presidential candidate? Where was the condemnations for the Birther controversy or John Kerry being swiftboated? Where was the condemnation when a US President sponsors torture and falsely leads the country into war? From what I remember, you yourself partook in the swiftboating.Lastly, let us not kid ourselves ZD. Over the years, you have said you read both sides of the news but yet always claim everything but Fox News and conservative websites/blogs are the "liberal media" -- coincidentally the same talking point used by all Republicans -- designed to spread the liberal lies. You even shamelessly accused NPR of being such an organisation.Over the years you have said you are not partisan but you have always consistently attacked the Democrats and supported the Republicans.I vote left. I vote Democrats. In 2004, I voted for Kerry. In 2008, I voted for Kucinich. I am not going to express a holier-than-thou attitude of being "I am not partisan so everything I say is from a neutral point of view."

  18. Akin has a good long record of service. He repeated a school of thought (from the medical community) that basically says the stresses involved with both couples, at the time of intercourse, can often impede proper fertilization. Taken to the extreme it can say that it is unlikely to conceive a child during the course of a rape. When you take that combined with ovulation cycles and the like it isn't as ridiculous as everyone is making out.


    The problem: It is a very insensitive thing to say out loud and did nothing to further his argument. I definitely see where people are offended by his statement,. On the other hand, I also see how he could have had this stuff said to him by experts and how he could have said it, not thinking the fallout through. It was dumb, no doubt. I don't see it as him "justifying rape", "hating women" or making this one statement discrediting his entire career. He is running against Clair McCaskill and I would pretty much vote for a mentally ill monkey before her because I think she does, in fact, drink puppy blood..


    Ah the justification to an unjustifiable comment by Akin. It is no surprise how the Republican party can spew countless lies and still get elected.Oh did you hear? The sperm that ended up fertilising the egg which gave birth to Barack Obama was created while Obama's father was still in Kenya. According to a school of thought (from the medical community), this can be argued that Obama was indeed born in Kenya. It it a very insensitive thing to say out loud and I definitely see where people are offended by this statement. On the other hand, I can see how one can be influenced by Fox news and Republican party surrogates when giving this expert medically sound opinion.

  19. I just got this game as part of the steam summer sale. How do I go about joining the GC server? When I click on "online" -- I only see map names. There is no server browser.



  20. I haven't paying much attention; lots of driving and working but I will say this. Obama must be having a ball on his "I did it alone" victory tour around the country. He's been on a fundraising drive for a while now so he just got handed easy money when he single handily killed Osama all by himself.


    Admins, you may want to fork this over to political section of the forums:


    He got handed "easy money" because he wasn't the idiot who pulled troops out of Afghanistan to go fight the "war on terror" against a country that had no ties to the 9/11 attacks nor had WMDs (as was lied to us). Oh, he also didn't pose in front of a Mission Accomplished sign as well. Cause you know, the mission was accomplished when Osama was still alive and kicking. Oh and what is happening between that idiot letting him go and the current administration actually sending in troops to kill Osama? Yeah, Osama is grooming his many successors so that the new al-qaeda can operate without a central leader, thus making it much harder to defeat as an organisation now.


    Oh, and where was your criticism when Bush was having political gains when Saddam was captured? Did he personally capture Saddam?


    Oh, and I just want to end with: Bush administration failed at capturing Bin Laden. The administration the GOP calls "weak on national security" got him. Sucks when the truth sinks in, doesn't it? Actions speak louder than words.

  21. Lower taxes means more money in the pockets of those who own and run businesses. When you raise taxes the high wage earners try to make their salary stay the same so they cut jobs to save their own paycheck. When they aren't looking at protecting what they have they are looking to make more by expansion (more jobs) and this is the basis for why Ronald Reagan was considered the best president since Lincoln. He laid this theory out and then made it work. Thus why we walked on sunshine till halfway through Clinton's era.



    Here's what I do not get: Why do republicans consider it a fact, as if it is on the same level that the sky is blue, that Reaganomics was good? They state that "oh well, look at Reagan economics...look at how awesome that was!" when in fact it has been proven to not work? Trickle down economics does not work. He tripled the national debt and forced the largest income inequality since the statistic was tracked. Ten years of reaganomics meant that top 1% of earners grew their income by 80% while the bottom 90% grew by 3%. Awesome. Way to go Reagan! Way to go republicans! fooling the masses into voting for you even though they get screwed royally!

  22. I do not see why the right-wing/FOX news supporters continue to say "oh you just hate FOX news because we are awesome, #1 in ratings, makes a ton of money, blah blah blah, no real reason, blah blah blah" when it has been shown time and time again that FOX news...well it just isn't news. They lie. They are full of hypocrisy. They spread hate speech. They distort. They deceive. They spread fear. They organise/run/sponsor political movements. Why do you think they are such easy targets for comedians like Jon Stewart? One of his trademark "skits" (if you will call it that) is to use FOX news...against FOX news. He will put footage of FOX news pundits side by side, with the same person contradicting themselves over and over again. Even FOX news admits that their flagship programs...are not news. This is from FOX's own mouth.


    Liberals don't need to search very hard for evidence that Fox "News" is crap.

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