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Posts posted by Killer

  1. How was I in any way threatening you? I made a suggestion of giving you a chance to prove to everyone how "godly" you are at cs and live up to all the smack you talk.



    Please, next time read, you really are a total and complete moron.

  2. It's nice when you can catagorize people by how they type, talk, and use words in how they speak. He appears to be very young, immature, and illiterate.


    Then you go to people like Fatty, m0m, rev, maggy, they all use proper english, talk like a normal person, and you can tell their educated.


    (I have many spelling errors, dont need to tell me, I allready know)

  3. LMAO!


    Man and I thought the Special Need Kids at my school had problems.....(no offense to them or anything, some of them are cool)



    You remind me of someone I know. Is all big talk when hes behind his computer monitor, but in real life just a little kid with no muscle. I would love to step toe to toe with you in real life. Now heres the time where you say how big and bad you are and cant prove it. For all I knwo your a fat 7th grader who has no friends.


    If you think your so good, you dont need to tell everyone how good you are, people would just know. But it dosent appear that way.


    I got an idea, why dont you come to michigan, and attend the lan HSE (Head Shot ENT) Well lan it up, you will try to rape me, then we will put on the gloves, sound good?

  4. lmao, like everyone else hasnt jumped in at their own free will, gg.


    Yup, your so much better, hail to the all mighty vain...


    What does a clan's name have to do with anything?



    If MCC sucks so much, why did you play?



    This is something we say with football, and its so true. The ones who do all the talking are the ones who are scared, scared of defeat and know they arent all what they say they are. So keep talking vain.

  5. Ill 1v1 you, but o wait, your so incredibly good, you would rape me hardcore, rofl.



    I love people like you, think your so good, and take advantage of people in pubs that are just trying to have fun and not even trying.



    Comon I know your gonna bring up the MCC match, lets hear blab your mouth how much better you are than all of us monkeys.

  6. gj posting, I totally forgot to. IF any of you guys are interested, check out the LAN Party's forum and check out the pictures I have posted from the past HSE's. You hay have to dig a little bit though. ITs loads of fun.

  7. I have the best cig by far, and Im not just sayin it cuz its me. My cig looks professional.




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