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Posts posted by Killer

  1. A shut out for UofM against ND hasnt happened since 1902, this year UofM is truly an amazing team. I cant wait to see the rest of the games, expecially when we play Ohio in the Big House :)



    Michigan broke its own record and national record today for attendance 111,732 :)

  2. yout fighting a losing battle with this jeffe, ill be suprised if anyone from this community signs that thing besides you and your friends. And if im wrong im wrong.




    Watch m0m will go and do it just to tinkle me off.....

  3. People, my god, stay on topic and stop the fighting, I hate coming in to read a good topic and see people spamming useless things and flaming other people. A while ago, wasnt their a rule made against it?


    I mean look at jeffe's post, it has no point at all. "Thats a no-no" Are we in 3rd grade here? I dont think anyone else besides you is man. I thought their was rules against this useless spam in topics that dont involve anyone else. And yes, this topic dosent involve me, and im sorry.

  4. signing that petition isnt going to do ANYTHING, ever

    beat me to it. 5000 people, you think that matters? Theirs prolly 5000+ people in this state who play CS who dont care, and just wanna play CS for the fun and enjoyment, then throw in a few more whiners and complainers like yourself. It will do nothing.

  5. Please come to the wsf and csls server we need some pubers in there and its a new server.

    So you need like what... 12-16 year olds there? Maybe 17 for some... I can only imagine voice comm... :blink::twitch:

    LMFAO! O man...





    bahahahahahah, lmfao, I cant stop laughing.




    Mabye ill stop in sometime if im not in our DOH/DLM server that you so graciously helped populate.


    (notice spelling and scarcasm)

  6. Im just kind of interested as to why you would ban or kick someone for sayin that after you killed em. It it just one of your pet peeves? Im just wonderin, so dont get mad at me lol.

  7. Inferno,


    Your posting privs have been suspended due to your lack of judgement elsewhere in the forums, fyi.


    This response here to Gen's post is just, well, nevermind.


    Find somewhere else to make no sense.

    LMAO! o man Fatty, that was nice!

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