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Posts posted by ZeroDamage


    This should have happened a long time ago. There is no discussing politics with many people here without insults and mob warfare.


    Closing this wouldn't be necessary if the same rules and standards that are applied everywhere else was applied here.



    Says the one calling other people blind, lefties, ...etc, etc. Double standards, aye?




    Wait. So Identifying leftists as leftists is an insult? But calling me an idiot, etc isn't? And is it any surprise this place is getting closed down.

  2. This should have happened a long time ago. There is no discussing politics with many people here without insults and mob warfare.


    Closing this wouldn't be necessary if the same rules and standards that are applied everywhere else was applied here.

  3. I did cherry pick your post because the first thing I looked at, you drew an arrow to a story headline that said Paraplegic firefighter loses health insurance in a thread that is about Obamacare. The two are completely not related. It's very deceiving. I'm not sure if you were attempting to inform the rest of us.. or if you were just looking for anything to support your opinion.

    Just pointing out that there is a ton of information being put out. Still doesn't explain why you are ignoring the rest of the links but I can pretty much guess why.



    You should be able to name one stand alone, independent, benefit from the implementation of Obamacare.


    Sure, I can name one. It is an indisputable example to those that are paying attention that the democrats are liars and their policies are destructive.

    Such as minimum wage employees will now have health care that they can afford. - This is a fact. It is a benefit from implementing Obamacare and should be acknowledged when considering the pro's and con's... unless you believe people near the poverty line shouldn't have access to the same type of healthcare as middle class families.



    This goes to my point above. If you were paying attention, you would realize that people need to buy the policies or get fined. But alas, I don't care if you believe me. These forums are going away and you leftists can continue to pretend what is happening isn't happening.

  4. And here is more information. The Obama administration KNEW that millions would lose their coverage.


    If you read the Affordable Care Act when it was passed, you knew that it was dishonest for President Obama to claim that “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” as he did—and continues to do—on countless occasions. And we now know that the administration knew this all along. It turns out that in an obscure report buried in a June 2010 edition of the Federal Register, administration officials predicted massive disruption of the private insurance market.
    On Tuesday, White House spokesman Jay Carney attempted to minimize the disruption issue, arguing that it only affected people who buy insurance on their own. “That’s the universe we’re talking about, 5 percent of the population,” said Carney. “In some of the coverage of this issue in the last several days, you would think that you were talking about 75 percent or 80 percent or 60 percent of the American population.” (5 percent of the population happens to be 15 million people, no small number, but let’s leave that aside.)
    By “coverage of this issue,” Carney was referring to two articles. The first, by Chad Terhune of the Los Angeles Times, described a number of Californians who are seeing their existing plans terminated and replaced with much more expensive ones. “I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,” said one.
    The second article, by Lisa Myers and Hanna Rappleye of NBC News, unearthed the aforementioned commentary in the Federal Register, and cited “four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act” as saying that “50 to 75 percent” of people who buy coverage on their own are likely to receive cancellation notices due to Obamacare.

    And where did I get this propaganda according to NOFX? The website he claimed I should not be looking at.




    Paralyzed Firefighter kicked off insurance.... Did you bother reading this? http://www.myfoxdetr...uptcy-paralyzed-firefighter-to-lose-health-benefits


    It purposely leaves out the fact Detroit is filing for bankruptcy and this has absolutely no ties to Obamacare. Why expose yourself to such misinformation?


    You're kidding right? You cherry picked one link and expect that to debunk everything else including all of my other links? Did you bother reading anything else I've posted? Did you not read the title of the article? Where it says "A face to Detroit's bankruptcy: Paralyzed firefighter to lose health benefits?"




    When you search for facts to fit your opinion, you end up purposely missing the facts that don't fit your opinion.


    When you ignore facts that differ from your predetermined opinion, you end up missing the facts of what is actually going on around you.



    If you can't find one fact that why we should fund Obamacare, you are only looking for the facts you want to see.



    There isn't a single fact that leads me to believe we should fund Obamacare. Considering how I am actively informed, I would say that is a bad thing for the law.

  6. One has to lay at least part of the blame on the Insurance companies themselves, if one is being intellectually honest.


    It seems those companies are all too eager to dump their most expensive customers, whereas before they weren't allowed to, now they have an "out" to do so.


    Just part of the short-term growing pains of a change this large in a society as ingrained with corporatism as America.



    A lot of what is happening is that the plans that people have are no longer valid plans under the ACA. They do not have the required coverage and in many other cases, the costs of the plans skyrocket. Regardless, this entire thing is an outright disaster.

  7. Millions are losing their existing plans.



    (CBS News) CBS News has learned more than two million Americans have been told they cannot renew their current insurance policies -- more than triple the number of people said to be buying insurance under the new Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare.

    There have been estimates about hundreds of thousands of people losing coverage, CBS News' Jan Crawford reported on "CBS This Morning." CBS News has reached out to insurance companies across the country to determine some of the real numbers -- and this is just the tip of the iceberg, Crawford said. The people who are opening the letters are shocked to learn they can't keep their insurance policies despite President Obama's assurances to the contrary.

    The White House is on the defensive trying to explain it, after Mr. Obama repeatedly said, "If you like your doctor or health care plan, you can keep it."


  8. I tried playing the game drunk one night for a LP, but the amount of motion blur made me nauseous.


    Plus, I'm thinking about not doing LPs anymore because I can't possibly compete or compare to how LPs have become. Seems like acting like an over-exaggerated idiot with fake, overacting reactions gets you popular and I refuse to do that.


    Well live streaming via Twitch.tv seems to be the thing these days. I would however watch you play this if you did. I always found your reactions quite comical and amusing. And the fact that this game may be just a little insane.

  9. Instead of posting in this thread here about the Benghazi attack and how I believe the Obama administration actively tried to cover it, I am going to start a new topic about the piece that CBS's "60 Minutes" did last night.


    First, the link to the CBS site which has the video. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50157981n


    A quote straight from the site: "Benghazi was a planned, sophisticated attack by al Qaeda against a barely protected American outpost"

    That alone counters what Obama and his administration was saying immediately following the attack. That it was a spontaneous attack because of a youtube video. They KNEW so they tried to cover it up.


    An image of the facts that "60 Minutes" tweeted.





    Links to the above tweets in order:

    Link 1

    Link 2

    Link 3

    Link 4

    Link 5

    Link 6



    So in short, my guess is that this whole thing will get poo-poo'd because it got posted by me despite the facts. I am not sure what else you can call this other than an attempted cover-up by the administration. They knew they F'd up and tried to hide that fact because of the election in 2012.

  10. What unsupported claims have I made here ZD? You're so cute when you're being irrational. I literally have said nothing for or against Obamacare on this thread.


    PS - This:


    Weak to someone who cannot provide evidence of his own to back up his own unsupported claims.


    Is this: https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/tu-quoque


    LOLOLOL. You are such a narcissist that you don't even realize what you just did! Anyway. Unless you care to actually contribute, I plan on ignoring any further troll comments from you.



    Even when he finally admits his logical fallacy ZD throws blame back on others. Adorable.


    I admitted to nothing more than not making my point clearer for him to understand. What you did just now was commit the Fallacy Fallacy.

    In other words:


    "You presumed that because a claim has been poorly argued, or a fallacy has been made, that the claim itself must be wrong."




    Most countries with universal health care have a much smaller population in the U.S., and ZD was talking about such countries. Additionally, believe it or not, they also have many less hospitals. Population is a pretty weak counter here.


    Weak to someone who cannot provide evidence of his own to back up his own unsupported claims.

  12. Going back to when I said that the system can and will probably get overloaded and the hospitals and doctors getting overly burdened.




    People losing their healthcare because of Obamacare and the costs associated with it.






    The amazing Obamacare is just too costly for members of congress and their staff but not for us.




    I thought that Death Panel was a Sarah Palin myth.




    Just a few more sources. One of so friggin many that I see on a daily basis.



    I just did a quick refresh of Drudge to see if there is anything new. In the matter of a couple of hours, here is MORE information about how bad this law is. This is the difference between someone who pays attention on a regular basis and those that think they know what they really don't know.


    School district loses millions.



    Elderly lose their doctors because of Obamacare.




    There are other links related to the scams that are popping up to take advantage of people, etc. Not that anyone cares because it's more fun and education to insult and attack me.

  13. lol, ok ZD, you win. I am just going to leave you with this from an earlier post of mine:


    "First of all, ACA was not pushed through without anyone knowing what was in the bill.


    "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." -Nancy Pelosi, March 2010.



    My eyes bleed to much when I read your posts. Hopefully everyone else will leave as well, because this, like all your threads, are just worthless.






    This is why I just don't respond to your posts. Never mind the none stop logical fallacies; I just read the last few sentences and if I see an insult like this, I just ignore it and move.


    What I find comical is how much you are willing to respond to a "worthless thread."

  15. First, thanks Shaft for proving me right. You are incapable of participating without insults. You've trolled every thread in this forum and I do not expect you to change your behavior at any time in the future. You are after all an admin and represent GC and there was once a board member who participated in the trolling. The example was set and it's apparently okay.


    NOFX, perhaps I did not explain myself well but I do have a feeling you knew exactly what I was talking about but were looking for a cheap shot. Perhaps I deserved it because I cannot give any of you an inch nor can I assume you understand my meaning without detailed explanation. I will keep that in mind. Keep in mind that you are the one that introduced us all to the site about logical fallacies and perhaps this one applies to the current topic.


    To simply explain, I do not think the government has ever involved itself in a private sector business of any kind and ever made it better. As a matter of fact, pretty much everything they touch gets worse. Healthcare happens to be the current example of that.

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