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Posts posted by Bewildered

  1. Can you perform your job remotely?


    If you can't sell your house, can you rent it until you can?


    How easy is it for you to find a job in your field in that area?


    Can you live in two locations until you find a replacement job and/or your house is sold?

  2. That is horrible horrible news. Despite being wordy and repetitive, he was my favorite fantasy author; I like his series better than LotR and that is saying alot. I just started listening to his books again, on my drive in to work. Was hoping that Memory of Light would be done at about the time I finished the 11th book. Apparently he has good notes, and the final book may still be finished.

  3. So my wife decided that she hates her job and wants to go back to school -- and I support her 100% Problem is, she doesn't know what she wants to do. Any advice on career assessments, guides, etc.? Wondering if anyone else had the problem of not knowing what they wanted to do ..... did something help you identify what your dream job would be?

  4. ...i say just get rid of the voting...OFFICE ISNT A GOOD MAP


    Our shared enemy, the voters, are once again in control of the map cycle. Tookey, your leader, has asked me and my mother to teach you the F10'ing way, to cross the voters. We must do more than this. We must totally destroy all game play on the map cycle. The coalition and the entire universe depends on the map cycle. He who can destroy a thing controls a thing. I will take 100 of your members and train them. This 100 will train the thousands that remain. When game play stops, all eyes will turn to the map cycle. Mookie and even Fatty himself will be forced to deal with us. The map cycle will become the centre of the universe.

  5. dune cat



    Nice, first time I looked @ this I failed to notice the eyes. Very nice. :biglaugha:


    BTW ... I'm bored :wiggle2:

  6. Giving some cash seems to help sometimes. I know lunk gives about like 11,000 when it's 5-1. I've tried in the past, but i normally just give people with a T or CT in their name money (ma_givemoney t) :(



    Can that be automated? On my Thursday night server ... ;) ... they automatically add weapon restrictions to a team thats ahead by 5. I prefer the monies to the weapon restrictions tho.

  7. I would like to propose we try taking away the choice to pick teams one night to see just how even the teams can be.I always auto,every time i join.I feel that it is the only way to truly have a real way to make people play fair.


    Auto is silly. I expect the better players try to even themselves out. Ie, it doesn't make sense to have ZD, Nuggz, NorgmaN, M2, etc. all on the same team; and if you wanted to stack, its easy to wait and see which side you'd be on before you auto. Further, when you join, and say the teams are like:


    T: 10 ppl, score 4

    CT: 12 ppl, score 1


    Auto will put you on T, and possibly increase the stack. Pressing Tab might make you decide you should stack CT some more; but maybe the problem has already been fixed and you'd be overstacking CT. I usually watch the current game a bit and then pick a side accordingly. Unless I decide not to play, in which case I auto and F10 since spectate isn't always an available option. If the map is new I usually pick the hard side.

  8. You sure you're not thinkin of Contra? The server died down to just a few ppl last week when we moved to Contra, cuz ppl still have the old version. Although we went to Contra last night without any noticeable loss.

  9. I think the bigger problem than the rotation is the map votes that start near the end of a map. We played Office at least 3 times yesterday in a two hour period. I can not remember the last time we played Fire or Russka. Also, Lost Temple 2 beta is a worthy map for rotation or at least night time votes. But please, some change up in the rotation and the votes would be nice, some of us are really sick of Office.


    And by the way, MILL IS BROKEN! No matter what, it tells everyone that the versions do not match.


    I hear ya there -- I miss Fire and Russka.


    Now, the voting is part of an earlier rotation though right? I thought we didn't vote at night unless an admin threw up a vote. Still, it feels like I play the same maps over and over and over and over and over again. Sick of office, sick of gettin azteced. Dust2 gets old, but I'd rather play it 24-7 then have to endure 7 uncoordinated rounds of death on on Aztec, cbble, or inferno.


    I know its possible to have good games on these maps. Maybe we should be talkin about how to get some better coordination going. Maybe some map strategy discussions would help? I don't know anymore. Sometimes it seems like we just waste our 5 or so seconds at the beginning of a round complaining about the previous round. I just know that I hate playin some of these maps because without a coordinated team, we just get skunked. Four or five of these maps in a row makes for a bad night and makes me want to witch about the map cycle; and it doesn't help that the worst of these maps are one right after the other.

  10. So what is the current rotation now?

    Seems like (in no particular order) it must be:

    dust2, office, cbble, inferno, italy, season, aztec, losttemple_pro, nuke, cpl_mill, piranesi


    Is that right?

  11. How bout we git that thar link thang from teh front page pointin at them new fangled stats?


    Right now, it takes you to this:


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  12. I dislike it because it devolves into deathmatch except you can't shoot your teammates. No strategy, everyone runs off in every which direction. Horrible maps. No teamwork, can't rely on a teammate. Have to watch every direction at once for enemies. Go 16 rounds with the same damn weapon -- finally get a kill only to have it knifed away back to the original junk I started with. Teammates steal your kills -- don't know how many times I've had 70+ damage on someone only to have the kill stolen -- and it never gets better, its the same damn thing every Thursday.


    Oh, and did I mention its frustrating? And I usually show up and play still, but only because I want to play with you people.

  13. I am so sick of gungame. Do we really need to waste every thursday with this nonsense? I'd much rather play good ol objective based counterstrike. If people want to play death match on thursdays, why don't they just join a UT server -- CS is supposed to have team objectives.

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