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Posts posted by Fatty

  1. Here's what I posted in our private forums:


    I watched it. I didn't sense any aimbots by any means.


    The second kill in middle high: you have to keep in mind that you don't see exactly what he does. It may be a few frames off. The shots, from our recorded point of view, were obviously into the wall.


    Firing into wall in B hall: This would raise a question in anyone's book. He was firing right where that cove is on the other side.


    Kills as T from middle high: again, you see the lag as both players fire when you can't see the other. People whining but I saw 2 legit kills there.


    Conclusion: If we knew the guy, we wouldn't say he was cheating, so I guess we should give him the benefit of the doubt.


    That's my take.

  2. as_oilrig has replaced cs_havana on Plat's rotation.


    Here's your current cycle:






















  3. Ohhh...just listened to the song. Poor boy, he should have known better. Fact is, my daughter was playing right behind me, so that stepped it up to a route ban.

  4. Whoa, didn't know that was possible. Never saw a setting on that. Please remove the sound. Browsing forums should be like walking into the library, not a school lunchroom.

  5. Some of you are idiots, some are cool.

    I own some of you, some of you own me.

    Many of you are new, some have been around too long (like me).

    Some of you post here too much, some don't even register.

    Many of you talk to much in voicecomm, some don't even have a mic.

    Lots of you think you can nade, some even can!

    Lots of you enjoy our server, some witch about it constantly.

    Many respect the swear filter, a few of you have been banned messing around with it.

    Some of you will never read this, others don't even care.


    But anyways, all of you make up our community, which I enjoy shootin around with when I have some spare time. So whoever you are, whatever your problem, thanks for being around so I have some guys to aim at!


    I'm not goin anywhere.

  6. I know that I don't tolerate people whining cheater while I'm admin. We went through this in 1.3 didn't we? The same reason you don't call everyone who kills you a cheater should be the basis for the same reason that you can ignore accusations. I don't play enough anymore to know how hard it can be at the top....


    In the words of Curly Bill: Well.....bye.

  7. make sure you watcht he demo with eax or a3d enabled.

    I too have defended people who are called hackers and I reply, "I was right on him, and heard what he did or more, and also knew where people his enemies were." Eax is simply incredible....and, as I've said before, hearing is probably 60% of my game (having no other game that leaves me with only 60 :( )


    Sparky is going about it right. Have the guy come on in. We'll take a look at his stuff, even post it here for others to view to.

  8. We just "stacked" the T team on volare, but pushed the numbers up on CT side. Great fun! Hope the CTs thought it was semi-fair tonight....


    PS. Lol didn't see the topic went on to me. I was speaking about tonight, btw.


    I look at this whole thing this way. Everyone loves to dominate...so I'll put my time in getting whooped w/o whining about it. :ph34r:

  9. If you come back to visit the forums and are mystified because you thought you posted something, we may have deleted it. I'm asking that the moderators delete any posts that are completely off-topic and/or a waste of people's time.


    For example, in a topic about colored models, someone asks if anyone likes another person's avitar, and that's all they said. They contributed nothing to the conversation at-hand.


    However, posts in Wonderland will not be monitored this way. Go there if your style is not conversational.

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