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Posts posted by glgl




    After switching headsets My CSGO is way too loud. Every player in mumble comes in fine to me but they get blasted over by CSGO in game voice. San' you're quiet to me in everything, but I can still hear you fine. I think its just the way you talk. I can't hear anyone in mumble or VENT with this new headset when stuffs going down in CSGO but @ least with the overlay I can tell quickly if someone is talking in Mumble or game ( admin stuff) In vent I would get confused a lot as to which voice comm was used. Just my 2 cents

    San mumbles, it's the fact.

    You can lower voice in game, duh. :P

    Mumble is ok, vent is ok too. The only feature that puts one above the other is the in-game chat indicator.

    um.....there is no way to lower voice in game.......that works. Steam voice comm settings do nothing.

    I will look into it when I'm home.



    lol, nothing to look in to. Receiving in-game voices haven't been able to be turned down since CSGO came out basically. One of the reasons I need to mute people so often is because I can't turn overall voice receiving down. Not sure why Valve hasn't been able to fix that >_>

  2. I miss the 128tic and found registry and flow much higher (obviously).


    What I am seeing a problem with, as Turn mentioned, is when the server is full. We'll play a few maps and it will be great and smooth but as soon as we hit the high 20s the server becomes choppy and delayed. It's been happening a lot


    So, could the 128tic not be the problem? Would love for our server to be 128 again :)

  3. Should we put up a poll to see how many people can actually commit to going? We all had a great time last year and it was fun meeting and gaming with everyone.


    I know from our group last year we have:


    Dirty Bird




    Mohawk (New to this year)



    Black ice

  4. I am, at this very moment, putting a very angry, very thick, line through Nightlings name on my list. Like a boss.








    He sent me a picture of the line, which was so thick it took 4 pictures

  5. Unfortunately I already had a vacation planned from August 4-8, falling directly between the 2 weekends up for debate still. I will not be able to attend, as I'll already be taking off for this, and I know for a fact I'll have to work the weekend of August 9-10 when I get back. Have fun.


    Boooo Nightling, boooo

  6. I'm in. BWH is fine, kinda' sucked to drive, but, worst case scenario if you're hammered...just chill out for a few hours and then drive back, the hall's not going anywhere. And it had good food options nearby.


    More people better start speaking up about going! All of us (xt group) have already been planning for this! :)


    Would we be able to get a better table setup at BWH this year?

  7. 1. This ban should remain 1 week - next time it will be longer if you aren't able to understand the basic rules.

    2. Here is a reminder, I suggest reading over them once more: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/34619-gc-rulescode/

    - Please reach out to an admin/senior member if you are confused/don't understand or have general questions about the rules.

    3. I've seen you comment on several ban posts here, so I don't understand why you would tell Cat not to comment (He is an admin, you are not)

    4. Please follow the proper guidelines when posting in the un-ban section, reminder here: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/303-welcome-to-the-banned-forums-read-this-first/


    I would also suggest trying to understand why you were banned instead of mouthing off the reasons on why you disagree with it.

  8. Told ya, they fixed it :)


    [ GAMEPLAY ]
    - Weapon adjustments based on data collected:
    -- Increased Aug recoil
    -- Reduced Aug rate of fire
    -- Reduced Aug and Sg553 scoped run speeds
    -- Increased Desert Eagle accuracy recovery by 2.5%
    - Improved scope visuals for Aug and Sg553.
    - Aug now has a new firing sound.
    - Pressing the walk key while running now properly decelerates your speed to walking instead of instantly capping it.
    - Fixed regression that broke environment fog not being reduced when zoomed with a scoped weapon.

  9. Nice post. I didn't actually realize they reduced running / spray accuracy. It's always seemed atrocious to run and gun anyway. I don't know much about how badly the p90 got nerfed, and I'm not sure how much it needed it. In competitive MM pugs, I don't see many people using them who are ranked above a badge. Things get kind of hairy though when I come across single aks who can headshot me across a map with a pro-90, so I guess I'm glad that will happen less now. The thing is, I kind of like that people use a variety of guns now. I don't want them to balance the game again so that the only viable guns are m4 / ak / awp / deagle. That's just boring. While the AUG is OP now, it actually feels nice to use a different gun (especially since it must feel like hacking playing with the AUG as it is now).


    The P90 really didn't change that much in my opinion, It's still an extremely effective 2nd round gun. I use it all the time in mm 2nd round - best way to stop a rush :P


    The updates that they made were actually very good and does require a player to use more skill. However, the AUG.... You don't even need to know how to control recoil because it basically has none. Also the fire rate is out of control so by the time someone shoots with a more powerful gun the person with an AUG has already fired 2-5 bullets. They'll "fix"/"adjust" it just like they did with the deagle when they ruined it. I give it a week or so.

  10. Well, I submitted a ticket to altPug and this was their response:


    Hello Kevin,


    Thank you for contacting altPug support.


    In our current rules, using such a script is not considered illegal. However, it is possible that rule changes could be made. Regardless, I advise not to use it as it is likely to get changed relatively soon.



    So basically altPug said it's legal so...

    Forget about it. I'll just stop using the script :nosmile:


    lol, I just don't get what you think you are getting from it? Won't improve your aim, might slightly dampen your recoil (yet hurt you in the long run) and any player who can control their recoil and aim will shoot you while walking around anyway :)


    Practice strafe shooting and recoil patterns, that's what will help



    As some good people here already pointed out, it's illegal exploit, in other words it's called scripting. When one enters a competition, officials tend to check your configuration. This will get you disqualified in a heartbeat.

    Playing online with this script won't get you banned and as San already mentioned, it's undetectable.


    No - you can actually detect it. I knew a player who used to have the crouch/shoot bind and he got banned for a season from CAL back in the day.

    It's hard to see but definitely detectable. Just watch a demo of a player running around. There will be instances where you wouldn't just start walking when shooting, and especially after you do it 100% of the time.


    I don't understand why you would want to add that bind anyway - Just learn how to strafe shoot.



    Survey says: CAL Anti Cheat detected it, not a human review.


    lol, was actually admins that reviewed it and banned :>




    So this happened yesterday. After carrying my team in a competitive matchmaking game going 26 and 8, my team lost. Guess what happened next. I got deranked to silver elite master just because my team didn't win...

    So basically I'm looking for a group to play competitive matchmaking around my rank (Silver Elite-Gold Nova 2), feel free to add me. Oh and also my new name is "Horace" after a bunch of people thought I was some guy from youtube... Unless, of course, you guys are too pr0 to be that rank.

    I'm just sick of deranking for the incompetence of my team.



    How did you only die 8 times, when your team would have had to lose 16 rounds? If you can post a screenshot of that, I'll gift you an m4 skin


    If plays anything like he does on the pub he's hiding in some random spot trying to taze people instead of accomplishing the objective. :biglaugha:



    Which would be the opposite of "carrying a team" lol :E

  13. As some good people here already pointed out, it's illegal exploit, in other words it's called scripting. When one enters a competition, officials tend to check your configuration. This will get you disqualified in a heartbeat.

    Playing online with this script won't get you banned and as San already mentioned, it's undetectable.


    No - you can actually detect it. I knew a player who used to have the crouch/shoot bind and he got banned for a season from CAL back in the day.

    It's hard to see but definitely detectable. Just watch a demo of a player running around. There will be instances where you wouldn't just start walking when shooting, and especially after you do it 100% of the time.


    I don't understand why you would want to add that bind anyway - Just learn how to strafe shoot.

  14. We actually had a guy get banned for an entire year during a scrim. Completely blatant cheater, and the ban for hacking during cmm is one year. Was pretty funny and satisfying to see :P Doesn't happen enough though lol

    • Like 1
  15. The one disheartening things about CMM is that after every Steam CSGO sale, scrims are flooded with hackers who just buy a ton of accounts to cheat on. It has after the Christmas sale been way worse then before. This happens in waves and until they have all eventually been banned or gotten bored it gets quite ridiculous. We have probably gone 2-8 in our past 10 scrims. Out of the 8 losses 6 of them had ridiculously obvious hackers on them, all with day old accounts.


    We were all (me, discom, dirty, mo, cujo) Supreme master first class or whatever it is before Christmas and have now ranked down to eagles and master guardians lol. Not that we care, because the rank says nothing about you skill unfortunately.


    The foundation for the rank system is great.. Higher skills get matched together for more even matches etc.. However, due to the high amount of pathetic cheaters, the higher skill you now have the more likely you are to play cheaters with freshly bought accounts.


    I still love matches because of the teamwork that is required (in a good honest match), but just have to ride out this wave of hackers ;l

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