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Posts posted by SuperJo

  1. I dont really know where this should belong but, I have a problem at school. At school they have a firewall so I cant play during the school year basically, except for breaks. However I found a program that should let me. I was never able to autheticate, this should allow me to, but I need someone to be the relay.


    If your interested in helpin me out, someone who has their computer on like 24/7. Read this http://www.planethalflife.com/features/tec...tcprelay_a.shtm

  2. My friend, his ingame name is mp5.daddy or Josh, he got banned today I believe, im not quite sure. He told me he left his computer on with CS going, and his little brother went on who doesnt really know the game. Between my friend and I we dont kno what his little brother did, but he is now banned. My friend enjoys playing at your server very much, and is very sorry this has happened. I totally believe him, he is really sorry.


    won id: 1753648152


    Thank you for your time

  3. Whenever I exit CS after trying or joining a game, if i dont it doenst happen(like i stay in the menus):

    I cant start CS again.

    Internet explorer doesnt respond after like 1 website.

    maybe some other things but I dont know.

    I have to restart everytime to solve this. Anyone know how I could fix this. I kno its a very general problem with no specific error.

  4. I started playing at 1.0, and then around 1.3 i lost ties with old servers and stopped for a bit. I decided to play again and the first server I went to was Platinum T3 in august last year.

  5. Just like to say thanks. You guys have a great server and your doing a good job with it. The plugins are just enough and all. Anyways just like to express my gratitude to you guys.

  6. Well right now I have a dell computer, with a Sb512 Pci sound card, a geforce3ti200, yah i could keep my monitor and mouse and keyboard and i use a stereo connected to my computer for speakers. It has a CDRW and DVD drive. I dont want to spend to much, but I would really like an upgrade and a total redo-over.


    This nforce2 thing? Are you saying it is a motherboard+videocard+soundcard+processor?! how does that work?>

  7. I think ive seen this topic before, but If I have never built a computer before, but I know a little, like I've opened up my computer before and changed RAM, VideoCards, Fans, and Sound Cards. Would it be better to buy a new computer from some dealer, or to try to build my own. If I dont want to spend much, I might just stay with my current setup, I dont know.


    So should I buy a new computer from like Dell or Alienware or something? Or build my own, or stay with my current setup. If I build how should i do that like Buy them all from a website and they will do it for me:)? or send it to me.


    my current setup is a

    Dell 4300S, 1.7 Ghz 768 SDRAM,

    Geforece 3 ti200 with 64

    a pci sb512 sound card

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