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Posts posted by Slaphappy

  1. oh ya almost forgot...second stop after you get the buggy...when you look through the viewfinder thingy that the Overwatch guy was looking through....he's off talking to someone in the distance



  2. Then the last stop on your boat when you jump through the litte open door on the left (right afteward you get out and go onto next level blackmesa east i belive) he's off in he distance before you go flip he switchgmanwaterdoors.jpg

  3. So we all remeber the G-man popping up all through HL. And he did it again in HL2 but he's a little harder to spot some times. So post up pics of your g-man sighting and lets see how many we can find. Please keep the pic size low. (about 640x480) and no need to post up pics twice....For thouse of you who can't host them there is a free website that extreemly easy to use that I've been using for some time now. http://www.walagata.com/

    give a short summery of where the pic as taken.



    Fist stop on underground RR. The Vor...whatever they are called is powering the TV for a few secs before he turns to talk to you...It's my fav show :D

  4. Don't get me wrong I like having a possie with me. Esp when they give me health and ammo. Thats great. But if one of thouse freaken little peeons tells me to reload my gun one more time I'm gonna go apenuts on them. Oh I am the mighty Free Man you'll all bow down and worship me...and tell me to reload my gun evey 5 seconds. I'VE BEEN DOING THIS LONGER THAN YOU I'LL RELOAD WHEN I'M GOOD AND READY SO tinkle OFF.


    On a side note I love this game



    and just incase anyone doesn't ever read these I'll post it up



  5. Wow. that game was awsome. I've finished with the first play through. Now I'm gonna go back and play it on hard (was just on normal). But first I'm gonna go play through that last level again, I don't think i've ever had the much fun just slaughering baddies.....now if only I could use that gun in CSS then life would be really good

  6. slapside.jpg


    one of the pics of my current case. I have plans for a new case (not using my old one at all) but We'll see how much funds I have and how much it will cost to make it.


    I'm only in the drafting stages. Get a theme and try to run with it. So Time will Tell. hehe.


    I just looking to see if there are people out there who enjoy this as much as I do, and are willing to show off there ideas made real at the lan. Be silly and creative, see how you can spice up your current case in a new and differn't way.


    Windows are neet and led fans are cool, but see what you can do to really make your case stand out. You don't have to spend alot of money, you just have to aquire the tools.

  7. I must say I loved modding my case for FF04, I'd never done it before and it turned out great. Well It not something I do often, and I need a reason to do it. So what do we say who's up for another case mod competition?


    We've done it once we've seen peoples computers, now that everyone knows what there dealing with lets have another go round.


    If anyone is actually interested in case mod competition at FF 05 post up now. You still have lots of time but take it from someone who learn the hard way....it don't happen over night. I was a first time modder, never having had a dremel in hand before, but I'd like to encourage anyone who thought it might be interesting to step up and make there rig look awesome for FF 05



    My messed up little brain is already storming with ideas, who else want to join me in friendly competition? :boing:






    eat it. blag

  9. Gond = guy who had the moto that was parked in the back?


    here is pic of the guy to wich they where speaking. Likewise i thought this was homeowner too



  10. OK here are pics of the top 3 cases


    Num 3 [VI] Swoop




    Num 2 All Killer



    Num 1 [VI] Slaphappy




    The pics give you and idea but don't do any of the cases justice. Alot of people did alot of work on their cases and eveyone deserved a big hand.

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